I made an farming mod for Skyrim, doing so I found that nests was plants in the game so i made an twist with the chicken nest. After one week without harvesting the eggs would became chickens.Rainwhisper wrote: »Quick! Edit it so that it's a suggestion that we have birds nests (which periodically hatch) as housing items, so we can keep this awesome thread!
That "don't touch the baby birds because human scent will make the parents go away" thing is a myth, just FYI.
Yes true, a myth. I had a hanging plant outside on front porch and a bird made a nest in it. Well some time later a damn cat was hanging from the plant, my dad scared it off and the plant fell and couple birds came out. Dad picked up the baby birds and put them back in nest and hung plant back up. Couple minutes later mama bird came back.
I hate to be "that guy". But leaving a nest next to your house siding, is a sure way to get mold to grow there which will rot the siding.
johnnified wrote: »So, back in April (15th) an American Robin (Aka Thrush I was told from someone) made a nest RIGHT next to my back door of my garage.
I wasn't going to be an A-Hole and knock the nest way. Everytime I opened the back door to let me dogs outside (very friendly ones) she always flew away. Except in the picture above (Taken many weeks later).
About 4 days later I decided to look in the nest (WITHOUT TOUCHING, I know about birds and scents especially never coming back)
FOUR BEAUTIFUL EGGS!!! Big ones too, I don't know how she was able to even carry them inside her, amazing. We had harsh winter colds here at the end of April. She had started getting used to me coming out the back garage door with the dogs and soon never flew away unless went running back at the door, or did a quick fast action (which I never did on purpose).
May 2nd came along and I went out that early morning to find Momma wasn't there, so I took another look inside the next to see....
They HATCHED!!!! I looked only a 2 days ago and saw eggs and now they are Hatched!!!! All four survived that last bit of harsh cold before spring finally became warmish and sunny.
I made sure, again, to not disturb the momma as she is now stress out about having babies. The following pictures below were taken when she WAS NOT at the nest and probably gathering food.
[In the 5 above] The last picture were taken today, the second picture was taken 4 days ago, first picture was taken 7 days ago.
They have grown so fast in 2 weeks.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!