Dark Royalty, social trading guild, active discord, 470+ members, PvE and PvP

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • muty
    Soul Shriven
    nvm, I'm dumb, I had a typo in the address.
  • MrsPink
    The discord invites can be finicky. I've had them not work for members, even when they get an invite link, not just the code. And then suddenly it decides to work. So could have been that as well.
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • lucky_dutch
    What kind of PvP activity do you do? I do a lot of no-CP (Cyro & BGs) and would prefer to do this as a group vs solo.
  • MrsPink
    As a guild we dont do "official" pvp groups, but many of our members do pvp, and might be game to group up. If that answers it? @lucky_dutch
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • glyndon
    Soul Shriven
    I am interested in joining
    PSN: Glyndarling
  • sedi
    Invite will go out shortly @glyndon Our Discord is fairly active if you want to drop by. Welcome to Dark Royalty.
  • Etienne1999
    Soul Shriven
    Hi id really like to join your guild so could you please invite me.
    Psn : ethattingh1
  • MrsPink
    You are in:) welcome to the Royal family.
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • RimeBlack
    Soul Shriven
    Could I get an invite please, sounds like fun 😃

    PSN: SkintVolcano284
  • sedi
    Invite will go out soon @RimeBlack Enjoy Dark Royalty :smile:
  • scorrtty

    Can I've an invite aswell?

    I'm a new/returning player who like to socialize abit by using voice chat etc. even my english speaking isn't very good. xD
  • sedi
    Of course @scorrtty Can you reply and leave us your PSN and we will get you an invite.
  • scorrtty
    sedi wrote: »
    Of course @scorrtty Can you reply and leave us your PSN and we will get you an invite.

    Oh i forgot. psn = scorrtty. ^^
  • sedi
    Thanks we will send you an invite. Welcome to Dark Royalty and feel free to drop by our Discord if you need any help or advice.
  • JesQu
    Hey, may i get inv to the guild?

    PSN JezQuy
  • sedi
    Certainly @JesQu I’ll make sure we get an invite sent out to you. Enjoy Dark Royalty
  • Inkerbelle
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I would like to be invited.

    PSN : Emworm
  • BeardyNerd
    Sounds awesome, would love an invite if it's still open :)


  • sedi
    We still have spaces open and you can both join.

    @BeardyNerd - Have sent an invite to PSN BeardyNerd so hope that’s your PSN name too :)

    I will get you an invite sent out @Inkerbelle

    Welcome to Dark Royalty and feel free to stop by our Discord or Guild Chat if you need anything.

    Edited by sedi on October 17, 2018 6:15PM
  • kylewwefan
    If I could get an invite that would be fantastic! Kylewwefan is my PSN as well.
  • sedi
    Sure @kylewwefan I’ll get you an invite sent out soon. Welcome to Dark Royalty and feel free to stop by Guild Chat or our Discord if you need anything.
    Edited by sedi on October 22, 2018 8:37PM
  • nannybj
    Soul Shriven
    MrsPink wrote: »
    Invites coming up :)

    Having trouble figuring out how to post a comment lol. I am looking for a guild membership. I'm 58yrs old, play daily, have 11 houses, 4 characters and I will be a good contributor. I was in a guild but took a year off for health issues. I'm not great with headphones and mic but willing to learn if required.
    Hope to hear from you soon
    PSN ID nannybj50
    Edited by nannybj on October 23, 2018 1:34AM
  • sedi
    We have players of all ages and abilities @nannybj so I’m sure you will fit right in. I’ll get you an invite sent out soon. And don’t worry about the mic as a lot of our members don’t use headsets. All we ask is for active players who help each other when they can. We are a large friendly guild who don’t take things overly serious. Have fun and enjoy Dark Royalty.
  • perditioner
    I would like to join please. PSN perditioner.
  • MrsPink
    Hi @perditioner. Invite coming up shortly. Check out our guild page for an invite to our discord server as well. Welcome!
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • tommedemab16_ESO
    PSN id: flpascoa

    About me: 26 y/o, am a founder of a tech startup, my favorite game was Darkfall Online which I played from 2008 to its shutdown in 2012
  • sedi
    Sure thing @tommedemab16_ESO Invite will go out soon. Enjoy Dark Royalty
  • janglesmom
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join your guild if you're still accepting new members! My PSN is crushoftheweakS. Thank you!
  • sedi
    We still have some spaces available and will get you an invite sent out soon @janglesmom

    Hope you enjoy Dark Royalty. You are welcome to stop by our Discord or Guild Chat if you need anything.
  • sedi
    Currently recruiting for active players. Please leave your PSN and we will get an invite sent out to you :)
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