Okay: Rubedite Greatsword/Rubedidte Battleaxe at 1220 Weapon/Spell Damage
Cleave value after reseting Champ Points: 50% (so it may be a UI bug)
Cleave % With Sword: 52%
Cleave % With Axe: 50%
Skeever Physical Resistance: 9100 ~ 13.79 assuming 660 per 1%
*(Through calculations it appears to be approximately 18.07% at 505 per 1%)*
Main Target - Base: 1,765
Main Target - Crit : 2,647
Cleave Target Base - Main Target - Base: 723
-=|(1,765*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 723|=- (Looks Good)
Cleave Target Critical - Main Target - Base: 1085
-=|(1,765*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 723 * 1.5 = 1,084.54 |=- (Looks Good)
Cleave Target Base - Main Target Critical: 1085
-=|(2,647*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,084.34|=- (Looks Good)
Cleave Target Critical - Main Target Critical: 1627
-=|(2,647*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,084.34 * 1.5 = 1,626.51 |=- (Looks Good)
Main Target - Base: 1,852
-=|1,765 * 1.05 = 1,853|=- (Looks Good)
Main Target - Crit : 2,779
-=|2,647 * 1.05 = 2,779.35|=- (Looks Good)
Cleave Target Base - Main Target - Base: 797
-=|(1,852 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 758.67|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
Cleave Target Critical - Main Target - Base: 1196
-=|(1,852 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 758.67 * 1.5 = 1,138|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
Cleave Target Base - Main Target Critical: 1196
-=|(2,779 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,138.4|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
Cleave Target Critical - Main Target Critical: 1793
-=|(2,779 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,707.6|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
Sword cleave should be dealing about 5% more damage if it's just a UI bug
In Testing Sword Cleave is dealing 10% More damage than the axe, and dealing 5% more damage than calculated
It may be possible that the tooltip is just a visual bug, but it seems that just like the lightning staff, the sword is double dipping its values, I'm going to test this with Mighty, Master-at-arms, and Physical Weapons expert to see if the Cleave effect will also double dip into those as well, effectively supercharging cleave damage. However, I'll post this first.
That'd make sense if it was in the 50% range, but this is past 60%, and I'm pretty sure it was only buffed to 50% (at least that's what it states in the Morrowind Patch notes)
That'd make sense if it was in the 50% range, but this is past 60%, and I'm pretty sure it was only buffed to 50% (at least that's what it states in the Morrowind Patch notes)
If I use same explanation like for those 2% a 5% then probably somewhere something is around 10% damage value that is affecting it too
But my previous theory was based on 2.5/5% from passives but, you actually have 2 swords on you so the would be both 5% anyway.... so scratch that.