1. Noone will deny that aestetic look of your armor/weapon/char is something that make game a bit more enjoyable. Sadly, loading on pts I saw pretty terrible change of Engine Guardian shoulders. It doesn't listed in items that for some reason look different from live versions, making me believe it intended change.
And this change is
utterly terrible from female char PoV:
Currently on live shoulder tine and compact shoulder, synergizing with several armor styles. It making it look perfect on female char. However on pts - shoulder is increased in size almost 2 times, transforming it into huge bulwark on your shoulder. That making it look weird on female. Was it done coz fix of personalities , there is no point to ruin it perfect aestetic look for female.
I demand make It back to look twice smaller.
You can see on screen below how disproportional it became on female char.
2. Not to mention and old cosmetic bug with it's effect that exists for more than year.
Glass chests - have place in list of styles that got weird bug,
but making side flips to be bound to legs made this style to look even more perfect. When flips not jiggling during walk/run/ jumps but being straight on legs increasing solidify look of armor as some sort of futuristic battlesuit where all pieces attached to each other.
I asking to keep this probably unintended change coz it making style even better.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom