Hello I have been playing the game on and off since launch but I never really gotten anywhere besides completing the main story, I would love to join and learn what the end game has to offer. Im a mature guy with lots of patience and I would love to join a group that would be willing to teach.
I'm very interested in joining! Just came back to the game a few weeks ago. I've yet to do any of the end-game content on the pc. I mainly play my DKtank. @skidbladnir
Greetings Sigtric, are you still active and recruiting?
My wife and I are looking for a social, casual, fun, lack of ego, but end game dungeon and trial running guild.
We took a year and a half off and are returning to the fold. Many of our previous guilds are but a shadow of their former selves.
We have experience in trials and all vet dungeons through Mazzatun. Still working our way through the new content that has appeared since we logged off for our break.