"Keep an eye out for a certain lovesick Dark Elf as you roam the towers of Sandrith Mora."
What a wrong place to be for this n.
"help the Telvanni Sorceror Diyath Fyr investigate and shut down"
Divayth would be mad on you.
"Keep an eye out for a certain lovesick Dark Elf as you roam the towers of Sandrith Mora."
What a wrong place to be for this n.
"help the Telvanni Sorceror Diyath Fyr investigate and shut down"
Divayth would be mad on you.
"Keep an eye out for a certain lovesick Dark Elf as you roam the towers of Sandrith Mora."
What a wrong place to be for this n.
"help the Telvanni Sorceror Diyath Fyr investigate and shut down"
Divayth would be mad on you.
Not to mentionMarriedWithChildren wrote: »This just leans me to thinking they dont give a "expletive deleted" and "Morrowind" is a cash grab .
Not to mention
"For the first time in ESO, you can explore the beautiful-but-dangerous home of the Dark Elves."
despite the fact that we've been wandering around the Indoril heartland for the last three years. Mainland Morrowind is much more "the home of the Dark Elves" than Vvardenfell ever has been.
Typo? *looks at Gina*
Also thanks for building the hype more for this... Monday is going to be a longgggg day at work reading the forums and not playing the game.
True, but Mournhold is still the centre of Dunmer culture, as its the location of the Tribunal Temple, and the capital of Morrowind.Well, continental Resdayn is home of Chimers but Dunmers, i.e. Dark Elves came to existence coz Vvardenfell' events. It like being place of birth of new race with new faith.