Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

How many people run trials.

  • Koensol
    Yes I run trials.
    You will get a skewed result here. Forum users are much more likely to do trials than the general population.
    LOL. I wonder what brought you to this assumption. As if the forum users are any different than the general population... What a weird, preconceived thing to say. The only thing different between us and the non forum users is that we have a big mouth and waste our time posting here.

  • Riejael
    I find that in most MMOs I've played small group content (1-4 players) tends to be more relaxed, and people tend to be a bit more chill (not always of course). While I've met some really great people doing larger group content, I've also met a lot more people that end up on my ignore list.

    I've had the opposite experience.

    In the last year I've done a bit of large group content in WoW, FFXIV, and even a EQ progression server. It was always more relaxed in the higher end content than the single group stuff. Mostly because you normally run with the same people and get a bit more personable.

    Just came back to ESO like a week ago, and already the PUG groups are getting a bit.. interesting. No drama yet personally, but I've replaced a few peeps that have been booted from some groups while running randoms. In those groups' defenses though, it ran smoothly once I got there, so perhaps they were justified. But can't help but play devil's advocate sometimes.
  • Tandor
    No I do not run trials.
    POps75p wrote: »
    only way to get the good set's

    Therein lies the conundrum that affects all MMOs. If you don't do the highest level content you don't need the highest level gear.

    Then again, are we talking about raid trials, veteran mode trials, solo mode trials, or what?

    A poll of forum users will always be unrepresentative of the broad mass of players. I'd be surprised if the proportion of ESO players doing non-solo trials was much different to the proportion usually running raids in other MMOs, which is typically little more than 5% based on what I've read elsewhere over the years from both players and developers.
  • tunepunk
    No I do not run trials.
    I'll run them once on normal and vet (if possible) If i feel i need to see the content. But in general I don't like them.

    1. I find them extremely boring.
    2. I find them pretty messy at times. (Feels Like 40 people at a dolmen when clearing trash)
    3. I don't really need anything from there.
    4. Most guild runs require Discord, which I don't feel like installing.
    5. Everything feels too scripted, especially boss fights. (Throw your skills in this order to DPS, move according to script)
    6. Not my cup of tea.
  • IwakuraLain42
    Only ZOS knows the numbers but from my experience in my guild and zone chat not that many. On Normal people usually farm the Craglorn trials (mostly nSO for Two-Fanged), very few are bothering with nMoL (many people still glitch the chests if they need gear) or nHoF (too difficult for most players).
    On Veteran I would guess that no more then 1000 players play the Craglorn trials regularly, even less for vMoL or vHoF.
  • logarifmik
    Yes I run trials.
    I run trials from time to time. Not very often.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Deyoz
    Yes I run trials.
    just for money $$$
    Platform: PS4 | Championpoints: 750+ ►
    Sorcerer Magicka/Stamina | Off-/Maintank | Templar Magicka | Dragonknight Stamina
    vHOF [✘] | vMOL HM [✘] | vMOL [✔] | vSO HM [✔] | vHRC HM [✔] | vAA HM [✔] | vDSA [✔]
    Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
  • wolfxspice
    Yes I run trials.
    i used to run trials more, but lately i haven't been doing the big trials much lately, mostly i'v just been doing vDSA with a few friends, its why i was a little bummed when i heard that the new trial was going to be 12 player content, i was really hoping for a 2 or 6 man trial/arena. i hope the weapons are actually good, i mean the stats on the weapon alone make it worth running, even if you dont use the ability.
    I'm a casual now
  • AlienSlof
    Yes I run trials.
    Trials are my favourite part of the game and I run normal and some vet regularly.
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Jade1986
    Yes I run trials.
    I WILL be running trials when I am high enough level. Only recently started up again.
  • Demycilian
    No I do not run trials.
    Jamming a fork into an electric outlet compares favourably to doing trials.
  • Beardimus
    No I do not run trials.
    ive done the odd one, Vet, normal but I do find as others have said the degree of clickyness and drama is unparrelled in the game, small group content or PvP for me is a more enjoyable vibe
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Khenarthi
    I only participate occasionally in Normal difficulty ones. By occasionally, I mean I must have done max 10 runs so far in 2017, there's just other content I enjoy more. Does this count?
  • randomkeyhits
    Trials are on the to-do list just not at the top.

    Will do them but with no expectations for or against.

    EU PS4
  • Flaminir
    Yes I run trials.
    We do about 4 raids a week at various levels at the minute... normal... vet training... and now starting vet progression group too.

