Hello, thank you for your interest in Banished Warlords. We are a brand spanking new PvE guild. There are two of us right now. We are both out of DC but that isn't a requirement. Our main focus is to have fun and kill some mobs!
The plan for this guild is to eventually run veteran trials. But, we have to start somewhere so as soon as we get 10 members we will start running veteran dungeons to get gear. You don't have to be CP630 to join this guild like most other PvE guilds. Just be close to 160 and you're good with us!! We will help you and anybody get the gear and levels they need.
Now, you're probably thinking how do you have a casual raiding guild. Well, it's simple. I can't be on 24/7 as much as I would love to. I have a family and a full time career. So I can't be on and I can't expect you to be on either. So don't feel pressured to be at every raid day or dungeon day. All I'm asking is make an effort and show that you want to be a part of this guild and we will accept you with open arms. Family will always come first.
The ranking system is fairly easy.
Warlord-guild leader
Advisor- my right hand man
Lieutenant- very loyal member who will be leading most raids and dungeons.
Sergeant- a member who shows they want to be here and has knowledge of the game and raids.
Soldier- your basic member and the backbone of the guild.
Probe- the first step into becoming a soldier. 2 week probe period.
So if all this sounds great to you we welcome you. Leave your gamertag down below with your CP level just so I can keep track or shoot an in game message. I try to play everyday so I should get back to you quickly. Also read the Message of the Day when you can please! Again, thank you and welcome!