So i try to be as nice as posibel, but i dont have patient anymore. (so sorry for my behaviour) This whole thing happens on EU Mega server.
First you broke the whole Que procces in random dungeon finder including specific fidners pluss battle ground,
Now when we fianly get in to a random dungeon everybody in the group just got DC and the whole isnatnces are reseted.
You are a provider and i paying for your services, i dont care about your development hard times
i am so sorry to beeing rude but you are just acting like everything is so fine all around the game, yet you got our money, and your excuses are poor, your job is not worthy of the title of Elder Scrolls. I am so fustrated right now
The game is lagging constantly the latency issues are dreadful even with 1gig download and 500 mega upload speed.
The frame drops are making me sick too. My pc is 6X beter then the asked system requriments.
I dont know what cosuing these problems, but it must be fixed. or remove the whole concept of the dungeon and batteground system including que's and lock dungeon requiered quests, till you find out what went wrong, take your time, dive in to the source codes, chek the scripts, look in to the engine too if you must, and please Fix it.
i dont know when did the dungeon system came out all i know is that when Morrowind arrived way toomany thing have been broked down. Core functions wich is a must have feature in mmorpg. You have very source to fix this issues, yet another came back, it is just like SWTOR they use Hero Engine and this is exactly what happen with them all the time, they patch something or update the game realiseing something and another thing goes to break down.
I know in fact that ESO is no longer using Hero Engine now, so i have no clue what couse these issues. All i want is fix these, and i want to enjoy the game with my friends becasue thats why i paying for you too as a customer.
Further issues, the ingame support is a disaster no real reactions from the support team at all in game. it is too imperson. It is like we are writing a ticket to a ghost. No real communications between players and employes. If you dont have the capacity to deal with everything faster, then invest in the support team, be more alive, like real persons. it is like talking to a robot, i wrote a ticket and i reciev an atuo generated e-mail, no in game communication with teh coustumers at all.
Thats all. thank you.
[edited for flaming]
Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on June 30, 2017 4:51PM
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