Is that 29K including Food Buffs?
Trials Bosses can hit for 25K to 30K from what I have seen. The general rule of thumb with Tanks is, have 32K of Health, and 32K of Resistance and put the rest into regen of the attribute you have the most issues managing. So, this can be Magic or Stamina as you use both types of skills in your rotation. But, individual play style can change these numbers somewhat.
I personally find that Stamina is not all that hard to manage because I only block when I need to (usually) but I run out of Magic firing off support skills.
If you do not have a Buff Tracker, get one, or play on console, come Morrowind your job to manage resources will become much easier. You only need to fire off your support skills when they are about to stop, not every 3 seconds in a rotation.
And, if you want to be a Trials Tank, then book mark this site
And watch this video first:
Is that 29K including Food Buffs?
Trials Bosses can hit for 25K to 30K from what I have seen. The general rule of thumb with Tanks is, have 32K of Health, and 32K of Resistance and put the rest into regen of the attribute you have the most issues managing. So, this can be Magic or Stamina as you use both types of skills in your rotation. But, individual play style can change these numbers somewhat.
I personally find that Stamina is not all that hard to manage because I only block when I need to (usually) but I run out of Magic firing off support skills.
If you do not have a Buff Tracker, get one, or play on console, come Morrowind your job to manage resources will become much easier. You only need to fire off your support skills when they are about to stop, not every 3 seconds in a rotation.
And, if you want to be a Trials Tank, then book mark this site
And watch this video first:
That build is dead as of Morrowind, Woeler has a new updated build for Dragonknights (Argonian) with a heavy focus on high health (ie: as high as 50k health).. get out there and farm plague doctor
That build is dead as of Morrowind, Woeler has a new updated build for Dragonknights (Argonian) with a heavy focus on high health (ie: as high as 50k health).. get out there and farm plague doctor
Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »@Nestor I believe it's 29k with food. I wear five Pariah and two Mighty Chudan with Agility jewelry if I recall correctly. My weapons are random I think. Definitely could have better gear. Any set recommendations for me since I'm 64 points into stam? Also, I am an Imperial Dragonknight.
Ideally, I'd like to have a trials tank that can effectively mitigate damage while also outputting decent DPS in vet dungeons. Am I asking for too much? Can I have my cake and eat it too?
Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »also outputting decent DPS in vet dungeons.
Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »Great input everyone!
Given your advice, I am going to build a new Imperial or Argonian tank that will focus much more on damage mitigation for trials. I don't want to give my healers panic attacks.
However, I am still keeping my current DPS-leaning Imperial, Dragonknight Tank for vet dungeons (I've beat Cradle of Shadows Hard Mode with him) and other overworld content.
Ok , first of all . You don't have to do DPS . You have to do some support . Support you give to your group will increase group DPS more than your own DPS easily .
Second of all , no one gives a crap about sustain . Don't worry about things like ''will I run out of Stamina if my Stam pool is low?'' . As a DK , you can tank with 15k . I tried a build both in PTS and live . 10k Stamina/Magicka pools with 3.5-4k Magicka Recovery . It worked like a charm in both servers . So , no , your Max Stamina is not relevant to your sustain . You can always find a way around it .
Third , you need to know what you want to do . There is only 1 difference between Stamina tanks and Health tanks in terms of group support . Stamina tank does healing with Vigor . Health tank gives shields . That's it . I think you are not very experienced in trials so I need to explain something . In trials , most deaths are caused by one-shots . What I mean by one-shot is , not exactly one attack dealing enough damage to kill . It is combination of difference attacks hitting the same person at the same time . Healing will not save anyone in this kind of situation . Shields do . That is why , I prefer Health tanking . Igneous Shield scales with YOUR Max Health . More Health you have , more shield you will give to your allies .
You need to know what you want to do . Heal or shield . Make your call and go with it . They are both viable . Just don't be a selfish tank . Stamina tanks who don't heal or Health tanks who don't shield are selfish tanks . Make use of your resources for your group . As you learn fights , rest will be cake .
paulsimonps wrote: »Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »Great input everyone!
Given your advice, I am going to build a new Imperial or Argonian tank that will focus much more on damage mitigation for trials. I don't want to give my healers panic attacks.
However, I am still keeping my current DPS-leaning Imperial, Dragonknight Tank for vet dungeons (I've beat Cradle of Shadows Hard Mode with him) and other overworld content.
All you will need for damage mitigation. Its not hardy to get up really really high fast. Most things a average tank does will get you to at least 83% total mitigation.