Between the two, which would you rather see gone from the game?

I often see two beaten horses stuck in time loop, and it's a tragedy. If you could only select one between the two, which would you rather see gone from the game?
Edited by Megabear on October 2, 2017 6:41PM
Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
Warden Stamina DPS Build:
Server - PC/NA
Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton

Between the two, which would you rather see gone from the game? 356 votes

Performance issues
laurajfMorbashCavalryPKSorianatizoddfastolfv_ESOSolarikennexxus_ESOFat_Cat45Kikazaruvailjohn_ESOkevlarto_ESOArtisMojmirNewBlacksmurfBigBraggdeepseamk20b14_ESOKilandrosOsteosSincero580b14_ESO 286 votes
NestorKarius_ImaltharCaligamy_ESOArobainCapnPhotonCpt_TeemoMithoronPlagueSDIruil_ESODanikatthomas1970b16_ESOauronessb16_ESOKorah_Eaglecrystarkerealmwhiteshadow711jppreub18_ESOsrfrogg23Elsonsotreyu86MasterSpatulaSigma957 70 votes
  • Tandor
    In theory they're both equally game-breaking, in practice I don't suffer from either. I'll be interested to see how those who do suffer from them prioritise them tho.
  • Megabear
    Performance issues
    While bots are annoying and I'd love to see them gone, I suffer from performance issues greatly so I'm forced to choose that one.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • Aurie
    Performance issues
    I also don't suffer from either, but out of the two performance issues are far more of a game-breaker.
  • PlagueSD
    Bots...I have no control over them. Performance issues can be fixed with better hardware/lowering game visuals.
  • Vizier
    Performance issues
    Of course the immediate problem is performance issues, but...

    ...I'd rather see both gone from the game.
  • Enslaved
    Performance issues
    This is biased pool. Sure all would love to see performance issues gone.
  • Bombashaman
    I don't have any performance issues, so...bots.
  • FakeFox
    Performance issues
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Bots...I have no control over them. Performance issues can be fixed with better hardware/lowering game visuals.

    Nope they can't. Or at least you can't, maybe if ZOS would upgrade their hardware it would help.

    Too many of the issues are sever- or enginesided. Even on top end systems it runs rather poorly.
    Edited by FakeFox on October 2, 2017 7:03PM
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • PlagueSD
    FakeFox wrote: »
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Bots...I have no control over them. Performance issues can be fixed with better hardware/lowering game visuals.

    Nope they can't. Or at least you can't, maybe if ZOS would upgrade there hardware it would help.

    Well, since I don't experience any of these "performance issues" that everyone speaks of, I'd have to disagree.

    I'm constant 50+ fps and below 120 ping when playing. The last time I experienced a disconnect from the game was when my cable modem decided to reboot.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    Performance issues
    Don't see too many bots in Cyrodiil, and if I did they would be free AP.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Performance issues is quite a broad thing to tackle and would be great if the game ran smoothly and the way its intended. But performance issues is something every online game faces. Its not the worst it could be and often blamed for things that have nothing to do with performance issues.

    Bots on the other hand are just down right embarrassing. It makes the game look cheap and the company too understaffed to tackle the issue.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Asardes
    Performance issues
    I don't live off farming mats so I don't care about bots.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
    vMA (The Flawless Conqueror) | vVH (Spirit Slayer & of the Undying Song) | vDSA | vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL | vAS+1 | Emperor

    PC-EU CP 3000+
    41,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Pact Veteran Trade: Exemplary
    Traders of the Covenant: God of Sales
    Tamriels Emporium: God of Sales
    Valinor Overflow: Trader
    The Traveling Merchant: Silver

    Asardes | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 50 | Master Crafter: all traits & recipes, all styles released before High Isle
    Alxaril Nelcarion | 50 High Elf Sorcerer | AD AR 20 |
    Dro'Bear Three-paws | 50 Khajiit Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Veronique Nicole | 50 Breton Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Sabina Flavia Cosades | 50 Imperial Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Ervesa Neloren | 50 Dark Elf Dragonknight | EP AR 20 |
    Fendar Khodwin | 50 Redguard Sorcerer | DC AR 20 |
    Surilanwe of Lillandril | 50 High Elf Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Joleen the Swift | 50 Redguard Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Draynor Telvanni | 50 Dark Elf Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Claudius Tharn | 50 Necromancer | DC AR 20 |
    Nazura-la the Bonedancer | 50 Necromancer | AD AR 20 |

