Proc Stam NB in BGs

I'm a Stamplar, and I probably need just to git gud, or L2P, or adapt, or re-roll, or some other knee-jerk suggestion.

But my impression is that Proc Stam NB are a little OP in BGs. I feel like I have options in every encounter in BGs, ways to respond and give myself a chance. If I lose, there is a reasonable explanation (I made a mistake, I got outnumbered, I was out of position, I was out of resources, etc.)

This is not the case with Proc Stam NBs who open on you from stealth. Often times they are able to get so much damage in right away, that you are basically dead. Other times, I use so much of my recourse pool to mitigate the initial barrage that I don't have enough left to continue to fight. And many times if I am able to shrug off the first assault, the NB can just re-stealth and reload.

Most of the time I feel like I have a fighting chance. But these occasional 1v1 proc stam NB encounters in BGs leave me feeling helpless.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Rickter
    Stamplar is one of the most common classes i encounter in BGs next to magsorc

    so you tell me why?

    try this combo: PotL > javelin > crit rush > jabs > executioner

    very effective in duels at least. the crit rush and PotL creates near unavoidable burst dmg.
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • MurderMostFoul
    Stamplar might be common, but they don't melt face like stam NB.

    In fact, I can barely remember seeing jabs or PotL on any death recaps, whereas viper+incap strike seems to show up like 30% of the time.

    Also, this is my burst:

    Snipe>PotL(immediately after snipe so it hits before the snipe lands)>Poison Injection>swap>Crit Rush>jabs/executioner/crescent sweep

    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • FlyLionel
    They don't face melt like stam NB but they do have infinite purge and 8% reduce damage, I haven't tried BGs yet but are you in heavy armour? Stam temp has the damage to rip everything due to potl so what I see is that you're just getting killed very quick.

    When you get incap make sure you CC break asap and purge off all of those nasty things applied, also it's great to know how an item like the master bow works. Say if a sNB shoots a poison injection at you and you see their arms glow green, purge that etc for true ganks, if it's bugging you that bad; inner light?
    The Flyers
  • MurderMostFoul
    FlyLionel wrote: »
    are you in heavy armour?

    5M/2H (chest and shoulders)

    Going 5+ heavy scares me...
    I've done it before and the added mitigation doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I feel the reduced sustain and damage more. This was in non-CP Cyrodiil though. Maybe I would have more luck now in BGs post MW.

    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • FearlessOne_2014
    FlyLionel wrote: »
    are you in heavy armour?

    5M/2H (chest and shoulders)

    Going 5+ heavy scares me...
    I've done it before and the added mitigation doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I feel the reduced sustain and damage more. This was in non-CP Cyrodiil though. Maybe I would have more luck now in BGs post MW.

    Come come come the waters just fine in BGs.
  • scipionumatia
    I play stamplar in 5 heavy in battle grounds. You are right to an extent and we're probably in the same L2P pool cause I just started playing stamplar a few weeks before morrowind came out. Still not used to purge. I have been using detection pots on those stamblades tho, helps quite a bit. Without the detection pots I was getting murdered by them constantly
    Scipio Numantia Red guard Nightblade PvP- AD
    Scipio Asiaticus Khajiit Nightblade (CRAFTER/DPS) PvE- EP
    Altmer Nightblade PvP- EP
    Fueoculto Breton Templar (DPS) PvE- EP
    Rasoculto Orc Dragon Knight PvP- EP
    Caethus Argonian Templar (HEAL) PvE- EP
    Vale Oso Nord Sorc (DPS) PvE- AD
    Sir-Galahad-the-pure Altmer Sorc (DPS) PvE- EP
    Scipionumantine Imperial Templar PvP- EP
    Un-bearable Imperial Warden PVP- EP
    Vale Bear Altmer Warden PvP- EP
    Baits-All-Zergs Argonian Dragon knight PVP- DC
  • olsborg
    Both proccsets and potl needs a nerf.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • MurderMostFoul
    Don't touch my potl!
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • RouDeR
    Yestarday i was hit with 7 k incap and 4.4k viper in BGs asuming im running 7 Heavy sword and board and was with proced bloodspawn so i was on 30k+ Physical resists. So tell me @Wrobel how do you hit in non CP so hard against capped resists ? Also on my death reccap i see double proced viper all the time .
  • CavalryPK
    Yep, i agree with op. Stam nightblades are very powerful.
    THE CAVELRY HAS ARRIVED! Cav is a professional magblade, (in his not so professional opinion). He is immortal and is fighting for the Pact since 2E 572, amidst the turmoil of the Second Akaviri Invasion. He protects the provinces of Skyrim, Morrowind and Black Marsh.

