Just had 2 more good buddies and excellent players up and quit on the game. A superb hard mode trial healer, who has quit to play Ark. 2 amazing hard mode trial tanks. 1 of which who has decided to play Overwatch full-time, and the other has shifted to Diablo 3 since the new Necromancer have been released (and for some time). And 2 casual healer buddies who I did veteran trials and veteran dungeons with, who both decided to quit for unknown reasons...
Like... What the hell? Every time I turn around this guild and that guild is closing down, or having less and less members show-up for scheduled trials. And I just overall feel like I'm not evolving or progressing. Am I quitting? No, not as of yet. But, I feel like I'm battling against RNG more so than anything. Trials feel mundane, outside of veteran Halls of Fabrication. But with all of the CC nonsense that happens there, and elitism and nonsense that swarms in high-end trials guilds... I'd rather avoid the drama entirely. Save the headache and bs, and arguments over goofy and petty crap. And speaking of guilds, I've started my own guild that is highly successful. But, it's just so damn hard to gather folks who want to do something. A lot of them barely sign in, and when they do it's just to do their dailies and get ghost immediately afterward.
On a lesser scale, I've done pretty much everything there is to do (except for completing the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines). I've Stormproof'd all my characters, and Flawless'd everyone but my Wardens. My favorite build (PetSorc)? I've mastered. I've purchased my favorite house, and completely decked it out (Grand Topal Hideaway). I've reached my PvP goal with my PvP-main (Centurion's my MagDK), and received Star-Made Knight on my PvE-main and PvP-main. I have all content skins, except for the VHoF skin and Imperial City Sewers Molag Bal skin. I've even bested crown crates RNG, and gotten the mount I've wanted within the first 15 crates every single time I've chosen to gamble (Storm Atronach and Dwarven).
What is left for me to do...? Redo the same quests? Roll more alts? Finally finish TG and DB main quests? Keep getting on Maelstrom leaderboards, and chasing after the legendary sharpened inferno staff?
I feel like I'm a fool for some reason. I feel like... There's something I'm supposed to get the point of. Like a subtle hint is being nudged in my direction, and I just can't seem to grasp it. It's like a presence of an answer is looming over me, and on the tip of my tongue. But, I just can't grasp it. I feel like I'm just wasting away, bruh. And the only thing left for me to do is get forum 10 stars, and then just ultimately quit for good. Ask the mods to delete my account at that point, for me to then just uninstall ESO from my PS4 at that point. Idk anymore.