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Not getting Alchemy writs from the boards

I was doing my writs today. I noticed when I was crafting the needed stuff that there was no alchemy writ for me to craft. I went back to the board to pick it up and it wasn't there. This has happened on 2 of my characters so far today, which as of right now is 2 out of 3. Not liking those odds. I have seen other people in my guilds asking about it as well. I even tried porting to a different location to see if that board was bugged in that city, but still the same thing. This is on the NA/PC
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    This is happening to me too.

    I do writs on two characters. Neither could pick up an Alchemy writ today.

    I routinely hand in my writs the day after I picked them up, then immediately get a new writ from the board to hand in tomorrow. This has worked fine up till now.

    PC EU
  • Lady_Ems
    Thanks, I'm glad someone else this happened to posted here for them to see it's not just one person. I know several people I talk to in the game that have had this happen. Now if we can just get Zos to acknowledge it, even if its just in the forums to say yes we know about it and whatever. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @Wrobel
  • Durnik
    Same happening to me on multiple characters.
  • Slick_007
    i do all 6 at a time on all my characters and after the patch walked past the board and noticed there was one there after id done them all. it was alchemy.

    i cant say i really checked if i picked it up the first time. i usually have already made the potion so dont often need to go make it after i pick up the quest. only happened once though.
  • SFDB
    Me as well. It seems to happen after you have completed one of the new poison writs, the previous potion writs don't cause the same problem.
  • Durnik
    I had no problems with the writs today. Conclusion.. they found an issue yesterday and wrapped it into the hot fix for the other issues.
  • AdicusDio
    On two different days, each BEFORE a patch/maint. I did writs. After relogging later in the day after maint., Alchemy was appearing by iteslf on the boards. I was certain it had already been done, but could be wrong. In my case, it's either dropping X2 Alchemy writs per day, or dropping Alchemy after the fact. PC NA.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    This is happening to me too.

    I do writs on two characters. Neither could pick up an Alchemy writ today.

    I routinely hand in my writs the day after I picked them up, then immediately get a new writ from the board to hand in tomorrow. This has worked fine up till now.

    This is still happening. My crafters are only being offered one Alchemy writ every other day.
    PC EU
  • DarkAedin
    I do writs across 6 toons. No probs.
    Untill this morning.. randomly only one of my toons couldnt pick up the alch quest.
    Edit: PC NA
    Edited by DarkAedin on August 18, 2017 5:45PM
  • solangesimondsen
    This is happening to me too.

    I do writs on two characters. Neither could pick up an Alchemy writ today.

    I routinely hand in my writs the day after I picked them up, then immediately get a new writ from the board to hand in tomorrow. This has worked fine up till now.

    This is still happening. My crafters are only being offered one Alchemy writ every other day.

    I tried to do alchemy writs on the 18th and was fine, on the 19th they did not appear.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    This is happening to me too.

    I do writs on two characters. Neither could pick up an Alchemy writ today.

    I routinely hand in my writs the day after I picked them up, then immediately get a new writ from the board to hand in tomorrow. This has worked fine up till now.

    This is still happening. My crafters are only being offered one Alchemy writ every other day.

    I tried to do alchemy writs on the 18th and was fine, on the 19th they did not appear.

    Picked up Alchemy writs OK yesterday, but none available on the board again today.
    PC EU
  • Lady_Ems
    Happened to me again today on one of the 3 toons I did writs on. And I see now word about it from ZOS.
    Any word on this @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

  • Onigar
    I know this is happening as I hear it from others I chat with in TS.

    Just want to add to the discussion and help show its not such an isolated issue.
    PC EU
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  • AdicusDio
    Check the writ boards again AFTER the patch. It should be there. Has happened 3 times now in the past 10 days roughly.

    Not entirely sure, but seems to happen (to me at least) in Vvardenfell if/when I do writs close to the cut off time say 1:30am EST and grab the next batch an hour later after they respawn on the board. ALL 3 times have happened on patch days. After patch, it always appears on board.
  • WolverineSabertooth
    Soul Shriven
    It's still not working correctly after patch. Most of my characters are not getting alchemy writs on all writ levels, every other day.
  • Lady_Ems
    Happened again today. So I sent in a bug report via the game. But of course was told not to expect a response to it. So how are we suppose to know they are even paying attention to the forums or if the issue will even be addressed. ZOS we would like some kind of answer.. Even if it's a we aren't gonna waste our time. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Wolfram @Wrobel ANYONE Would be great to hear from
  • maboleth
    Working normal for me. Today I even got a master writ, completed it without problems and got the reward.
  • Slick_007
    working fine since i last posted for me.
  • Durnik
    I spoke too soon. It happened again today. One of my characters had writs ready to turn in from yesterday (they were already done except for alchemy).