    Tharkul gro-Shug | 50 Orc Dragonknight | DC AR 4 |
    Ushruka gra-Lhurgash | 50 Orc Sorcerer | AD AR 4 |
    Cienwen ferch Llywelyn | 50 Breton Nightblade | DC AR 4 |
    Plays-with-Sunray | 50 Argonian Templar | EP AR 4 |
    Milariel | 50 Wood Elf Warden | AD AR 4 |
    Scheei-Jul | 50 Necromancer | EP AR 4 |

    PC-NA CP 1800+
    30,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Savage Blade: Majestic Machette

    Asardes the Exile | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 30 |
  • Loralai_907
    Performance issues
    Obviously, performance is more important than bots. But, I would prefer that both were dealt with.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Shardan4968
    Bots should be burned alive. Screw performance, I want botters to suffer.
  • mb10
    Performance issues
    Who on Earth cares about bots?

    No idea why players get so emotional about them, thats ZOS' problem, not yours.
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    Performance issues
    Bots don't directly affect my game play.

    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
    Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
    Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
    Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
    Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
    Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
    Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
    Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

    Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
    PC/NA - CP 2400+
  • iiYuki
    Performance issues
    It's wonderful to see loads of players in cities fills the world with real players, but it would be nice to have several settings modes, one for small group content mainly PvE dungeons and solo and another for places loading lots of players, cities and PvP for example.
    WoW has a "raid mode" that activates when entering a raid, that way you can drop draw distance and other fancy effects to boost FPS so you aren't running around at <30FPS in high pop zone or places with lots of effects.
    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song:
  • menedhyn
    Performance issues
    I haven't been directly affected by bots. Though infrequent, I have suffered from some performance issues, namely high latency and a few disconnects, usually during busier periods*. Nothing too significant, just a bit frustrating.

    *(if my not-very-scientific testing and recording is anything to go by)
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • sadownik
    Tandor wrote: »
    In theory they're both equally game-breaking, in practice I don't suffer from either. I'll be interested to see how those who do suffer from them prioritise them tho.

    Oh really? You dont participate in ESO economy at all? Interesting...
  • srfrogg23
    Bots can go.

    I only get some frame rate dips in heavily populated areas. Different hardware can mitigate performance issues.

    Bots on the other hand are cheating. It screws up the game economy by flooding the market and in general is a nuisance.
  • Runs
    I can't believe people think they aren't affected by bots.

    They affect everyone, whether or not you believe it. They have an impact on the in game economy, both in what they are selling in game and the gold they are selling. I know some people claim to love them because "cheap tempers" but those tards seem to over look all the gold inflation these bots are bringing to the game, driving the prices UP instead of down.

    They have an impact on the perception of how cheaters are handled in this game, and as a result people tend not to give a *** and use any exploit they find because... Judging by actions not taken against bots and comments in threads like these it seems no one cares about cheaters in this game, neither ZOS nor players who believe there is no impact on them.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • Megabear
    Performance issues
    Runs wrote: »
    I can't believe people think they aren't affected by bots.

    They affect everyone, whether or not you believe it. They have an impact on the in game economy, both in what they are selling in game and the gold they are selling. I know some people claim to love them because "cheap tempers" but those tards seem to over look all the gold inflation these bots are bringing to the game, driving the prices UP instead of down.

    They have an impact on the perception of how cheaters are handled in this game, and as a result people tend not to give a *** and use any exploit they find because... Judging by actions not taken against bots and comments in threads like these it seems no one cares about cheaters in this game, neither ZOS nor players who believe there is no impact on them.

    Wow, this is really insightful. Literally.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • Jeremy
    Performance issues
    Megabear wrote: »
    I often see two beaten horses stuck in time loop, and it's a tragedy. If you could only select one between the two, which would you rather see gone from the game?

    Performance issues hands down.

    Nothing ruins your gaming experience like awful lag does.

    Bots are annoying, but won't entirely ruin the game for me like lag can.
  • Tandor
    Runs wrote: »
    I can't believe people think they aren't affected by bots.