    Not all trials groups have to be the extreme of competing for leaderboards and super serious! Some are more relaxed & fun! ;)

    Really looking forward to Asylum Sanctorium!
    Edited by Flaminir on September 6, 2017 11:11AM
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Yakidafi
    I run DSA and VMA trials, the 12 ones only if I am asked altough that can be more or less from time to time. Not sure what to put, I would vote no because I think you talk about 12 man but I do do them, just not regurarily on a schedule or so.
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Bombashaman
    No I do not run trials.
    Never done, never will.
  • SoLooney
    Yes I run trials.
    I try to run trials as much as I can, unfortunately Ive become quite bored of normal trials and see that not too many people run vet trials compared to normal ones, harder to find guilds looking for new members as they pretty much have a core group to run end game content with.

    should see a rise of people now that getting that vo dagger powered or moondancer lightning staff decisive will be useful when retraiting comes around
  • Stannum
    Yes I run trials.
    I wish they have returned grouping tool for trials. If it's not great problem to find group for non-vet, but for vet it's really problem.
  • Bbsample197
    Yes I run trials.
    tunepunk wrote: »

    5. Everything feels too scripted, especially boss fights. (Throw your skills in this order to DPS, move according to script)

    isnt every content on this game scripted?

    anyways to those whose saying alot of drama on trials, i havent actually seen an elitist while im doing weekly trials, i avoid pug groups tho so that may be the cause, Pug groups on trials is just a disaster waiting to happen.
  • DocFrost72
    Yes I run trials.
    Just normal trials. So far I've;

    Tanked AA on a stam sorc,
    Tanked MoL on said stam sorc,
    Tanked HoF on my DK (sorry not sorry, had to go meta for that one),
    Healed SO and AA on a templar,
    And DPSd them ALL several times on just about every spec (including stam warden),

    All with the best guild ever. KITTY RAINBOW DASH!
  • OlafdieWaldfee
    No I do not run trials.
    Had my fair share of raiding of all difficulty-stages in SWTOR (it was fun and engaging, had a very good guild group) and am not interested in doing the same in ESO, because I'm spending too much time at the gym nowadays and don't have time to devote as much to raiding as I did before. As a tank I think it would not be fair to hog a spot and don't be as prepared as I should be because RL-training gets in the way.
  • Castagere
    No I do not run trials.
    Rainraven wrote: »
    Everything I know and have seen about trials tells me I'd hate it and be completely miserable trying to do it well.

    I'll just pass. It's ok, not everything is for me. ;)

    Group content is a nightmare in this game for sane people.
  • Moltyr
    Yes I run trials.
    There is a huge difference between Vet trials...and just "trials" AKA normal trials. VSO, VAA, VHRC are pretty much a cake walk, even the HM. I can't speak to vHoF yet, as I'm no longer in a core raid group (engineering student so free time is limited). vMoL is insane compared to the normal. So I doubt really many folks who typically run normal trials have cleared it. Don't even get me started on the hardmode lol. When it first came out, it took my core group...a group of incredibly well geared and experienced player 4 months or so to clear vMoL the first time. After that obviously, it turned into faster and faster runs, but still. Most groups are not very low CP friendly, so it is difficult for newer players to get to some of this content unless someone carries them of course. Although much of the PvP community bashes trials or PvE in general, 99% of those people bashing vet trials have never even attempted to run them. The best advice I can give up and coming ESO players is find a good trade guild, PvE guild (not just vet dungeons), and PvP guild (not a zerg guild preferably). If you can get all three you will have so many opportunities to run this stuff. However, if the group is NEW to vMoL/vHoF especially the HM...expect quite a grind to get your first clear. It sucks at times, but when you FINALLY beat down on Rakkaht that feeling is so darn rewarding. Good luck to you!
  • dsalter
    No I do not run trials.
    i'm all by myself
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Tasear
    Yes I run trials.
    It's interesting seeing them lead or leading them. You have to find 12 people who move and Grove the right way together. That is a wonders sight seeing people work together.
    Edited by Tasear on September 6, 2017 1:59PM
  • MrBetadine
    normal trials
  • medusasfolly
    Yes I run trials.
    I"d like to run trials, but would prefer a low-key, but proficient group. Those two things do not go together.

    I'll disagree. I've been running trials with my trade group for about 6 months. We run them every Saturday. We do require that you be CP160, but other than that, anything goes. It's gotten popular enough where we generally end up running two groups at the same time. I've yet to witness any drama and the group is very supportive of members that are new to trials.

    I think it just boils down to who you are running with.

  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Yes I run trials.
    every day in the valley of *** is a trial.
    -Unknown American
  • BrightOblivion
    I run several a week (all normals, not to vet level on those yet) with 3 different guilds. One has a Thursday night "Pick a trial depending on comp/ gear people are after and we'll run it. New people are welcome because we'll explain it and we'll do it and it'll be awesome" (and it is). One has a few mostly stack and smack jaunts through the craglorn trials with a mix of guild members and randoms throughout the week. And one, which will eventually also tackle the vet stuff, is working toward beating nHoF (at present) on Friday nights and doing a more relaxed run through other trials on Sunday afternoon.

    Each is an awesome, outstanding group of people with n- very limited amounts of drama. Occasionally, something might go pear-shaped, someone might get impatient, or a temper might flare, but mostly it's a lot of laughter and a lot of fun.

    Yes, even in the Halls of Fabrication surrounded by craptons of automotons and mechanical monstrosities bent on killing us in the most painful way possible. Especially there.

    I didn't vote, though, because I'm not sure if the OP classifies those running just normal trials (me) in the same category as those who just run vet.
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