Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Take Your RNG and....

  • Faunter
    Cryptical wrote: »
    Math wrong. You forgot to move the decimal when converting to a percentage.


    Math still wrong. You forgot that to refine once, you need 10 mats and not 1.

  • Cryptical
    It’s pretty much guaranteed that they have a tremendously manipulated RNG. Example: the 40ish minute cooldown on being able to pickpocket one of the hlaalu / telvanni / resoran motifs. Example: they culled certain traits from the loot tables on some sets. Example: all those nix hounds people got from crates because a certain percentage of cards were scripted as a high chance to go to a specific category of reward, and that hound was the only item in that reward category... when the odds are programmed to have 30% (example number) chance of a pet, and the only item in the ‘pet’ category is a nix hound, then there will be a lot of those hounds handed out in a ‘random’ drawing. So, yeah, their RNG has so many thumbs on the scale it really isn’t random.

    The coming method to change the trait on items is a huge step away from their manipulated RNG. Hopefully they go full strength with it, and let people change darn near any item they want.
    Xbox NA
  • zyk
    This isn't extremely abnormal and will even out over time. For every bad run like this, there will be a good run before or after that compensates. I can say that because I've probably refined over a million raw mats and used to record my results.

    One time when I had consistently bad results, I realized that I had reset my skill points at some point before and forgot to put points into the Wood Extraction passive. It's always a good idea to check that when on a bad run.
  • SoLooney
    I refined 500 ruby ash and got 4 rosin, refined 600 leather 5 wax, u got unlucky, but if youre done with the game, can i has your 2 wax?
  • LadyLethalla
    Should I mention refining 140 ore last week and getting 4 Alloys...?

    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Cpt_Teemo
    SoLooney wrote: »
    I refined 500 ruby ash and got 4 rosin, refined 600 leather 5 wax, u got unlucky, but if youre done with the game, can i has your 2 wax?

    Yeah, rng is weird sometimes I refined about 900 ore earlier today got like 3 alloys, refined another 250 from hirelings today got 8 i mean really rng lol
  • Banana
  • Nemesis7884
    Davor wrote: »
    I work, and I am dead tired when I get home. I use to play ESO but for some reason it just seems like work. I work all day, I don't want to work when I get home.

    honetly, this is EXACTLY as i feel as well
  • Olupajmibanan
    Cryptical wrote: »
    Math wrong. You forgot to move the decimal when converting to a percentage.


    Math wrong again.
    It's actualy 1,75%.

    He did not do 1140 observations. He refined 1140 raw mats what is 114 observations, out of which two was positive.
  • Hawco10
    Happens so many times. Refine 10 leather and get a wax or two, refine 200 and get zip. Story of my life lol.
    Gave up farming in dungeons for the random drops. As someone says above, it feels like work. So now, I'll make or buy what I need and move on. No more 200 runs through COS or any other dungeon, no sir.
  • Cryptical
    Faunter wrote: »
    Cryptical wrote: »
    Math wrong. You forgot to move the decimal when converting to a percentage.


    Math still wrong. You forgot that to refine once, you need 10 mats and not 1.

    Cryptical wrote: »
    Math wrong. You forgot to move the decimal when converting to a percentage.


    Math wrong again.
    It's actualy 1,75%.

    He did not do 1140 observations. He refined 1140 raw mats what is 114 observations, out of which two was positive.

    Xbox NA
  • RedFireDisco
    Try 18 months of dungeons for NO malubeth shoulder.

    Finally got one the other day... From the golden vendor.

    I bought it just to have it.

    Probably chewed a 1000 keys to somehow never land a single malubeth shoulder in ANY trait.

    What are those odds?
  • Ilithyania
    thats crap. 100 Raw is usually 1-2 Wax for me.

    RNG is Life. Life aint fair
  • disintegr8
    Most of my gold improvement items come from crafting writs and hireling mails - far more reliable than refining RNG.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Lets not forget those aetheric cypher insta millionaires...
  • Slick_007
    206 tempering alloy, 250 dreugh wax, 290 rosin

    i get some from hirelings, lots from refining mats. im currently only refining like 150 of each per day.

    i havent been counting but i certainly get a reasonable amount from refining.

    iv used some alloy and some wax, no rosin i think.
  • AuraNebula
    ereboz wrote: »
    The rng is pretty awful in this game. I've been farming darkshade for months for my netch set. Only need 1 ring and it hasn't dropped at all in the last 15 runs

    The named ring drops from the dwemer sphere boss I believe. A lot of people skip it make sure you're killing it.
  • Darkestnght
    One thing I have noticed is that if I am not getting gold items when refining the first 100 mats I just back out and wait and try it again later. Once I start getting those gold items I keep going and usually see more than a few come through.
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • Colecovision
    Bladefyr wrote: »
    ...shove it!

    Seriously! 1140 raw clothier materials refined this morning and 2....yes TWO Dreugh Wax. Now, I don't know if you and the game just have something against me, but I'm damned sure that a drop rate/refine rate of .00175% should NEVER happen! When combined with the unicorn (any desirable dungeon/trial weapon) drop rates, it really promotes the "why bother" mindset or even a /rageuninstall.

    End rant.

    I've had worse. But I also got 6 tempers from 200 ore one time. My gut tells me that my overall drop rate is probably extremely close to the actual drop rate. I have the top refining "achievement" so my sample size should be big enough.

    Now, my zero BA motifs after 100s of chests sucks, but at the same time, I did steal a painting I sold for 450k one time. I suspect there have been very few drops on that painting. Another time I was in the middle of a HUGE odds defying dry spell on spriggan's farming, and then I got an Athereal dust from a flower.

    It SUCKS when RNG kicks you in the nuts, but be sure you look at how lucky you have been overall. Both total time played and where you are over the past week. You're probably closer to where you should be than you realize.
  • Kodrac
    The white knights seem to love the RNG.

    Leave RNG alone!!

  • Zbigb4life
    SammyFable wrote: »
    You were just really really REALLY unlucky.

    Although it always seems I am more unlucky then others :D
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