What's going on with the Forceful passive?

I know in morrowind it was increased to be 50% splash, but now the tooltip is showing 65%? And when I swap to DW it get's changed to 62%?
Edited by Avran_Sylt on July 11, 2017 10:12PM

Best Answers

  • SodanTok
    Looks like DW/2H passive for sword +% damage is affecting it
    Answer ✓
  • Avran_Sylt

    Okay: Rubedite Greatsword/Rubedidte Battleaxe at 1220 Weapon/Spell Damage

    Cleave value after reseting Champ Points: 50% (so it may be a UI bug)

    Cleave % With Sword: 52%
    Cleave % With Axe: 50%


    Skeever Physical Resistance: 9100 ~ 13.79 assuming 660 per 1%
    *(Through calculations it appears to be approximately 18.07% at 505 per 1%)*

    Main Target - Base: 1,765
    Main Target - Crit : 2,647
    Cleave Target Base - Main Target - Base: 723
    -=|(1,765*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 723|=- (Looks Good)
    Cleave Target Critical - Main Target - Base: 1085
    -=|(1,765*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 723 * 1.5 = 1,084.54 |=- (Looks Good)
    Cleave Target Base - Main Target Critical: 1085
    -=|(2,647*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,084.34|=- (Looks Good)
    Cleave Target Critical - Main Target Critical: 1627
    -=|(2,647*0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,084.34 * 1.5 = 1,626.51 |=- (Looks Good)

    Main Target - Base: 1,852
    -=|1,765 * 1.05 = 1,853|=- (Looks Good)
    Main Target - Crit : 2,779
    -=|2,647 * 1.05 = 2,779.35|=- (Looks Good)
    Cleave Target Base - Main Target - Base: 797
    -=|(1,852 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 758.67|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
    Cleave Target Critical - Main Target - Base: 1196
    -=|(1,852 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 758.67 * 1.5 = 1,138|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
    Cleave Target Base - Main Target Critical: 1196
    -=|(2,779 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,138.4|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)
    Cleave Target Critical - Main Target Critical: 1793
    -=|(2,779 * 0.5)*(1-0.1807) = 1,707.6|=- (Actual Higher than Calculated)

    Sword cleave should be dealing about 5% more damage if it's just a UI bug
    In Testing Sword Cleave is dealing 10% More damage than the axe, and dealing 5% more damage than calculated

    It may be possible that the tooltip is just a visual bug, but it seems that just like the lightning staff, the sword is double dipping its values, I'm going to test this with Mighty, Master-at-arms, and Physical Weapons expert to see if the Cleave effect will also double dip into those as well, effectively supercharging cleave damage. However, I'll post this first.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on July 12, 2017 1:56AM
    Answer ✓
  • Avran_Sylt
    That'd make sense if it was in the 50% range, but this is past 60%, and I'm pretty sure it was only buffed to 50% (at least that's what it states in the Morrowind Patch notes)
  • SodanTok
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    That'd make sense if it was in the 50% range, but this is past 60%, and I'm pretty sure it was only buffed to 50% (at least that's what it states in the Morrowind Patch notes)

    If I use same explanation like for those 2% a 5% then probably somewhere something is around 10% damage value that is affecting it too :D

    But my previous theory was based on 2.5/5% from passives but, you actually have 2 swords on you so the would be both 5% anyway.... so scratch that.
    Edited by SodanTok on July 11, 2017 11:24PM
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Cp passives are screwy. Increasing befoul cp increases major vitality tooltip but doesnt effect it.

    Its a ui bug i believe. Does the damage value change?
    PS4 NA DC
  • Avran_Sylt
    @GreenSoup2HoT I'll have to test, brb.
  • Own
    It's probably buffed by CP master-at-arms or something like that.
  • Avran_Sylt

    Skeever (9100 Physical Resistance, 18.07% DR at 505 per 1%)
    No CP:
    Basic Attack - Base: 1,673
    Basic Attack - Base - Cleave - Base: 686
    Mighty - 100 - 15% increase to Physical Damage:
    Basic Attack - Base: 1,924
    -=|(1,673 * 1.15) = 1923.95 |=- (Looks Good)
    Basic Attack - Base - Cleave - 907
    -=|(1924 * 0.5) * (1-.1807) = 788.166 (Actual Higher than Calculated)
    -=|(788.166 * 1.15) = 906.39|=- (Cleave Double Dips Mighty)
    Physical Weapons Expert - 100 - 35% Increase to Light and Heavy Attacks:
    Basic Attack - Base: 2258
    -=|(1,673 * 1.35) = 2,258.55|=- (Looks Good)
    Basic Attack - Base - Cleave - Base: 926
    -=|(2,258 * 0.5) * (1-.1807) = 925.215|=- (Looks Good)
    Master at Arms - 100 = 25% Increase to Direct Damage:
    Basic Attack - Base: 2091
    -=|(1,673 * 1.25) = 2,091 |=- (Looks Good)
    Basic Attack - Base - Cleave - Base: 1071
    -=| (2,091 * 0.5) * (1-0.1807) = 856.68 (Actual Higher than Calculated)
    -=| (856.68 * 1.25) = 1,070.85 |=- (Cleave Double Dips Master at Arms)

    Heavy Weapons - 2/2 - 5% increase in Damage:
    Basic Attack -Base: 1,756
    -=| (1,673 * 1.05) = 1,756.65 |=- (Looks Good)
    Basic Attack - Base - Cleave - Base: 755
    -=| (1,756 * 0.5) * (1-0.1807) = 719.6 |=- (Actual Higher than Calculated
    -=| (719.6 * 1.05) = 755.59 |=- (Cleave Double Dips Heavy Weapons)
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