WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »...I need to get out more, because when I read the title I thought 'but there are no children in Tamriel!'
AcadianPaladin wrote: »I think it would be similar and simpler to lower the cost of upgrading your bank and increasing the ultimate capacity banks can be raised to.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »...I need to get out more, because when I read the title I thought 'but there are no children in Tamriel!'
seedubsrun wrote: »WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »...I need to get out more, because when I read the title I thought 'but there are no children in Tamriel!'
Completely unrelated but I never really realized that until you said it. I wonder why there aren't any kids?
seedubsrun wrote: »WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »...I need to get out more, because when I read the title I thought 'but there are no children in Tamriel!'
Completely unrelated but I never really realized that until you said it. I wonder why there aren't any kids?
lasertooth wrote: »This already exists for console users. It's called a personal guild bank
lasertooth wrote: »This already exists for console users. It's called a personal guild bank
That's console, what about PC?
lasertooth wrote: »This already exists for console users. It's called a personal guild bank
That's console, what about PC?
Then it's a much pricier, but still possible.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »...I need to get out more, because when I read the title I thought 'but there are no children in Tamriel!'
You're right. No kids in Tamriel, how come I never noticed that?
What I used before the Craft Bag was an Alt Character with maxed out bag space. And, this was back before we had 200 max slots.
But, you kind of don't need a lot of storage anymore for crafting, if you pare it down to essentials:
You have two stages of the game, Leveling and End Game. We no longer spend weeks or months in intermediate levels, unless we want to. So no real need to store a bunch of leveling mats. And, once you get a character to Champ Ranks, any character you level to 50 is also champ ranked. This has dramatically reduced the need to store a lot of mats. Once you get your main characters leveled, you really only need to store end game mats, so 4 materials, 12 tempers, figure about 20 enchanting runes (and that is mostly essences), about 10 alchemy mats (figuring most commonly used potions) and 6 to 15 or so provisioning ingredients. So, storage needs are quite low now. Style Mats are what takes up the space now a days, but you can buy a ton of Mimic Stones cheap with Crowns, so no need to store those. So, 50 to 70 slots is all you really need, and you could even get by with less than that if you really pare it down.
How you handle your leveling characters is to make sets of gear for them, then store it and hand it down to the next one. Even then, your leveling alts can farm gear as they play as world dropped sets are pretty sweet now. Add in that your buffed by the game big time while leveling, so you really don't need fancy gear from L1 to L50.
Unless you want to craft stuff for other players
PeaNutShotz wrote: »NO! you want the craft bag stop being lazy and sub like the rest of us!
MarbleQuiche wrote: »I've always had ESO+ and this is one part of it that I believe all players should have access to. It's not a convenience item, it's a vital part of the game if you craft. Prior to it being a thing, the motif and material count had gotten so out of hand that players were revolting.
It's got worse since then and, as has already been pointed out, the game isn't free to play. Everyone had to breach a paywall to play, and recent buyers were promised free, unhindered progress through the base game. As long as the craft bag is an ESO+ only thing, that's a lie. There should be a way for freeplay players to achieve it, or ZOS should change their advertising/move back to a sub only model.
It might seem weird for someone who has ESO+ to get upset about this, but I find the whole affair disgusting. It's marketing putting its nose into places it doesn't understand - game design. They may as well be kneecapping people for protection money.