Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Akevoriath wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
That was just a half-arsed excuse to explain their laziness in story writing, it reminds me of something M. Night Shyamalan would do.
Chronologically, the dungeon is after the campaign... think of it like reading a book. you can read the chapter about the campaign outside, and then reach the chapter about the dungeon fight... and you go back to re-read the campaign chapter again and it still describes the scene with the anchor overhead... you've gone back to a point where it still exists so it wouldn't mean the book is wrong but your perspective is.
Eventually they will have to replace the Daedric invasion with something else to make the lore more consistent.
Akevoriath wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
That was just a half-arsed excuse to explain their laziness in story writing, it reminds me of something M. Night Shyamalan would do.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Eventually they will have to replace the Daedric invasion with something else to make the lore more consistent.
They do not *need* to do this because they can just explain it away with dragon breaks.
You guys just need to accept that time is not liner in the elder scrolls universe, especially in a time like online is set, what with a plane meld and such.
You think things get weird in TES, at least all of our lore originated in games and was created for such.
Then look at something like Lord of the Rings Online using a old IP that probably has the most lore stickler fans ever seen. The fact that you could move forward or backwards in time in that game based on what region you were in was jarring.
At the prancing pony? Aragon is there waiting for Frodo. Take your quick travel to Rivendell? It's always before the forming of the fellowship.
By the time you get to Moria, Gandalf is fallen and the rest have passed through to the other side.
It could get really weird if you didn't know how it worked.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Eventually they will have to replace the Daedric invasion with something else to make the lore more consistent.
They do not *need* to do this because they can just explain it away with dragon breaks.
You guys just need to accept that time is not liner in the elder scrolls universe, especially in a time like online is set, what with a plane meld and such.
If time isn't linear then why record time at all? 1st Era, 2nd, 3rd, 4th they're all meaningless and pointless. Might as well just say, "The Date and Time is now. What? 2E 586? No, it's just now."
Never understood with all their phasing technology they didn't change this in Cyrodiil after beating the dungeon. Would have been great.