    Check out his PVP YouTube channel !
  • Solariken
    I feel your pain. Honestly I feel like stamblades are reasonably balanced on their own. But man, Viper+Selene just takes the stamblade toolkit to the moon. And then you consider the tards who can somehow consistently double proc Viper and/or Selene, it's GG goodnight.
  • Paraflex
    Proc sets were talked about in PTS and guess what nothing was done. Keep complaining maybe in 6 months we'll see a change to proc sets.
    Hollykills CP 630 Templar Healer - Ad PS4 Warlord Rank

    Max Stam/Mag Dk
    Max Stam Sorc
    Max Stam/Mag NB

    Don't care to dps much so I heal.

  • Mossimo
    As someone who plays stamblade viper/selenes, nerf viper please. It is absolute cancer and completely homogenizes PvP builds. Every stam uses it, even tanks run viper tremor scale.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Proc blades are like a mosquito. I don't die from them, but they are annoying. I'm all in favor of removing these free damage proc sets though. Adding these to the game was a terrible idea.
  • olsborg
    Proccsets arent a problem in conjunction with just one class you know, its a problem on all classes.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • AAbrigo
    Stamblade op? Have you seen magsorcs?!
  • thankyourat
    Proc blades are like a mosquito. I don't die from them, but they are annoying. I'm all in favor of removing these free damage proc sets though. Adding these to the game was a terrible idea.

    They really are annoying. Most just try to one shot me from stealth and when it fails they run away and try again not realizing it will never work
  • Vanzen
    I honnestly cant stand NB in BG anymore ...

    If your less than 80% health for whatever reason and jumped, your toasted and killed by a DAMN SET, not by a no skill player mind you ...

    Just a SET !
    Edited by Vanzen on June 14, 2017 7:59AM
  • Smmokkee
    Stamplar might be common, but they don't melt face like stam NB.

    In fact, I can barely remember seeing jabs or PotL on any death recaps, whereas viper+incap strike seems to show up like 30% of the time.

    Also, this is my burst:

    Snipe>PotL(immediately after snipe so it hits before the snipe lands)>Poison Injection>swap>Crit Rush>jabs/executioner/crescent sweep

    Snipe sucks ass probably why you got killed.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Vanzen wrote: »
    I honnestly cant stand NB in BG anymore ...

    If your less than 80% health for whatever reason and jumped, your toasted and killed by a DAMN SET, not by a no skill player mind you ...

    Just a SET !

    True but this is ZOSes current vision of PvP for you guys. Who continues to PvP in this game. It is what it is. Accept or don't no amount of QQing. Is going to change ZOSes mind anytime in the near foreseeable future.
  • MurderMostFoul
    Smmokkee wrote: »
    Stamplar might be common, but they don't melt face like stam NB.

    In fact, I can barely remember seeing jabs or PotL on any death recaps, whereas viper+incap strike seems to show up like 30% of the time.

    Also, this is my burst:

    Snipe>PotL(immediately after snipe so it hits before the snipe lands)>Poison Injection>swap>Crit Rush>jabs/executioner/crescent sweep

    Snipe sucks ass probably why you got killed.

