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New PvP Drinking Games

With PvP having changed significantly since September 2015 (the last drinking games post), I'm curious if anyone has come up with any new ones?

My suggestions:
1. Drink every time @Crown rages about RNG and traits on gear from boxes (especially undaunted key boxes)
2. Double shot if he can go 30 seconds (approximately 80 words) without using the same swear word twice
3. Triple shot if he includes a previously unheard method of torturing whoever came up with RNG traits on boxes
4. Quad shot if his rant includes the lack of any planned method for master crafters to change the traits on gear

Honorable mentions from the last thread go to:
@Pchela Take a shot when someone calls out 20 DC at the wall and it's only 3.
@Scyantific Drink a whole bottle of vodka every time you die to a steelnado blob.
@nothing2591 1 shot for every meteor
@Psilent for recommending Bacardi Silver for every time we kill Zazeer
@notimetocare for recommending double shots if meteors are reflected
@Road2insanity777 Take a shot every time your client crashs
@Alucardo Take a shot when you get killed thanks to loading screens. You got time to do it then anyway.
@Ghostbane Every time someone sieges a postern door with a meatbag in BWB.
@Lettigall 1 shot every time you see someone using cloak!
@Soulac One shot everytime someone hard casts a crystal fragment
@Nermy a trigger word like 'lag', 'points' or 'zerg' where everyone must drink
@Anazasi Player takes a shot every time they die and is successfully resurrected during combat. If a player dies while trying to resurrect another player they have to double down on the shot. If the group / raid wipes all members have to double down on shots.
@Cypriot122 Pull a sweeper while grinding and drink every time it kills you!
@Rylana GoS should institute a "shot every time lily cringes at the word "moist" in teamspeak"
@Yolokin_Swagonborn Drink everytime some DK or sap NB thinks its still patch 1.5 and tries to tank 10 people.
@heystreethawk A zone pug cries "spies!"
@heystreethawk A group lead starts guilt-tripping in zone b/c the full faction pop did not attend a keep defense
@heystreethawk Someone in your group exhibits behavior suggesting that "battle comms" do not apply to yelling about the skill or set or class responsible for their unjust and untimely demise
@ScarecrowBoat A shot whenever someone asks "How do I get out of cyrrodiil?"
Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
PvP Guides @
  • Prince_of_all_Pugs
    in DR , are drinking games consist of
    1) whenever you cap a town resource outpost or keep you drink
    2)whenever Enzo is caught zerg surfing you drink.
    3)whenever someone yells zerg in discord you drink.
    4)whenever fengrush complains on stream, you drink.(alcho poisioning)
    5)whenever tarran is faction zerging you drink.
    6)whenever a snobby 1vXer tells u how to siege , you drink.
    7)whenever ep pugs siege an emp keep during prime time with less than 5 siege
    8) whenever NPK daniel night caps the map you drink.
    9)whenever NPK daniel charges head first into your grp and dies.
    10)whenever you see a useless 1vXer not siege.
    11)whenever someone complains about team green.
    12)whenever PuG shell shock wipes TM
    13)whenever PuG shell shock wipes to TM
    14)whenever PuG shell Shock rages about TM (alcho poisioning)
    15)whenever Vex gets all of Khole killed.
    16)whenever you tbag someone.

    i try not to think of the people who never log back on when the game is over.(JK)
  • pcar944
    take a shot every time your siege glitches and becomes unusable
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Soulac
    Take a shot every time @Sanct16 screams at you.
    Take a shot every time @Sanct16 shouts "Shut up [insert name]!!!"
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Alpheu5
    Pour a shot every time you try to use a siege and the targeting arch is missing. Drink all poured shots when it finally appears.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • Sanct16
    Soulac wrote: »
    Take a shot every time @Sanct16 screams at you.
    Take a shot every time @Sanct16 shouts "Shut up [insert name]!!!"

