Interesting set up. Only thing the set is lacking is spell crit which is pretty important. Id honestly say drop alch set for maybe a krag set. This way you can still rock the SPC and Monster gear. The ideal set up (in my opinion) would be to get SPC with krag, for dungeons. SPC/Worm cult for trials. Eventually weeding out your monster sets for a Master resto staff and Maelstrom destroy. Which I don't have because RNG hates me.
So even if I drink a potion when Alchemist is active, and get the buff, when I swap to SPC I immediately lose the buff? I thought it wouldn't act like this, seeing how it's a timed buff and not a set passive.Yes sadly you would lose the buff unless you swapped out 1pc of the monster set which im guessing you don't want to do. Regardless you would lose the set pc because of the weapons even running alch unless you weapon swap like you said you would.
No one seems to be asking the most obvious question why are you running clever Alchemist on a dungeon healer
No one seems to be asking the most obvious question why are you running clever Alchemist on a dungeon healer
I have a bit more recovery than you but a bit less magicka currently. I want higher HP too.
I assume people don't want to have a NB trial healer and don't really feel like proving myself. It's hardcore content after all and seems demanding, and I've got weak nerves
(Still having nightmares of my WOW raid days, when I was scolded and called bad names and mentally abused for making minor no more raid in this lifetime.)
No one seems to be asking the most obvious question why are you running clever Alchemist on a dungeon healer
It's the thing with monster sets. Troll King for example looks useful, but I also want to have two 5pc bonuses. Supposedly CA 5pc works so long I have 5pc when drinking a potion, and it has health. If there are better or similar sets let me know.
I don't think there's much point in Alchemist. What use do you have for that extra spelldamage as a healer?
Sordidfairytale wrote: »I don't think there's much point in Alchemist. What use do you have for that extra spelldamage as a healer?
AFAIK all spell tooltip calculation is influenced by Spell Damage. That includes the healing calculation if I'm not mistaken.
However, magicka shields like hardened ward and annulment are calculated on max magicka alone. So with that in mind, the more bang for your buck would be an increased magicka pool. Unless I'm again mistaken (entirely possible) and there was a change in shield calculations.
Sordidfairytale wrote: »I don't think there's much point in Alchemist. What use do you have for that extra spelldamage as a healer?
AFAIK all spell tooltip calculation is influenced by Spell Damage. That includes the healing calculation if I'm not mistaken.
However, magicka shields like hardened ward and annulment are calculated on max magicka alone. So with that in mind, the more bang for your buck would be an increased magicka pool. Unless I'm again mistaken (entirely possible) and there was a change in shield calculations.
Yes, all magicka skills but shields and sorc pets(?) get influenced by spelldamage. But what's the point of a huge but very short heal buff in PvE while you could be rocking more regeneration at all times or something? It'll be useless for the majority of the time and I doubt it'll be vital when it is up either. I mean it's not even on demand, it's on potion if you actually use potions for sustain, you likely won't be able to hold off using one til heavy damage stage where the buff might have come in handy.
Out of "proc and swap" sets Lich would probably give most benefit because you could run that with 3 spellpower enchants I think, getting what...same ~500 spelldamage up at all times?
Admittedly I have never healed on a nightblade. But this setup, while interesting, is not needed (in PvE at least) I think.
Sordidfairytale wrote: »I don't think there's much point in Alchemist. What use do you have for that extra spelldamage as a healer?
AFAIK all spell tooltip calculation is influenced by Spell Damage. That includes the healing calculation if I'm not mistaken.
However, magicka shields like hardened ward and annulment are calculated on max magicka alone. So with that in mind, the more bang for your buck would be an increased magicka pool. Unless I'm again mistaken (entirely possible) and there was a change in shield calculations.
Yes, all magicka skills but shields and sorc pets(?) get influenced by spelldamage. But what's the point of a huge but very short heal buff in PvE while you could be rocking more regeneration at all times or something? It'll be useless for the majority of the time and I doubt it'll be vital when it is up either. I mean it's not even on demand, it's on potion if you actually use potions for sustain, you likely won't be able to hold off using one til heavy damage stage where the buff might have come in handy.
Out of "proc and swap" sets Lich would probably give most benefit because you could run that with 3 spellpower enchants I think, getting what...same ~500 spelldamage up at all times?
Admittedly I have never healed on a nightblade. But this setup, while interesting, is not needed (in PvE at least) I think.
What about withered hand for sustain instead of lich?
Thank you all for the advice!
I never considered Lich and Magdalina you are right, that looks better with jewelry enchants. I don't have a magicka problem, but if I try to use a Monster Set there probably isn't any better option left. I was trying to make the AC buff last longer (so it's less of a burst) by reducing potion CD, but it doesn't seem like it's worth it. I'll try to get Lich first (Ahhh...RNG). Is it also a pretty popular set?
Thank you all for the advice!
I never considered Lich and Magdalina you are right, that looks better with jewelry enchants. I don't have a magicka problem, but if I try to use a Monster Set there probably isn't any better option left. I was trying to make the AC buff last longer (so it's less of a burst) by reducing potion CD, but it doesn't seem like it's worth it. I'll try to get Lich first (Ahhh...RNG). Is it also a pretty popular set?
Lich is very popular for PvP, less so for PvE. You'd probably be able to find people to farm it with without too much issues.
What monster set do you want so much though? I actually wish there was a viable on for a healer but I really don't think there is:/
What monster set do you want so much though? I actually wish there was a viable on for a healer but I really don't think there is:/
Thank you all for the advice!
I never considered Lich and Magdalina you are right, that looks better with jewelry enchants. I don't have a magicka problem, but if I try to use a Monster Set there probably isn't any better option left. I was trying to make the AC buff last longer (so it's less of a burst) by reducing potion CD, but it doesn't seem like it's worth it. I'll try to get Lich first (Ahhh...RNG). Is it also a pretty popular set?
Lich is very popular for PvP, less so for PvE. You'd probably be able to find people to farm it with without too much issues.
What monster set do you want so much though? I actually wish there was a viable on for a healer but I really don't think there is:/
There are a few sets that look like they can be good (Troll King, and the popular DPS sets) but I admit I just want to try different things, see if it works/is more fun. Since it's just dungeons, I guess there's some room for that.
Ebon should always be worn by the tank since it's a heavy set, with healthy jewelry and no bonuses that are useful for a healer or any other magicka build.