    I only open with it if I have the jump.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Artis
    I wouldn't single out NBs - how are they worse than any other class specced to stamina?
  • Anethum
    Problem is not in nightblades. Its simple to kill them. 1 detection pot and he's dead.
    Problem is in lazy procsets (Viper, Red Mountain, Venom, Widowmaker, Fire), which are Overpowered in non-CP pvp, @Wrobel .
    And need to be reworked!
    Because this broke pvp combat during last 1 year.
    And now, when BG is only non-cp, if feels more than before. Every class while using these procking ***, do double damage on every melee attack. Most proctards use viper+tremorscale, or Selene or Velidreth. They doesn't care about their stats, because these sets do work instead player, so can use stamrecovery or reduce cost glyphs.
    And u should be skilled while killing (without any enjoy, its boring) such players.
    Or to use same procsets, which is more boring than to kill them.
    And shamefull. Same as cost-poisons!
    Absolutly broken ***.
    Please remove or make these sets to work in another way
    @Anethum from .ua
  • xXMichonneXx
    I am a "proctard" and I still suck. I win an occasional fight but not always. There's no hope for me lol
    XBoxOne NA
    910 CP
    50 Imperial Stamblade DC
    50 Argonian Templar Healer DC
    50 Altmer Mag Sorc DC
    50 Imperial Stam Templar DC
    50 Dunmer Mag DK DC
    50 Imperial Stam Sorc DC
    50 Nord Stam DK Tank DC
    50 Redguard Stam DK DPS DC
    50 Altmer Mag Templar DPS DC
    50 Imperial Stam Warden DC
  • Moglijuana
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Yestarday i was hit with 7 k incap and 4.4k viper in BGs asuming im running 7 Heavy sword and board and was with proced bloodspawn so i was on 30k+ Physical resists. So tell me @Wrobel how do you hit in non CP so hard against capped resists ? Also on my death reccap i see double proced viper all the time .

    LMAO you're definitely over exaggerating. I wear light armor and viper always hits at 2.3 - 2.7k in BG's.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • MurderMostFoul
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Yestarday i was hit with 7 k incap and 4.4k viper in BGs asuming im running 7 Heavy sword and board and was with proced bloodspawn so i was on 30k+ Physical resists. So tell me @Wrobel how do you hit in non CP so hard against capped resists ? Also on my death reccap i see double proced viper all the time .

    LMAO you're definitely over exaggerating. I wear light armor and viper always hits at 2.3 - 2.7k in BG's.

    Sigil perhaps?
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Moglijuana
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Yestarday i was hit with 7 k incap and 4.4k viper in BGs asuming im running 7 Heavy sword and board and was with proced bloodspawn so i was on 30k+ Physical resists. So tell me @Wrobel how do you hit in non CP so hard against capped resists ? Also on my death reccap i see double proced viper all the time .

    LMAO you're definitely over exaggerating. I wear light armor and viper always hits at 2.3 - 2.7k in BG's.

    Sigil perhaps?

    That would make more sense. But in that case, you're going to die anyways if you get hit lol.
    Edited by Moglijuana on June 21, 2017 1:56PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • grim_tactics
    BGs are just broken anyway.

    It's not any certain class needing a nerf, honestly - people who keep screaming for nerfs are the same ones that ruin games instead of adapting (not soloing you out OP - just everyone who posts the same nerf this and that threads daily).

    It's just the proc sets and it happens that the little extra counterplay that CP offers against proc set cancer doesn't exist in NonCP.

    So this is all on ZOS (who would've known they'd screw it up?) not realizing that the community would find ways to deal huge damage to negate the increased resource costs.

    So if you want to play BGs - throw on your best, cheesiest proc set and go to town.
  • MurderMostFoul
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Yestarday i was hit with 7 k incap and 4.4k viper in BGs asuming im running 7 Heavy sword and board and was with proced bloodspawn so i was on 30k+ Physical resists. So tell me @Wrobel how do you hit in non CP so hard against capped resists ? Also on my death reccap i see double proced viper all the time .

    LMAO you're definitely over exaggerating. I wear light armor and viper always hits at 2.3 - 2.7k in BG's.

    Sigil perhaps?

    That would make more sense. But in that case, you're going to die anyways if you get hit lol.

    LOL, so true.

    Sigil of Power should be renamed to:

    "Sigil of make you feel like a Proc Stam NB"

    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • MurderMostFoul
    BGs are just broken anyway.

    It's not any certain class needing a nerf, honestly - people who keep screaming for nerfs are the same ones that ruin games instead of adapting (not soloing you out OP - just everyone who posts the same nerf this and that threads daily).

    It's just the proc sets and it happens that the little extra counterplay that CP offers against proc set cancer doesn't exist in NonCP.

    So this is all on ZOS (who would've known they'd screw it up?) not realizing that the community would find ways to deal huge damage to negate the increased resource costs.

    So if you want to play BGs - throw on your best, cheesiest proc set and go to town.

    I totally agree. I only single out Stam NBs because they are able to take already OP proc sets and push their power further.

    Given that non-CP is what we have to work with, ZOS needs to tone down a number of proc sets. Stam NBs just exacerbate the underlying problem.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
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