Veteran PvP sorc build

  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam


    Not with high stam regen its not. It's one reason amber plasm is so good on sorcs. I dont use it while getting hammered on, but it really is amazing how fast you can recover from being completely empty. I keep it on my overload bar. I usually back bar elusive mist (I think it's a better escape tool than streak). If I am in a bad spot, I cast mist and position to block line of site. While my mist is active, I hit my ultimate. As long as you just press it once, it will immediately active your overload bar when mist expires. It then goes, tri-pot (or better yet a health, stam, imov pot), shield, 2-3 dark deal spams and you are 100% full on magic and health, and prob 80% on stam. As long as I can break line of sight for 3-4 seconds, I am back in the fight at 100%.

    I do run Streak on my overload bar if I need to cover ground. I think Mist is better from getting out of a dangerous spot, and streak is better for flat out retreating. I can cast 3 streaks followed by 2 dark conversions pretty much infinitely.

    Ok thanks for your reply, do you consider it worth being vampire especially when against mag dks?
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Betsararie
    I had never taken my mag sorc into pvp before the event, but I tried to throw together an amateur(ish) build to get him a head start with AP.

    I have been running 5 Amber plasm 4 lich with 2 pirate skelly. All impen. 2 heavy and 5 light.

    I assume this is nowhere near meta, but I have been getting a lot of kills and survivability is decent. I was debating running 5x BSW which I also have in impen, but amberplasm seems to work better. Running tri food. Stats seem good.

    I might do some experimenting with seducer in heavy, to see if it can improve surivivability.
  • Tonnopesce

    Ok thanks for your reply, do you consider it worth being vampire especially when against mag dks?

    Mag dk's have to put a lot of pressure in order to do consistent damage one Streak and you already are away from theyr range, not much of an issue here

  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Blanco wrote: »
    I had never taken my mag sorc into pvp before the event, but I tried to throw together an amateur(ish) build to get him a head start with AP.

    I have been running 5 Amber plasm 4 lich with 2 pirate skelly. All impen. 2 heavy and 5 light.

    I assume this is nowhere near meta, but I have been getting a lot of kills and survivability is decent. I was debating running 5x BSW which I also have in impen, but amberplasm seems to work better. Running tri food. Stats seem good.

    I might do some experimenting with seducer in heavy, to see if it can improve surivivability.

    It's closer to meta than you think. If any set is meta on PVP sorcs, its probably amber plasm. I am running 5 AP, 4 Magnus, 2 Pirate until I can get all my perfect AP pieces so I can swap Magnus for willpower and VMA staffs. The only difference between our two current builds is that I have one more spell damage and you have one more recovery bonus. I like my way better personally because I find my sustain is more than adequate and magnus allows me to craft weapons in perfect traits. If you have perfect trait weapons of AP or Lich, I would keep on doing what you are doing. If not, I might suggest crafting something. IMO you are at a severe disadvantage if your dont have a sharp front bar and defending back bar. It's why I ultimately dropped my Spinner/Lich build. I could never get that damn defending lich resto to drop.

    As for heavy seducer, it is certainly a viable option. As I said earlier, I like to snipe on my sorc. I want all the damage I can get. I try to keep up multiple shields at all times, so I get my survival that way. Am I as tanky as my mDK in full heavy? Nope, but I can still take a LOT of damage.


    My sorc has alwasy been vamp, but mostly for the PVE sustain. As I said early, I think that elusive mist is actually a better escape tool than streak if you are really getting pounded on. It reduces damage and you can maneuver much better to break line of sight. That skill is REALLY strong. Can you run streak instead? Sure. IMO streak is better used offensively to stun or to flat out retreat, i.e. turn and run with no thought of re-engaging. I always keep it on my overload bar. If I am trying to tactically re-position myself from a zerg push, something that happens often, I think mist is much better.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on July 25, 2017 6:12PM
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam

    It's closer to meta than you think. If any set is meta on PVP sorcs, its probably amber plasm. I am running 5 AP, 4 Magnus, 2 Pirate until I can get all my perfect AP pieces so I can swap Magnus for willpower and VMA staffs. The only difference between our two current builds is that I have one more spell damage and you have one more recovery bonus. I like my way better personally because I find my sustain is more than adequate and magnus allows me to craft weapons in perfect traits. If you have perfect trait weapons of AP or Lich, I would keep on doing what you are doing. If not, I might suggest crafting something. IMO you are at a severe disadvantage if your dont have a sharp front bar and defending back bar. It's why I ultimately dropped my Spinner/Lich build. I could never get that damn defending lich resto to drop.

    As for heavy seducer, it is certainly a viable option. As I said earlier, I like to snipe on my sorc. I want all the damage I can get. I try to keep up multiple shields at all times, so I get my survival that way. Am I as tanky as my mDK in full heavy? Nope, but I can still take a LOT of damage.


    My sorc has alwasy been vamp, but mostly for the PVE sustain. As I said early, I think that elusive mist is actually a better escape tool than streak if you are really getting pounded on. It reduces damage and you can maneuver much better to break line of sight. That skill is REALLY strong. Can you run streak instead? Sure. IMO streak is better used offensively to stun or to flat out retreat, i.e. turn and run with no thought of re-engaging. I always keep it on my overload bar. If I am trying to tactically re-position myself from a zerg push, something that happens often, I think mist is much better.


