What beats 5 amber 5 shacke 2 valkyn this patch?
2 mighty chudan seriously? When channeled focus already gives you major reward and major resolve in addition to 480 magicka recovery and minor mending?
2 mighty chudan seriously? When channeled focus already gives you major reward and major resolve in addition to 480 magicka recovery and minor mending?
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »2 mighty chudan seriously? When channeled focus already gives you major reward and major resolve in addition to 480 magicka recovery and minor mending?
Yep, Mighty Chudan...seriously.
My defenses are ALWAYS up with it...
If a Bombblade suddenly appears in the middle of your group, you might not have time to cast Channeled Focus...
If you are being ganked, you might not have time to cast it as well...
Well with Chudan I don't have to worry about either scenario as I'll have 8200+ extra resistance up no matter what in constant effect...
Some of you don't grasp the value of having something like that in effect at all times; I do...
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »2 mighty chudan seriously? When channeled focus already gives you major reward and major resolve in addition to 480 magicka recovery and minor mending?
Yep, Mighty Chudan...seriously.
My defenses are ALWAYS up with it...
If a Bombblade suddenly appears in the middle of your group, you might not have time to cast Channeled Focus...
If you are being ganked, you might not have time to cast it as well...
Well with Chudan I don't have to worry about either scenario as I'll have 8200+ extra resistance up no matter what in constant effect...
Some of you don't grasp the value of having something like that in effect at all times; I do...
I understand the usefulness, but you could do 2 pirate skelly instead and use channeled focus and get equal resistances plus regen plus major protection at times. Also I didn't realize Vampire Cloak was a light set, was thinking of Vampire Lord which is heavy, sorry about that. It makes more sense when you're in 5 light.
Mighty Chudan is bad, because it does not stack.
Unless you are totally skipping Rune, to open up a slot, you would be better off using something else, like Pariah.
I totally get the strength of having that buff up 24/7. But if you are using Rune, it will be a wasted item 90% of the time. And if you are having Rune up less than that, it is a L2P issue. So unless you unslot Rune, Mighty Chudan is a bad bad choice.
I run 5xPariah, 5xKnightslayer, 2xTrollking
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »Mighty Chudan is bad, because it does not stack.
Unless you are totally skipping Rune, to open up a slot, you would be better off using something else, like Pariah.
I totally get the strength of having that buff up 24/7. But if you are using Rune, it will be a wasted item 90% of the time. And if you are having Rune up less than that, it is a L2P issue. So unless you unslot Rune, Mighty Chudan is a bad bad choice.
I run 5xPariah, 5xKnightslayer, 2xTrollking
If you are running Chudan, like I am, then you don't run Rune...
Besides, it doesn't matter that it doesn't stack as Chudan gives more Resistance than Rune (2900+ more Spell/Physical Resist)...
Heal Bar:
Breath of Life...
Radiant Magelight...
Rite of Retribution...
Elusive Mist...
Replenishing Barrier...
DPS Bar:
Piercing Strikes...
Invigorating Drain...
Radiant Magelight...
Toppling Charge...
Structured Entropy...
Devouring Swarm...
There is no place for Rune, on either bar for my build, so Chudan makes perfect sense...
Also, once again, you guys keep talking about Rune, but you don't always have time to cast it and buff up as you'd like to before entering combat (in PvP of course; in PvE buffing up properly before and during combat is rarely an issue)...
Chudan sidesteps that limitation altogether...
I'm using light, no dampen magica. Destro and s&b.
5 kagernacs, 2 slimecraw, 4 wizards riposte (5 on back bar)
Not as squishy as you think in light. Good damage, good sustain.
I use slimecraw instead of Valkyn these days. I feel Valkyn procs on the wrong guy a lot. Someone in your ritual get's hit by it, not the guy you're pressuring. Started really annoying me.
I did recently pick up spell power cure shield. So might try that on my back bar. Not sure how effective it would be though.
Dw adds a bit of damage, but the pressure of light weaves adds a lot imo. Plus it helps with sustain a bit.
Here's my templar. He took some time to nail down the right amount of DMG,sustain, and tankiness:
Link: I named it a "Frost-Monk Templar" because in classic RPG's monk classes trade pure power for speed and abilities to debuff enemies (disarm, slow down, penetrate armor etc).
