Stunning.teiselaise wrote: »the game is getting "ligther and lighter in terms of content"
Ever NOT buy a game because it's been out for awhile and you'll never catch up? ZOS is trying to solve that problem. New players mean more people to play with.teiselaise wrote: »eso's grinding for gambling but still thats atleast not real money and its generally much more satisfying to know that you got that from "hard work"
The best players in the game beat the new content on day one and post it on youtube. How many times have you beaten VMAW, VHOF on vet hard? If these are too easy, I want to hang out with you! Got your Flawless Conqueror yet?teiselaise wrote: »a new trial takes a little while to complete on vet but when the pts ends and it arrives at live servers people have already mastered it
Can I have your stuff?teiselaise wrote: »if the game dryes out i might leave
teiselaise wrote: »
sooo, i have a feeling that this game wont last that much longer,
MilwaukeeScott wrote: »Stunning.
New DLCs and chapters every 3 months.
Ever NOT buy a game because it's been out for awhile and you'll never catch up? ZOS is trying to solve that problem. New players mean more people to play with.
The best players in the game beat the new content on day one and post it on youtube. How many times have you beaten VMAW, VHOF on vet hard? If these are too easy, I want to hang out with you! Got your Flawless Conqueror yet?
Can I have your stuff?
Avran_Sylt wrote: »I think it may have a dry spell depending on how they handle the following DLC's after the trait change. In my opinion, one thing that they need to focus on is diversifying the number of obtainable sets/traits even further. The abysmal grind offered prior gives a form of vertical depth, but since the trait changing will at least shore up some of that, further horizontal depth should be in focus. Be it from Ability altering weapons/ sets, to new traits or weapons. The trait change system will allow them to dilute the drop pools even further without much complaint from the general populace of an insurmountable grind, since they now have a safety net.
MilwaukeeScott wrote: »Stunning.
New DLCs and chapters every 3 months.
Ever NOT buy a game because it's been out for awhile and you'll never catch up? ZOS is trying to solve that problem. New players mean more people to play with.
The best players in the game beat the new content on day one and post it on youtube. How many times have you beaten VMAW, VHOF on vet hard? If these are too easy, I want to hang out with you! Got your Flawless Conqueror yet?
Can I have your stuff?
This game won't last much longer??
I play this game almost everyday and have been playing for 2 years. I have been part of many guilds (come and gone) and have made many friends (come and gone) and if I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager that long after you've moved on to another game/forum, ESO and it's community will still be going strong.
My honest experience is that the game has as busy an online community as ever.
Seems I always find something new to do...and I'm never up to date on the latest additions. Been playing over a year.
I think the idea is to just go ahead and enjoy the game?
Lot of people in this game in a big hurry to finish it...not sure what that gets you. When you finish life...I'm pretty sure it's GAME OVER.
If you want the game to be as fast as you can?? Makes sense to me.
That was enough of the wall of text for me. Sorry, but if you expect (a) people to read the whole of your reasoning and (b) people to regard you as a credible critic then you need to open up the post a little.
Doomsayers also need to come up with a credible reason why so many overland zones in the game are busier now then they've ever been. At least that is the often reported experience on PC EU, and it's what I see every time I log in.
no, can I have your stuff??
ParaNostram wrote: »ESO will die one day. It may be a year from now it may be a decade from now. Eventually, however, ESO will die. It's up to ZOS and the players to decide how far away that date will be.
no, can I have your stuff??
sooo, i have a feeling that this game wont last that much longer,
This game won't last much longer??
I play this game almost everyday and have been playing for 2 years. I have been part of many guilds (come and gone) and have made many friends (come and gone) and if I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager that long after you've moved on to another game/forum, ESO and it's community will still be going strong.
My honest experience is that the game has as busy an online community as ever.
Kneighbors wrote: »
Tell it to Xbox EU community... Hope you are not into betting.
teiselaise wrote: »
and no, i havent even beaten those vet before, tho the reason is that im not playing competetively, i dont do bis class role racecombos and stuff, but if i wanted i could farm 3 or 4 days for some viable gear, and read a post of the mechanics, sure I couldnt do a new trial day one but i could day 3 when someone posted a walktrough
This game won't last much longer??
I play this game almost everyday and have been playing for 2 years. I have been part of many guilds (come and gone) and have made many friends (come and gone) and if I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager that long after you've moved on to another game/forum, ESO and it's community will still be going strong.
My honest experience is that the game has as busy an online community as ever.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
A lot of people think these communities only exist in some sort of stasis where the same players from day one are here at the close of the servers. And that if any of that changes, and those original veteran players leave that must mean the game is dead. But thats just not how any community functions. Sure you have the hold outs and those who outlast everyone else. But like every other community out there, there will be players who started here at Day One and last the entire time, only a few years, or quickly quit never to return or return at a later date. But the vast vast majority will be new players who will flood the game at periods of new content release and will either hold on for a time or not. The majority, including the veterans will likely move on at some point for numerous reasons, the game wasnt interesting any more, other games they enjoy much more came along or IRL issues dragged them back to reality.
tinythinker wrote: »
That vibe has been around since launch. It nearly always means the player who feels it won't be around much longer, but the game is still here. There is plenty to criticize, but not much evidence that the end of the game is nigh.
Oh look, another one of these.
One day when it's no longer profitable it will. I highly doubt that's anytime in the next three years at least though. Fairly recently, Rich Lambert said they have a road map of content rested out through 2020 already and all systems are full steam ahead at the studio.
Nyghthowler wrote: »I've been playing since the first closed beta invite. I've seen numerous posts about this topic.
All I have to say is the game is still around, it's still apparently going strong, and only ZoS knows when it's going to pull the plug and free the gerbils from their wheels.
Oh rly?
the end is nigh! new guy says so.
600hrs? iv got almost 300 just on this toon and iv got 7 toons. likely 5 out of the other 6 have more time spent playing too
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
A lot of people think these communities only exist in some sort of stasis where the same players from day one are here at the close of the servers. And that if any of that changes, and those original veteran players leave that must mean the game is dead. But thats just not how any community functions. Sure you have the hold outs and those who outlast everyone else. But like every other community out there, there will be players who started here at Day One and last the entire time, only a few years, or quickly quit never to return or return at a later date. But the vast vast majority will be new players who will flood the game at periods of new content release and will either hold on for a time or not. The majority, including the veterans will likely move on at some point for numerous reasons, the game wasnt interesting any more, other games they enjoy much more came along or IRL issues dragged them back to reality.
tinythinker wrote: »
Nyghthowler wrote: »I've been playing since the first closed beta invite. I've seen numerous posts about this topic.
All I have to say is the game is still around, it's still apparently going strong, and only ZoS knows when it's going to pull the plug and free the gerbils from their wheels.