Yes, an another maelstrom loot topic. Again. Because, seriously, nearly everyone know that how the loot is horrendous.
Let's face it : not a lot of people love maelstrom, and I don't even speak about the loot. This is a >
solo< challenge, when most people are on this >
MMO< because they want to do >
group< content. But hey, let's say that ESO can give nearly everything including solo content for those who like that. It's fine.
But really. In order to be fully optimized for >group< content, you often need maelstrom weapons, who drop on >solo< content. Well, okay, let's be bored for some hours during these we'll loot these weapons. And no. No because random is 90% of the job. The mechanism themselves are mostly skill with a few random event (a poisonous spore who spawn just under the shielder mob just when the argonian behemoth begin his howl, for example), but we are totally dependent of the rng for the loot. And the loot is bad, really bad, horrendously bad. It's bad nearly everywhere, but the solo component, the difficulty and the length of the run made maelstrom far worse than everything else.
I have now 497 maelstrom weapons. Mostly every of these are useless. I have one precise fire staff (my only other one is defending), two precise bows (and 34 defender/energized/decisive), one energized lightning (only lightning), one nirn axe (only axe/dagger with precise, nirn, infused or sharpened trait), every single swords, hammers and resto staffs with every possible traits, and a lot of 2H with one sharpened (axe), one nirn and one precise (both hammers). This week, I tried to place two of my characters in leaderboard. As usual, I get trash reward in chest, and now I got my leaderboard reward :
- one defending greataxe with the characters who have done it with my sharpened greataxe. Just this one is a joke. "Oh, you've done it with a good weapon ? So I give the same weapon, but with a weaker trait, you'll be happy".
- my first non resto sharpened staff. Of course, a ice staff.
And ice of the cake, I got two gold rings. Para bellum and hunt master. Both in arcane. Seriously.
ZOS, we don't like to be rewarded by nothing or joke item. You won't like to be paid by monopoly money. That's how we feel, for most players who don't do maelstrom for pure fun but instead in order to have more fun with the rest of the content. Yes, maelstrom weapons are no more the absolute king, but they're still extremely strong, so needed for most endgame players.
Maestrom reward skill with the leaderboard, but the leaderboard as the final chest only reward
luck. Luck is
NOT a good bait for long term. Luck is good when it give things a little faster sometime, but never when it's the only way to get what we looking for. As before, you won't like to be paid only if a random factor has decided that you earned it or not. Reward skill, please.
But I won't only complain without some solutions ideas. So here is some suggestions.
- You want to keep the luck factor, but still give a much needed change to long term rewards ? Keep everything as it actually is, but add "maelstrom" crafting station to the arena. When we deconstruct a maelstrom weapon on these crafting stations, we get one maelstrom emblem. When we craft a weapon infused with enough emblem, we get a new maelstrom weapon. One emblem give us the "choice" of the style (maestrom, of course). More emblems (the choice of the number is yours, I would say 5) give us the choice of the weapon, and even more (perhaps 20?) would also give us the opportunity to choose the trait. Like that, a player know that if he isn't luck, he will have his maelstrom perfect weapons with 20 runs, and he won't stop after a few runs because of the random factor.
- You want to do a new full token system ? Give a maelstrom emblem on the final chest. Give to Baron Moves-Like-a-Smoking-Plume the possibility to trade these emblems for a container. Those containers would vary in price, and contain either a random weapon with random trait (one emblem), a chosen weapon with a random trait (more emblems) or a chosen weapon with a chosen trait (even more emblem). For leaderboard reward, give a golden emblem who can buy the same thing but as gold quality, and a highly diminished price.
You may even unbound these emblems, giving the possibility to trade them and boost the economy. In this case, you must lock the crafting station behind an achievement (preferably behind the veteran completion achievement), or give the dialog option to Baron only at the end of a veteran maelstrom run. But that's not necessary, even with a bound token system a lot of players would be happy.
@ZOS_GinaBruno ,
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom and all other ZOS members in this forum, we really need to be rewarded for hard content. Most of us love the game but for a lot of us, the pure rng system is just a pain. You were thinking about a token system, You've said it before Morrowind, but it seem to have disappears since. Please, reconsider it seriously. And if you have something serious about it for the next dlc, give us hope, say it the fastest you can.