    Here is the order in which my issue happened.

    1. Pick up writs on day 1
    2. Not make the poison (note: was a poison)
    3. Day 2 make the poison
    4. Turn in all writs
    5. No alchemy writ available

    I will try and reproduce the issue again tomorrow but here is my theory...

    When they added the poisons this last major patch (HOTR) they set it to only allow 1 quest TURN IN per 24 hours like in Wrothgar dailies. All other writs and guild quest dailies you can pick them up on day 1, complete them, turn them in the next day and then pick up the ones for the current day.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you help with this? I know how my bug reports have gone in the past.. ignored. :(

    170823-003262 is the reference number to the bug report I JUST put in.
  • Lady_Ems
    But it's only affecting the Alchemy writs.. If it was a 24 hr cool down. Wouldn't it affect all the writs
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Durnik wrote: »

    Here is the order in which my issue happened.

    1. Pick up writs on day 1
    2. Not make the poison (note: was a poison)
    3. Day 2 make the poison
    4. Turn in all writs
    5. No alchemy writ available

    I will try and reproduce the issue again tomorrow but here is my theory...

    This what happens to my crafters all the time now, regardless of whether it was a poison or not.
    PC EU
  • WolverineSabertooth
    Soul Shriven
    Just for clarification, this is affecting all my toons who does every tier of alchemy writs...
    Not just for the top tier alchemy writ. Previous alchemy tiers have not changed in the items they needed and I still have them available on the writ board every other day, regardless if I turn them in every 24 hours or do 2 days in one time.
    This is very frustrating!
    Edited by WolverineSabertooth on August 24, 2017 3:09PM
  • Obsidian3
    I am having the same problem, but funny thing is I do writs on 9 characters, and only 4 of them are effected. I do the 2 day schedule, so today when I grabbed them off the writ board I immediately turned in the Alchemy writs for the effected characters. Interested to see what happens tomorrow.

    Also I submitted a ticket, but they didn't understand what I was talking about, and told me to try abandoning the quest. LOL
  • Durnik
    Durnik wrote: »

    Here is the order in which my issue happened.

    1. Pick up writs on day 1
    2. Not make the poison (note: was a poison)
    3. Day 2 make the poison
    4. Turn in all writs
    5. No alchemy writ available

    I will try and reproduce the issue again tomorrow but here is my theory...

    This what happens to my crafters all the time now, regardless of whether it was a poison or not.

    Well, today I had no problems picking up alchemy writs. The one that I kept from yesterday that was not made was a poison. Turned it in and got a writ for a potion. Obviously there is a bug but we cannot get the ears of the devs to help fix it.
  • Lady_Ems


    This what happens to my crafters all the time now, regardless of whether it was a poison or not.[/quote]

    Well, today I had no problems picking up alchemy writs. The one that I kept from yesterday that was not made was a poison. Turned it in and got a writ for a potion. Obviously there is a bug but we cannot get the ears of the devs to help fix it.[/quote]

    You said it all right there... " A bug but we cannot get the ears of the devs to help fix it"

    It's still happening to me. I've sent in a bug report but was told I won't hear anything back. So for all I know it just went to the trash can. Becuz we can't even get a go away post from the devs, so I'm thinking they aren't even looking at this post. Or they just don't care. I mean how hard can it be to post go away or we know about it. Are we being ignored becuz it's not a battle related issue? @ZOS_GinaBruno Come on, give us something.
  • Durnik
    It happened again. One of my 8 failed to get the alchemy writ today.
  • Durnik
    New reference ticket number 170825-003115 submitted just now.
  • Obsidian3
    So what I did yesterday was immediately turn in the alchemy wit when I grabbed it, went back today a new alchemy writ was there for all 4 of my affected characters.
  • Durnik
    Yes, every time its happened to me was when I had one held over from the previous day. But not every time I had one held over did it fail to provide.
  • Durnik
    Happened again. Support has blown me off...

    "Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. My name is Vincent, and it's my pleasure to assist you today.

    Please try to finish the Writs the day that you've receive them to make sure you're able to receive the next one.

    We appreciate you taking the time to bring this bug to our attention! We ask that you take this conversation over to the Bug Report Forums, where you can submit your experience of this bug, which will get collected and forwarded to be assessed by the developers..."
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