Not slotting major sorcery/brutality is one of the reasons I never use alcast's builds as a template. He has some good points on gear, but his skill choices are always bizarre to me. In my opinion, it's absurd relying on potions for spell power. Especially when trials, dungeons, and arenas can go on for so long the sheer amount of potions to use is insane (you're literally chugging your gold). Slot your surge and put inner light on whichever bar you use the most (can double slot it but that's really restricting your build unless you use overload). You may have to forgo a skill like curse, execute, or ward but you do fix your problem.
To OP, like been said, only buff you can't get from pots is Inner Light's max magicka. But Bound Armor gives slightly more magicka I think and there's simply no slot left for Inner Light probably.
DivyathFyr wrote: »Im changing my sorc to a pve pet build but
I looked up somr builds like alcast and other ones how come they all dont have crit surge slotted?
Doesnt that give you major sorcery and other buffs to you and your crit? How come theu dont use it????
Also they dont have inner light slotted either doesnt that give u a buff to crit too? And max magicka hmm i thought those 2 were very important?
7% with Mages Guild Passive for Inner Light, 8% for Bound Aegis, the morph I use. I prefer Inner Light myself for the extra spell critical.