    Shut up @Soulac
    - EU - Raid Leader of Banana Zerg Squad
    AD | AR 50 | Sanct Fir'eheal | ex Mana DK @31.10.2015
    EP | AR 50 | Sanctosaurus | Mana NB
    AD | AR 44 | rekt ya | Mana NB
    AD | AR 41 | Sanct Thunderstorm | Mana Sorc
    EP | AR 36 | S'na'ct | Mana NB {NA}
    AD | AR 29 | Captain Full Fist| Stam DK
    AD | AR 29 | Sanct The Dark Phoenix| Stam Sorc
    EP | AR 16 | Horny Sanct | Stam Warden
    EP | AR 16 | Sánct Bánáná Sláyér | Mana DK
    DC | AR 13 | ad worst faction eu | Stam Sorc
    DC | AR 13 | Lagendary Sanct | Mana NB

    >320.000.000 AP
  • Scyantific
    Take a shot every time you murk a Chuck Norris/Legions of Mordor scrub in 1v1 open field combat. *dies from alcohol poisoning*

    Take a shot every time you get a salty whisper from a wannabe gankblade. *dies from alcohol poisoning*

    Take a shot every time Stream Team claims they run "small mans" while surfing the zerg *dies from alcohol poisoning*

    Take a shot every time someone makes a "Nerf Sorcs" thread *dies from alcohol poisoning*
  • MaximillianDiE
    Take a shot every time your stamina group member rages about getting zerged down by undodgeable bird spam
    Maximillian Die Caesar - DC - [K-Hole] Retired
    Maximillian AD [[DiE]
  • Publius_Scipio
    Take a shot every time Scipio makes fun of AD and EP in zone.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Type /played on each character you have, then sum them all up. Then drink everything that is available when you realize how much of your life you have wasted on a game with so much potential that never truly realized it due to incompetent development and abysmal leadership because of a shell company only created to exploit the TES franchise and funnel money to an uncaring board of directors.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on August 15, 2017 9:17AM
  • PM_1
    Take a shot for every proc set that appears on your death recap
    Xbox1 Eu
  • Crown
    Take a shot every time Scipio makes fun of AD and EP in zone.

    @Publius_Scipio I'd rather stay conscious more than 5 minutes
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Anazasi
    in DR , are drinking games consist of
    1) whenever you cap a town resource outpost or keep you drink
    2)whenever Enzo is caught zerg surfing you drink.
    3)whenever someone yells zerg in discord you drink.
    4)whenever fengrush complains on stream, you drink.(alcho poisioning)
    5)whenever tarran is faction zerging you drink.
    6)whenever a snobby 1vXer tells u how to siege , you drink.
    7)whenever ep pugs siege an emp keep during prime time with less than 5 siege
    8) whenever NPK daniel night caps the map you drink.
    9)whenever NPK daniel charges head first into your grp and dies.
    10)whenever you see a useless 1vXer not siege.
    11)whenever someone complains about team green.
    12)whenever PuG shell shock wipes TM
    13)whenever PuG shell shock wipes to TM
    14)whenever PuG shell Shock rages about TM (alcho poisioning)
    15)whenever Vex gets all of Khole killed.
    16)whenever you tbag someone.

    i try not to think of the people who never log back on when the game is over.(JK)

    5) I would like to petition this be removed as Taran does not faction zerg. No one can get drunk off of this particular reason. On a happy note though it would seem I will always be remembered for something that never truly happened.
  • Crown
    Anazasi wrote: »
    I would like to petition this be removed as Taran does not faction zerg. No one can get drunk off of this particular reason. On a happy note though it would seem I will always be remembered for something that never truly happened.

    Welcome to the club!

    Though there was that time I had about 150 people in TS commanding six groups when we crowned Lolimage for the first time. That was fun ;-)
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Anazasi
    Crown wrote: »
    Anazasi wrote: »
    I would like to petition this be removed as Taran does not faction zerg. No one can get drunk off of this particular reason. On a happy note though it would seem I will always be remembered for something that never truly happened.

    Welcome to the club!

    Though there was that time I had about 150 people in TS commanding six groups when we crowned Lolimage for the first time. That was fun ;-)

    my brain would have exploded with that many people. Im happy with my 16-24 and the occasional zone chat confabs
  • Crown
    Anazasi wrote: »
    my brain would have exploded with that many people. Im happy with my 16-24 and the occasional zone chat confabs

    We were fighting similar numbers of EP on Chalman (the last keep to both dethrone and crown) back when you had to force-flip flags as no damage would register for about 10 minutes.

    I remember the orders on the last keep where I had 50+ go to each flag.

    Those were the good old days.. I wonder how many people in M12 remember that fight..
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Pchela
    take shot every time some in group is invisible and they must run out of render range

    nah take 3 shots for that

    take shot every time the crystalblast king dies mid-crystalblasting
  • enzoisadog
    2)whenever Enzo is caught zerg surfing you drink.

    17) whenever you see "Enzo" on the forums

    Edited by enzoisadog on August 16, 2017 5:10PM
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