    They affect everyone, whether or not you believe it. They have an impact on the in game economy, both in what they are selling in game and the gold they are selling. I know some people claim to love them because "cheap tempers" but those tards seem to over look all the gold inflation these bots are bringing to the game, driving the prices UP instead of down.

    They have an impact on the perception of how cheaters are handled in this game, and as a result people tend not to give a *** and use any exploit they find because... Judging by actions not taken against bots and comments in threads like these it seems no one cares about cheaters in this game, neither ZOS nor players who believe there is no impact on them.

    In most MMOs I would agree with you so far as the impact of bots on the economy affecting everyone is concerned. However, given the restricted nature of the trading system in ESO many players take little or no part in it and are therefore unaffected by the economy and any impact on it that bots may have. For example, I've never sold a single item other than to a NPC merchant since the PC launch and in all that time have probably bought about 3 items from guild traders at a maximum price of a couple of hundred gold per item.

    Competitive players in both PvE and PvP are obviously impacted by exploiters, but not all players by any means are playing competitively.

    I would never claim that nobody is affected by bots or exploiters, but I would equally never accept the claim that everybody is affected by them. It's entirely down to playstyle as to whether you're affected or not. Many are, many are not.

    Of course, I don't condone botters or exploiters, far from it. I am merely explaining why some people can legitimately say that they are not affected by them.
    Edited by Tandor on October 2, 2017 10:40PM
  • Jeremy
    Performance issues
    Tandor wrote: »
    Runs wrote: »
    I can't believe people think they aren't affected by bots.

    They affect everyone, whether or not you believe it. They have an impact on the in game economy, both in what they are selling in game and the gold they are selling. I know some people claim to love them because "cheap tempers" but those tards seem to over look all the gold inflation these bots are bringing to the game, driving the prices UP instead of down.

    They have an impact on the perception of how cheaters are handled in this game, and as a result people tend not to give a *** and use any exploit they find because... Judging by actions not taken against bots and comments in threads like these it seems no one cares about cheaters in this game, neither ZOS nor players who believe there is no impact on them.

    In most MMOs I would agree with you so far as the impact of bots on the economy affecting everyone is concerned. However, given the restricted nature of the trading system in ESO many players take little or no part in it and are therefore unaffected by the economy and any impact on it that bots may have. For example, I've never sold a single item other than to a NPC merchant since the PC launch and in all that time have probably bought about 3 items from guild traders at a maximum price of a couple of hundred gold per item.

    Competitive players in both PvE and PvP are obviously impacted by exploiters, but not all players by any means are playing competitively.

    I would never claim that nobody is affected by bots or exploiters, but I would equally never accept the claim that everybody is affected by them. It's entirely down to playstyle as to whether you're affected or not. Many are, many are not.


    Their economic impact is going to be negligible for most players because they are selling to NPCs anyway.

    Back in the early days of beta (when bots were a serious problem) dominating spawn points was the real offender.
  • Malic
    Neither are going anywhere. If they could fix the lag, and rid the game of bots they likely would have by now. If people expect them too, that would mean you believe they can fix the problem and wont and thats pretty damming.

    This isnt a new game anymore.
  • Juhasow
    Performance issues
    It's almost obvious that Bots option will be chosen by those who dont have performance issues.
  • MasterSpatula
    Actually eliminating performance issues is a utopian pipe dream. There's no Viagra for MMOs. It's an online game. Internet latency will always be an issue. Graphics performance, difference from one rig to another, etc. It's not solvable. Improvements are certainly possible, but the problem cannot be eliminated

    Bots are a solvable problem, though. All ZOS has to do is their damn jobs. Put GMs in game at all times to deal with reports as they occur. Doing that shouldn't even be optional. They could get rid of bots as soon as they appear. They'd just rather keep payroll down.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on October 3, 2017 12:08AM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • SecretAtoz
    Performance issues
    How about two birds with one stone? I don't know how many bots are roaming around, but if we removed all bots, there will be less stress on the server.
  • Betsararie
    Performance issues
    What *** do I give about bots? They don't affect me and I barely see them.
    Edited by Betsararie on October 3, 2017 12:28AM
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