Dark Royalty, social trading guild, active discord, 470+ members, PvE and PvP

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • vodo
    Soul Shriven
    I am interested to join as an old vet.
    Psn: acehkillay
  • CastlenCore
    Soul Shriven
    Hi , i want to join as a high elf sorcerer. im playing this game since 1 month and my cp 150 for now but im an active player. i can play as healer or damage(not high dps but i can help) for dungeons and i really need help for trials and mechanics.

    Psn : ylcnmnsr
    PS4-EU - Castlen Core - High Elf Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact
  • JoeyHeroic
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,

    I am still enjoying the leveling stages of ESO but would love to join your trading guild so that I can meet other players and also sell and buy interesting goods on the guild trader.

    My PSN is Joey_Heroic and my main character's name is Al'Theru.

    Many thanks.
  • m.c_sissonsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    id love to join, psn sisqomatty
  • MrsPink
    Invites have been sent out
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • Snootking
    Hey. Returning player played a lot on xbox but starting fresh on Ps4! Would appreciate the add :)

    PSN: Snootking
    Breton Sorcerer
    XBONE EU: Watsonatorr
  • glennedb
    Soul Shriven
    Hi..Can I get an invite please..
  • FuzzyDunlop81
    Can I please have an invite?

    PSN: FuzzyDunlop81
  • biri_rosestag
    Soul Shriven
    please add me
    psn: biri_rosestag
  • biri_rosestag
    Soul Shriven
    please add me
    psn: biri_rosestag
  • glennedb
    Soul Shriven
    Can I have an invite please
    PSN..... glennedb
  • MrsPink
    Invites will be sent out later today :)
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • sedi
    Dark Royalty are recruiting now. Please leave a message with your PSN and we will get you an invite :)
  • castleofbones
    Looking to join, PSN: castleofbones

  • sedi
    Invite will go out today castleofbones. Enjoy the guild. Our Discord is also worth joining if you can.
  • tough541
    Please invite
    PSN: OccamErin3 TracyE verley4
    I am a businessman I'll pay the Commission on time.
    Very active
  • sedi
    Welcome to Dark Royalty @tough541 , I have sent an invite to OccamErin3 but cannot find the other PSNs. Please check and let us know what they are. Thanks
  • sedi
    Currently recruiting. Leave PSN and invites will go out soon.
  • Karleah
    Hi there, i would very much like to join the guild if you have space. I'm a member of a couple of other trading/social guilds and I donate to the guild banks every week. My PSN name is: jenniferkoliver. Thanks!
  • sedi
    Thanks @Karleah We’ll get an invite sent to you. Enjoy the guild and you are welcome to stop by our Discord which has some useful channels.
  • Shadow_zero_K10
    Soul Shriven
    Hi me and my friend would like to join just started playing on ps4 a couple days ago. This Guild looks like it would be a great place to start :)


  • sedi
    Welcome @Shadow_zero_K10 we have players of all levels and an active discord for any help/advice you might need. Invites will go out shortly. Enjoy Dark Royalty and any questions you may have please ask in Guild Chat or Discord.
  • komorebi
    Soul Shriven
    Could you send me an invite please? My PSN is theblackcanary :)
  • MrsPink
    Of course :) Invite coming up! Remember to also join us on discord, code is on our motd.

    Welcome to our Royal family!
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
  • Chey100
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, I would love an invite. Been playing ESO for a few years but never joined a guild before and yours sounds great.

    PSN: Chey100
  • sedi
    Absolutely @Chey100 . Invite will go out today. Hope you enjoy the guild and please stop by our Discord or drop a message in guild chat if you need anything. Welcome to Dark Royalty.
    Edited by sedi on September 30, 2018 11:44AM
  • muty
    Soul Shriven
    Hi guys newb here, looking to join an active guild for some company. My PSN is Muty_42. Cheers.
  • sedi
    Invite will go out today @muty I hope you enjoy the guild. Lots of helpful people on our Discord if you can join us there too. If not just ask in guild chat in game and there is usually someone who can help. Welcome to Dark Royalty
  • muty
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you!
  • muty
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks, I'm in

    I tried to join the discord server with the invite in the guild description, but I'm getting an error that it expired.
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