Hey !
Would you like to be able to play everything (except the group quests, trials, vet dungeons and pvp ofc) when the servers are offline or you're really far far away and cannot connect to the internet ?
The bought DLC's will be active in any situation. If you're ESO+, the game will mantain the double capacity of your bank and will always use the ESO+ bag.
You will not be able to access the online content, like guild traders ofc. You could still decorate your home, craft items, etc.
This will asure a special position in the market to Elder Scrolls, since it would be only MMO playable when you go in a cruise / airplane trip, etc. and you're offline.
Your questing and mats gathered / used, house changes, etc. should be synced with the server first time you reconnect to the internet. This way all the advancements you did will not be lost.
You will be able to play lag free when questing !!! Very important for whoever has a slow internet connection ... The game will have internal timers so you cannot just hack the database and add resources to the PC game, or maybe you will only be allowed to complete quests and wonder around the world, not mats and items involved. The rewards will be received upon reconnection to the servers. No cheaters pls

This way ZOS will have way less negative forum posts about such maintenances like today.
And yes, it's all anonymous. I don't care who says what.
Edited by taiji2078 on June 20, 2017 11:41AM Magicka Pet High Elf Sorcerer , Magicka High Elf Nightblade, Magicka High Elf Templar, Imperial Warden Tank
Elder Scrolls Offline, single player questing version 150 votes
Yes, I want to play ESO also in single player questing mode (offline)
No. I would never play Elder Scrolls offline.
Maybe... hmmmm ... ! Coz' I will add 999.999.999 gold to my account. I are hackzor