Erm, ESO is a joke in terms of balance and skill, in pretty much every respect.
Now does that mean there is no skill, no, but it does mean it is low skilled compared to actual "skilled" games (compare it to SC2, fighting games, high level CS:GO, etc).
To have skilled play, first you need a gamemode that enables that, ESO does not have that, Cyrodll is obviously a joke in that regard, BG would need a huge overhaul to achieve that (none of this 3 team nonsense, actual matchmaking/rating system, etc).
Then you have the realities even if a player is trying to be "skillful" by the low standards of ESO, that is often laughable when people are literally waiting for skills to go off, let alone try and ani cancel with the lag in this game at times.
I mean just look at the playerbase (and this goes for pretty much every MMORPG), the percent of players that could even be vaguely termed "competitive" in PvP is absolutely tiny, guess what, that does not make for skilled PvP, spending most of your time fighting new/not very good players is not skilled.
If i go play a skilled PvP game, say SC2, the idea that GM players should be spending their time playing against bronze league is laughable, it is just considered a pointless waste of time by good skilled players, yet laughably in ESO that is what considered "skilled" by the joke playerbase, go see the delusional streamers for a fine example of this.
Also the simple fact that these baddies consider simply "fighting" as "skilled play", when outside of a handful of games with a really high skill cap on the combat (some fighting games for example, and no ESO comabt does not have a high skill cap), every successful, competitive, skilled PvP game uses maps/objectives etc to up the skill cap beyond mere combat so players have to have map awareness, multitask, etc, because combat alone is not all that.
And as for balance, please, a game that has balance patches every X months, that tries to balance between PvE & PvP, and between multiple types of play within those, balance is a joke, which just lower the skill cap in this game further.
Then on top of all that, you have the huge discrepancies in power thanks to things like CP and gear, which is totally contrary to the notion of skilled PvP.
ESO is a low skilled game, with laughable balance and a population that mostly has little to no interest in competitive skilled PvP, if you want skilled PvP you are playing the wrong game and the wrong genre, but are apparently too stupid / bad to realise it.
This last paragraph is basically what I'm trying to say. ESO is not competitively skilled, and cannot be without caps and some more changes. You can never have a fair playing ground when you can build your character as strong as you want. If you can get better stats than your opponent, you already have a better chance of winning. The game is all about builds now, skill is still somewhat involved, but when you win a fight it's often difficult to tell what got you the win, skill or better stats? In an actual competitive game this question would never come up.
In a since there are caps, only so much gear and so much CP allowed. The problem is that currently, damage isn't scaling to keep up with midigation.
It doesn't matter whether or not 'super tanky builds' can kill an opposing player due to a lack of weapon damage ability ... they still ruin the game (pvp). They can use siege weapons to break into keeps, they can stand on the flag until it turns, and they can use siege weapons to kill other players as well as using them to kill NPCs. They can heal their 'killable' allies and they can use stalwart guard to help keep 'killable' allies alive. The list actually goes on, but I think I made my point.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »@bardx86
Can said supertanky builds kill you?
If neither of you can kill the other, then its balanced...
I know the Supertanky builds I've fought simply don't have enough burst to kill me...
I cant kill them, they cant kill me; we eventually just give up and go our own separate ways...
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »@bardx86
Can said supertanky builds kill you?
If neither of you can kill the other, then its balanced...
I know the Supertanky builds I've fought simply don't have enough burst to kill me...
I cant kill them, they cant kill me; we eventually just give up and go our own separate ways...
Ummm. There is no circumstance in which a build that takes 10-15 experienced PvPrs 5-10 minutes to bring down balanced. Also if there's any less than that the said tank gets kills. If it was balanced a glass cannon dps should be able to survive such a player without having to run away. Should be able to come close to bursting them down. They can't even come close. That would be "balance." ESO is not in any way shape or form "balanced."