Please make the cloth and leather elements more matte, and realistic. They are wonderfully designed motifs, but the shiny, fake looking cloth and leather absolutely ruin otherwise gorgeous designs.
I made a feedback report of this during the HotR PTS.
The leather and cloth elements on both the armor motifs from HotR are way WAY too shiny. They take dye poorly and look like theyve been dipped in lacquer no matter what.
They seem to beusing the same specular maps as on the Minotaur motif, and that is also a set that is much MUCH too shiny on the cloth and leather parts.
The cloth elements on the Clockwork Apostle motif have the exact same problem, very very shiny.
Please make the cloth and leather elements more matte, and realistic. They are wonderfully designed motifs, but the shiny, fake looking cloth and leather absolutely ruin otherwise gorgeous designs.