This comment goes to show why the nerf/buff threads may not always get listened to.than im maybe the worst player.... i was good with viper now im average at best... i run heavy stamblade now because of how squishy she is
Theres rly nothing wrong with stamblade as a class(apart from poor selfhealing by default), however stamblade is very tuned to wear medium armor and that playstyle, its just that medium armor is very weak right now, and rly has been for a while now due to how much dmg is undodgeable etc.
i was good with viper now im average at best...
you said it all.after the nervs of procsets stamblade got weaker and weaker..
Not all of us think your a noob you just have to relearn how to setup your burst again and work on your survivability.All that take time keep trying and you will get it.unless all of u now think im a complete noob.. it istn.. im also running heavy now since the results are much better...
but i agree medium needs a buff
Every stam class preform better in heavy even stamblades are better off running heavy.Sandman929 wrote: »Medium needs attention. Its so sad to see that stamblades are the only ones that can use medium. Stam wardens probably could because Shimmering Shield is really good, but they can do better in heavy, so why bother.
Every stam class preform better in heavy even stamblades are better off running heavy.Sandman929 wrote: »Medium needs attention. Its so sad to see that stamblades are the only ones that can use medium. Stam wardens probably could because Shimmering Shield is really good, but they can do better in heavy, so why bother.
unless all of u now think im a complete noob.. it istn.. im also running heavy now since the results are much better...
but i agree medium needs a buff
Yea stamwarden but they kinda OP they can make anything work.Like you said they preform better in heavy same with a stamblade they will preform better in heavy.You can make it work on any class doesn't mean it's good.Sandman929 wrote: »Every stam class preform better in heavy even stamblades are better off running heavy.Sandman929 wrote: »Medium needs attention. Its so sad to see that stamblades are the only ones that can use medium. Stam wardens probably could because Shimmering Shield is really good, but they can do better in heavy, so why bother.
I wrote "can use", not should use. Some NBs still use medium and they can make it work, is there another class that does that?