Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to click, read and vote (I hope). The title pretty much sums up the topic of discussion. I enjoy the CP system and the ongoing adjustments that ZOS makes to continually improve it. In saying that I believe a permanent CP cap should eventually be introduced.
1) Introducing a Permanent CP Cap (pre-3,600)
The current CP cap is 630. This will be increased to 660 (iirc) in the upcoming DLC. With the CP cap continually being raised with new content I can’t help but wonder about the future. Will a permanent CP cap ever be introduced? If so, when will it be introduced? What will that CP cap be? Perhaps you yourself have wondered the same thing. If there is no permanent cap then eventually everyone will have the similar CP allocations. In turn this will kill build diversity by reducing the importance of CP choices. I’ve come to the conclusion that introducing a permanent CP cap will be beneficial. An additional benefit to a permanent cap would be allowing new players to ‘catch up’ instead of having the goal posts continually moved so to speak. I don't know what the permanent cap should be, but I do think there should be one.
2)Introducing a NPC CP Vendor
At the moment when a player reaches the CP cap (currently 630) a player is still able to gain CP but the CP gained past the cap is ‘banked’ and unable to be used until the CP cap is raised (usually with a new DLC). If there is a permanent CP cap what would players do with ‘banked’ CP? In the current system the answer is nothing. Nothing shouldn't be the answer. What if ZOS introduced a NPC CP Vendor? Players could spend their hard earned
excess CP on exclusive items. Of course players who haven’t reached the cap can't purchase items at the vendor. These items would reward long-term players, create a fresh market but more importantly gives excess CP additional purpose. I thought of this idea to primarily cater to players if a permanent CP cap is introduced but I’m sure this idea would be a popular idea regardless.
Thank you for taking the time to read. This poll was created to see what the ESO community thought. Whether you agree, disagree or have some ideas of your own please feel free to share them with myself and the rest of the ESO community. Thanks in advance!
Edited by Maole1989 on July 30, 2017 12:47AM [1 Corinthians 13] [John 15:13] [John 3:16]
Maole_1989 - PS4 NA EP
Permanent CP Cap - What are your thoughts? 107 votes
No. I'm happy with the CP system as it is. There shouldn't be a permanent CP cap nor NPC CP Vendor.
No. There shouldn't be a permanent CP cap, but I think a NPC CP Vendor would be a great addition.
Unsure. I feel the CP system is fine at the moment but this could change in the future.
Unsure. I am a new player and not sure how these changes will impact me.

2 votes
Yes. There should be a permanent CP cap.
Yes. There should be a permanent CP cap and NPC CP Vendor.