Sets:1pc kenaStats:
1pc Pirate (or chudan)
5 pc prisoners set (4 body, 1 two hander)
5 pc transmutation set. (One body, jewels, frost staff)33k m
21k h
12k s
3k SD
1400 m Recovery (1500 if windrunner kicks in. 2500 if on Prisoners bar. 2800 with minor Magicka drain)
895 Stam Recovery
52% crit chance buffed
75-80% crit DMG
3800 crit resistance buffed
9376 spell pen (14656 with debuff)
Front bar:26k spell resistance/22k physical resistance buffed
Backbar: 29k spell resistance/25k physical resistance buffed
Skills:Two hander bar (percise or sharpened):
Unstable core, forward momentum, punc sweeps, Honor the dead, degeneration. Dawnbreaker
Frost staff bar:(defending)
Reflective light, restoring focus, extended ritual, elemental drain, purfying light. Empowering sweeps.
You'll probably spend most of your time in the frost bar. You'll have consistent uptime on defensive buffs and make use of the frost staff blocking. You'll have around 300 mag recovery through block if you can have someone tagged with degeneration+ elemental drain. Plus frost enchant+LA Attack weave will proc minor maim so no need for that wizard set people get frothy for. If you get focused, don't overblock, get off an unstable core+purfying light which will lower their health a little to force them on the defensive. Then debuff, swap to offensive+mobility pot and run behind them to annoy them.
On attack, since you don't have skoria procs, you'll need to use burning light+unstable core burst. Fully buffed, I'm looking at a 10k tooltip for unstable core and 5k tooltip on burning light, with the exception that unstable core is blockable+purged. Other templars will ruin this setup, but purfying light+ frost LA+ reflective light will keep sustained DPS and hopefully you'll burn their mag if they keep purging. Hopefully unstable core will burst after that. Win off debuffs+procs+impatience (like a true monk). Don't forget to sprint in between combos for mag return on Prisoners bar!!
That's my build. Very fun to play, not OP at all, but enough stats to make it competitive. If you don't watch your mag drain you'll be out of resources, especially if you waste Stam too much sprinting.
Here's my templar. He took some time to nail down the right amount of DMG,sustain, and tankiness:
Link: I named it a "Frost-Monk Templar" because in classic RPG's monk classes trade pure power for speed and abilities to debuff enemies (disarm, slow down, penetrate armor etc).
Sets:1pc kenaStats:
1pc Pirate (or chudan)
5 pc prisoners set (4 body, 1 two hander)
5 pc transmutation set. (One body, jewels, frost staff)33k m
21k h
12k s
3k SD
1400 m Recovery (1500 if windrunner kicks in. 2500 if on Prisoners bar. 2800 with minor Magicka drain)
895 Stam Recovery
52% crit chance buffed
75-80% crit DMG
3800 crit resistance buffed
9376 spell pen (14656 with debuff)
Front bar:26k spell resistance/22k physical resistance buffed
Backbar: 29k spell resistance/25k physical resistance buffed
Skills:Two hander bar (percise or sharpened):
Unstable core, forward momentum, punc sweeps, Honor the dead, degeneration. Dawnbreaker
Frost staff bar:(defending)
Reflective light, restoring focus, extended ritual, elemental drain, purfying light. Empowering sweeps.
You'll probably spend most of your time in the frost bar. You'll have consistent uptime on defensive buffs and make use of the frost staff blocking. You'll have around 300 mag recovery through block if you can have someone tagged with degeneration+ elemental drain. Plus frost enchant+LA Attack weave will proc minor maim so no need for that wizard set people get frothy for. If you get focused, don't overblock, get off an unstable core+purfying light which will lower their health a little to force them on the defensive. Then debuff, swap to offensive+mobility pot and run behind them to annoy them.
On attack, since you don't have skoria procs, you'll need to use burning light+unstable core burst. Fully buffed, I'm looking at a 10k tooltip for unstable core and 5k tooltip on burning light, with the exception that unstable core is blockable+purged. Other templars will ruin this setup, but purfying light+ frost LA+ reflective light will keep sustained DPS and hopefully you'll burn their mag if they keep purging. Hopefully unstable core will burst after that. Win off debuffs+procs+impatience (like a true monk). Don't forget to sprint in between combos for mag return on Prisoners bar!!
That's my build. Very fun to play, not OP at all, but enough stats to make it competitive. If you don't watch your mag drain you'll be out of resources, especially if you waste Stam too much sprinting.
I have an overpowering frost staff currently, powered trait but that's not to bad after sharpened nerf. Wonder if I should try overwhelming, trans, skoria with ice/restro combo?
Here's my templar. He took some time to nail down the right amount of DMG,sustain, and tankiness:
Link: I named it a "Frost-Monk Templar" because in classic RPG's monk classes trade pure power for speed and abilities to debuff enemies (disarm, slow down, penetrate armor etc).
