Dumping flaming oil from the grate over the keep front door does zero damage. This needs to be fixed.
Keeps should be much harder to take. Even pug grps can Take keeps now in 2-3mins. Even with spotters you dont have a Chance to deff keeps against ram + multiple ballista.
And remove the ap ticks from ressources/ keeps. Too many ppl avoid Fights on PC EU because they can make more APS taking an empty keep.
And sry didnt read OP Post yet. Maybe something is already mentioned
Please don't. OP mentioned reducing the AP from keeps, and while the rest of his ideas are good, this one isn't. There already is little incentive to take most keeps aside from an emp group. Most people are just farmers.
Gankers can make easily 10x that in the time it takes to take a keep. I say, make def/off ticks much larger, to be worth the time.
Maybe but then give the night/morning capper a heavy AP penalty. They are raiding every morning (Starts about 5am) empty Caps. (2-3 Pop against 5 enemies in total). Its a real problem on the PC EU server. We dont have the pleasure of Multiple time zones here. And the ppl who raid every morning are rly Bad but still getting gold rewards because Ap/hr with only circle raiding is enough for that.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
The real solution to this isn't a penalty that happens on the map itself. There's no reason that the map should be governed by a time piece.
There should be dynamic population caps that prevent the faction stacking against an empty map that you're describing. This means the most populous faction's pop lock is locked to match the lowest pop's current number of players (give or take a half dozen players). By doing this it prevents a large block of players from being all on one faction and instead encourages zergs to break apart into smaller chunks and fight amongst each other instead of empty keeps to be allowed onto the map to play.
If they insist on staying in one faction, they can wait in a queue while other factions are admitted freely.
QuebraRegra wrote: »stop reading about halfway through and realized you should just be in charge as you clearly have put more thought into it than the current dev team.
SwampRaider wrote: »I'm okay with this list, but I do enjoy raids full of 40 people. this is large scale pvp. a war
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
The real solution to this isn't a penalty that happens on the map itself. There's no reason that the map should be governed by a time piece.
There should be dynamic population caps that prevent the faction stacking against an empty map that you're describing. This means the most populous faction's pop lock is locked to match the lowest pop's current number of players (give or take a half dozen players). By doing this it prevents a large block of players from being all on one faction and instead encourages zergs to break apart into smaller chunks and fight amongst each other instead of empty keeps to be allowed onto the map to play.
If they insist on staying in one faction, they can wait in a queue while other factions are admitted freely.
dynamic pop caps (while being the most desireable solution) are a form of penalty - but they also create problems: for example what do you want to do when one faction starts to log out/loose players before the others.
Do you boot people from cyro?