    Cool thanks for your insight.

    Bit off topic but what do you run on mag dk open world?
    Thinking of:
    5 seducer
    5 sun
    2 valkyn/blood spawn

    I've also heard impregnable is very good (use sturdy).
    Edited by Wrecking_Blow_Spam on July 25, 2017 8:13PM
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Betsararie

    It's closer to meta than you think. If any set is meta on PVP sorcs, its probably amber plasm. I am running 5 AP, 4 Magnus, 2 Pirate until I can get all my perfect AP pieces so I can swap Magnus for willpower and VMA staffs. The only difference between our two current builds is that I have one more spell damage and you have one more recovery bonus. I like my way better personally because I find my sustain is more than adequate and magnus allows me to craft weapons in perfect traits. If you have perfect trait weapons of AP or Lich, I would keep on doing what you are doing. If not, I might suggest crafting something. IMO you are at a severe disadvantage if your dont have a sharp front bar and defending back bar. It's why I ultimately dropped my Spinner/Lich build. I could never get that damn defending lich resto to drop.

    As for heavy seducer, it is certainly a viable option. As I said earlier, I like to snipe on my sorc. I want all the damage I can get. I try to keep up multiple shields at all times, so I get my survival that way. Am I as tanky as my mDK in full heavy? Nope, but I can still take a LOT of damage.

    Right now am running sharpened lich inferno on front bar, precise lich resto on back bar, which is pretty much worthless.

    I am going to have to do into CoH and grind for the defending resto, of course it will be very difficult to get. Have been wanting the defending lich resto very badly!

    I played with the build more last night, it got very good results. I am running a shield stacking build that relies on burst damage to quickly get in and get the kill. Oftentimes will snipe some players out of a larger scale battle and pick up a couple kills that way, and then shield and streak away back to my teammates when everyone else realizes I'm there. Survivability is better than I thought, I routinely can survive 3-4 enemy players attacking me at a time in BGs, and I will just run/streak away while shielding until they give up on killing me.

    If I find myself running low on mag, I'll just pop a dark conversion. I am running tri food so stamina is not as much of a problem, and the stam regen from amber plasm is noticeable. With tri food and amber plasm, I think dark conversion is a very effective choice. Magicka sustain is not at all an issue.

    Since playing last night with very good results, I no longer see any need to move toward HA at this time. The shields are just so effective and I can escape nearly any fight if I want. Very fun build to play. I was happy that I had everything ready for it just sitting in my bank, just need that defending resto and it will be even harder to kill.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw


    Cool thanks for your insight.

    Bit off topic but what do you run on mag dk open world?
    Thinking of:
    5 seducer
    5 sun
    2 valkyn/blood spawn

    I've also heard impregnable is very good (use sturdy).

    I really dont change my gear if I am solo. I typically slot an extra shield, and sometimes slot mines to help if I get into a duel or 1v2-3. I dont claim to be a 1vXer that is going to take on 8 people at once. One reason I love sorc so much is that its much easier to test the waters of a fight and dip out if it was a bad choice. My mDK is much tankier, but when you engage, it's win or die on that toon. I might give heavy seducer a try at some point, but it would just be for fun. I just dont see the need for heavy armor on a sorc.
    Blanco wrote: »

    Right now am running sharpened lich inferno on front bar, precise lich resto on back bar, which is pretty much worthless.

    I am going to have to do into CoH and grind for the defending resto, of course it will be very difficult to get. Have been wanting the defending lich resto very badly!

    I played with the build more last night, it got very good results. I am running a shield stacking build that relies on burst damage to quickly get in and get the kill. Oftentimes will snipe some players out of a larger scale battle and pick up a couple kills that way, and then shield and streak away back to my teammates when everyone else realizes I'm there. Survivability is better than I thought, I routinely can survive 3-4 enemy players attacking me at a time in BGs, and I will just run/streak away while shielding until they give up on killing me.

    If I find myself running low on mag, I'll just pop a dark conversion. I am running tri food so stamina is not as much of a problem, and the stam regen from amber plasm is noticeable. With tri food and amber plasm, I think dark conversion is a very effective choice. Magicka sustain is not at all an issue.

    Since playing last night with very good results, I no longer see any need to move toward HA at this time. The shields are just so effective and I can escape nearly any fight if I want. Very fun build to play. I was happy that I had everything ready for it just sitting in my bank, just need that defending resto and it will be even harder to kill.

    Yeah, Like I said, I came from running Spinner/Lich. My Resto staff was decisive, which was certainly not Ideal. I ended up farming the rest of my amber plasm. I am running 5 Amber, 3 willpower, VMA Destro/Resto (sharp/defending) and 2 pirate skeleton. I will go out on a limb and say that its more than a touch better better, it's very noticeable. I really dont need dark conversion very often, but even so, the extra stam regen is really nice. I am able to go with three spell damage glyphs, and still sustain just fine.

    Spinner might become a better option next patch with the sharp nerf, but right now, I dont think its the best choice. Obviously, it still works very well. I am just not going to grind weapons in this game outside a trial. It's too painful, and I think a back bar defending staff is really important.

    Edit: One thing to consider is that you dont penetrate (spinners) against shields. Almost any magic build is going to have some kind of shield up most of the time.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on July 31, 2017 8:17PM
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