AzraelKrieg wrote: »I love seeing them get salty year after year though. It's brings me joy
AzraelKrieg wrote: »I love seeing them get salty year after year though. It's brings me joy
Apparently to them ESO is holding up their beloved Skyrim 2.000
It's gaming in general, people don't seem to understand what being grown up means any more.The communtiy has gone to hell with Skyrim. They are like rabid dogs now, circling the fence outside Bethesda Softworks HQ, tearing anything to shreds that isn't Skyrim 2.0.
Just look at the downvotes on the trailer of the upcoming TES Legends expansion. It's even Skyrim-themed, and they still can't handle it. Screw these people.
Besides, they would crap all over TES6 anyway if it ever released.
Bethesda: "There are no plans for TES 6 yet, but in the meantime there is this MMO of the Elder Scrolls that you can play and spend on"
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse you! I don't know if you're with or against us but either way this kind of slander is simply barbaric. I'm entitled to my hopes and dreams and I'm super offended you tried to give me YOUR opinion. How dare you try to compare your opinion to MY opinion whether good or bad! You madam or sir should feel ashamed.LordSkyKnight wrote: »Welcome to generation entitlement.
It's gaming in general, people don't seem to understand what being grown up means any more.The communtiy has gone to hell with Skyrim. They are like rabid dogs now, circling the fence outside Bethesda Softworks HQ, tearing anything to shreds that isn't Skyrim 2.0.
Just look at the downvotes on the trailer of the upcoming TES Legends expansion. It's even Skyrim-themed, and they still can't handle it. Screw these people.
Besides, they would crap all over TES6 anyway if it ever released.
Then again I am not young any more, so I guess I don't understand the kids today.
I feel like we should get a beer* and have an old man/mer grumble some time.It's gaming in general, people don't seem to understand what being grown up means any more.The communtiy has gone to hell with Skyrim. They are like rabid dogs now, circling the fence outside Bethesda Softworks HQ, tearing anything to shreds that isn't Skyrim 2.0.
Just look at the downvotes on the trailer of the upcoming TES Legends expansion. It's even Skyrim-themed, and they still can't handle it. Screw these people.
Besides, they would crap all over TES6 anyway if it ever released.
Then again I am not young any more, so I guess I don't understand the kids today.
It's not even just gaming, it's everywhere in "social" media. I don't even think it's a generational thing, as the same people weren't as bad before this whole facegram and instabook stuff.
Everyone has become so demanding because they are used to free entertainment 24/7, and given the ability to tell everyone about their opinion. This was different when you only heard from a friend about a website or a forum where you might find people who you can share your interests with, or you have to spend hours in crappy search engines by coming up with questions about things you don't even know exist ... good luck googling for mods when there is no google and you don't even know what a mod is.
Meh, I guess I just sound like an old grumpy mer myself.