Sets:1pc kenaStats:
1pc Pirate (or chudan)
5 pc prisoners set (4 body, 1 two hander)
5 pc transmutation set. (One body, jewels, frost staff)33k m
21k h
12k s
3k SD
1400 m Recovery (1500 if windrunner kicks in. 2500 if on Prisoners bar. 2800 with minor Magicka drain)
895 Stam Recovery
52% crit chance buffed
75-80% crit DMG
3800 crit resistance buffed
9376 spell pen (14656 with debuff)
Front bar:26k spell resistance/22k physical resistance buffed
Backbar: 29k spell resistance/25k physical resistance buffed
Skills:Two hander bar (percise or sharpened):
Unstable core, forward momentum, punc sweeps, Honor the dead, degeneration. Dawnbreaker
Frost staff bar:(defending)
Reflective light, restoring focus, extended ritual, elemental drain, purfying light. Empowering sweeps.
You'll probably spend most of your time in the frost bar. You'll have consistent uptime on defensive buffs and make use of the frost staff blocking. You'll have around 300 mag recovery through block if you can have someone tagged with degeneration+ elemental drain. Plus frost enchant+LA Attack weave will proc minor maim so no need for that wizard set people get frothy for. If you get focused, don't overblock, get off an unstable core+purfying light which will lower their health a little to force them on the defensive. Then debuff, swap to offensive+mobility pot and run behind them to annoy them.
On attack, since you don't have skoria procs, you'll need to use burning light+unstable core burst. Fully buffed, I'm looking at a 10k tooltip for unstable core and 5k tooltip on burning light, with the exception that unstable core is blockable+purged. Other templars will ruin this setup, but purfying light+ frost LA+ reflective light will keep sustained DPS and hopefully you'll burn their mag if they keep purging. Hopefully unstable core will burst after that. Win off debuffs+procs+impatience (like a true monk). Don't forget to sprint in between combos for mag return on Prisoners bar!!
That's my build. Very fun to play, not OP at all, but enough stats to make it competitive. If you don't watch your mag drain you'll be out of resources, especially if you waste Stam too much sprinting.
I have an overpowering frost staff currently, powered trait but that's not to bad after sharpened nerf. Wonder if I should try overwhelming, trans, skoria with ice/restro combo?
Depending on you stats, sharpened is still king for many builds (just no bonus for heals). Infused might be top slot for adding DMG, but I haven't calculated that trait.
Oddly, if you have sharpened traits, you don't need the Lord mundas, if you are using LA+a 5280 debuff. This let's you use apprentice for raw DMG increase or mage if you are using shields. With easy minor/major sorcery buffs, Templars have better synergy with apprentice stone.
Honestly, thief stone is good for sets or skills that require crit hits. Crit DMG stone is never useful for templars/nightblades in PvP since we get an easy 10% passively.
Healing traits are good for weapons. But you might see better benefit through percise traits since it will help your burst dmg too (more bang for your buck). Though it will help you reach higher healing % that 5pc HA normally gives you so that's a plus. I'd say run with it, knowing your getting DMG/sustain/SD from other sources with your setup.
Here's my templar. He took some time to nail down the right amount of DMG,sustain, and tankiness:
Link: I named it a "Frost-Monk Templar" because in classic RPG's monk classes trade pure power for speed and abilities to debuff enemies (disarm, slow down, penetrate armor etc).
Sets:1pc kenaStats:
1pc Pirate (or chudan)
5 pc prisoners set (4 body, 1 two hander)
5 pc transmutation set. (One body, jewels, frost staff)33k m
21k h
12k s
3k SD
1400 m Recovery (1500 if windrunner kicks in. 2500 if on Prisoners bar. 2800 with minor Magicka drain)
895 Stam Recovery
52% crit chance buffed
75-80% crit DMG
3800 crit resistance buffed
9376 spell pen (14656 with debuff)
Front bar:26k spell resistance/22k physical resistance buffed
Backbar: 29k spell resistance/25k physical resistance buffed
Skills:Two hander bar (percise or sharpened):
Unstable core, forward momentum, punc sweeps, Honor the dead, degeneration. Dawnbreaker
Frost staff bar:(defending)
Reflective light, restoring focus, extended ritual, elemental drain, purfying light. Empowering sweeps.
You'll probably spend most of your time in the frost bar. You'll have consistent uptime on defensive buffs and make use of the frost staff blocking. You'll have around 300 mag recovery through block if you can have someone tagged with degeneration+ elemental drain. Plus frost enchant+LA Attack weave will proc minor maim so no need for that wizard set people get frothy for. If you get focused, don't overblock, get off an unstable core+purfying light which will lower their health a little to force them on the defensive. Then debuff, swap to offensive+mobility pot and run behind them to annoy them.
On attack, since you don't have skoria procs, you'll need to use burning light+unstable core burst. Fully buffed, I'm looking at a 10k tooltip for unstable core and 5k tooltip on burning light, with the exception that unstable core is blockable+purged. Other templars will ruin this setup, but purfying light+ frost LA+ reflective light will keep sustained DPS and hopefully you'll burn their mag if they keep purging. Hopefully unstable core will burst after that. Win off debuffs+procs+impatience (like a true monk). Don't forget to sprint in between combos for mag return on Prisoners bar!!
That's my build. Very fun to play, not OP at all, but enough stats to make it competitive. If you don't watch your mag drain you'll be out of resources, especially if you waste Stam too much sprinting.
I have an overpowering frost staff currently, powered trait but that's not to bad after sharpened nerf. Wonder if I should try overwhelming, trans, skoria with ice/restro combo?
Depending on you stats, sharpened is still king for many builds (just no bonus for heals). Infused might be top slot for adding DMG, but I haven't calculated that trait.
Oddly, if you have sharpened traits, you don't need the Lord mundas, if you are using LA+a 5280 debuff. This let's you use apprentice for raw DMG increase or mage if you are using shields. With easy minor/major sorcery buffs, Templars have better synergy with apprentice stone.
Honestly, thief stone is good for sets or skills that require crit hits. Crit DMG stone is never useful for templars/nightblades in PvP since we get an easy 10% passively.
Healing traits are good for weapons. But you might see better benefit through percise traits since it will help your burst dmg too (more bang for your buck). Though it will help you reach higher healing % that 5pc HA normally gives you so that's a plus. I'd say run with it, knowing your getting DMG/sustain/SD from other sources with your setup.
dont forget the nirnhoned trait. Is very special, but for example in PvP very strong against everything
Here's my templar. He took some time to nail down the right amount of DMG,sustain, and tankiness:
Link: I named it a "Frost-Monk Templar" because in classic RPG's monk classes trade pure power for speed and abilities to debuff enemies (disarm, slow down, penetrate armor etc).
Sets:1pc kenaStats:
1pc Pirate (or chudan)
5 pc prisoners set (4 body, 1 two hander)
5 pc transmutation set. (One body, jewels, frost staff)33k m
21k h
12k s
3k SD
1400 m Recovery (1500 if windrunner kicks in. 2500 if on Prisoners bar. 2800 with minor Magicka drain)
895 Stam Recovery
52% crit chance buffed
75-80% crit DMG
3800 crit resistance buffed
9376 spell pen (14656 with debuff)
Front bar:26k spell resistance/22k physical resistance buffed
Backbar: 29k spell resistance/25k physical resistance buffed
Skills:Two hander bar (percise or sharpened):
Unstable core, forward momentum, punc sweeps, Honor the dead, degeneration. Dawnbreaker
Frost staff bar:(defending)
Reflective light, restoring focus, extended ritual, elemental drain, purfying light. Empowering sweeps.
You'll probably spend most of your time in the frost bar. You'll have consistent uptime on defensive buffs and make use of the frost staff blocking. You'll have around 300 mag recovery through block if you can have someone tagged with degeneration+ elemental drain. Plus frost enchant+LA Attack weave will proc minor maim so no need for that wizard set people get frothy for. If you get focused, don't overblock, get off an unstable core+purfying light which will lower their health a little to force them on the defensive. Then debuff, swap to offensive+mobility pot and run behind them to annoy them.
On attack, since you don't have skoria procs, you'll need to use burning light+unstable core burst. Fully buffed, I'm looking at a 10k tooltip for unstable core and 5k tooltip on burning light, with the exception that unstable core is blockable+purged. Other templars will ruin this setup, but purfying light+ frost LA+ reflective light will keep sustained DPS and hopefully you'll burn their mag if they keep purging. Hopefully unstable core will burst after that. Win off debuffs+procs+impatience (like a true monk). Don't forget to sprint in between combos for mag return on Prisoners bar!!
That's my build. Very fun to play, not OP at all, but enough stats to make it competitive. If you don't watch your mag drain you'll be out of resources, especially if you waste Stam too much sprinting.
I have an overpowering frost staff currently, powered trait but that's not to bad after sharpened nerf. Wonder if I should try overwhelming, trans, skoria with ice/restro combo?