starkerealm wrote: »@IcyDeadPeople, if it's a huge issue, you can always disable Tribunal, at least until you've got a handle on the game. The Dark Brotherhood Assassin can be a handful at low levels. This is especially true if you're playing off the original disks, instead of one of the later repackaged releases.
Isnt it dirt cheap on Steam though? Youre not paying twice for the same thing, youre paying for a version thats optimized for newer machines, and its not nearly retail price anymore.
Heroeric1337 wrote: »TES3 Morrowind was truly a masterpiece in its own way. The creatures, the atmosphere, the items, etc. This game had elements that was never seen again from the other titles afterwards.
FoulSnowpaw wrote: »OH and cliff racers... you can have an army of them follow you and they never go away.
Surprised no one has brought up the SkyWind project... aren't/weren't they working on a mod/addition to Skyrim that was the entire Morrowind game?
Anyone got any tips for a player who's desperately trying to enjoy TES3 ? Read my other comment on page 1.... I really want to experience this
Anyone got any tips for a player who's desperately trying to enjoy TES3 ? Read my other comment on page 1.... I really want to experience this[
Reason why I quit every signle time? Couldn't get over the combat, chat started to give me serious headaches 5 minutes in, and when I finally reached Balmora i just stopped because the game literally was making me angry as every NPC has the same generic crap to say and i didn't know where to go as I also didn't want to do the main quest line until I explored everything. And to think I only wanted to find more quests and lore, more things to learn and explore. Nope.... Didn't work, cuz i had to click on every single topic over and over and over and read everything over and over and over to make sure i'm not missing something.
starkerealm wrote: »@IcyDeadPeople, if it's a huge issue, you can always disable Tribunal, at least until you've got a handle on the game. The Dark Brotherhood Assassin can be a handful at low levels. This is especially true if you're playing off the original disks, instead of one of the later repackaged releases.
starkerealm wrote: »@CountEdmondDantes, though, let's be honest. The Dark Brotherhood attacking you when you're FotB makes almost zero sense. We both know why they're coming after the player, but until you've started the main quest, the justification for the contract on your head is pretty tenuous. Also, the armor each member wears is the second best light armor in the game, (and there's a huge power jump between the third best, and glass), so... yeah, I wouldn't feel bad about telling newbies to play without Tribunal installed, until they've gotten a bit into the game.
CountEdmondDantes wrote: »
Agreed. Playing without Tribunal (or for that matter Bloodmoon) installed will have no negative effects on a player's game, and will definitely end the assassin attacks.
And, as you said, the justification for the contracts is weak. I'm not suggesting (I don't think I did) that this adds any great depth to the game. I'm simply suggesting that - if a player chooses - they can proceed with Tribunal installed and still have a fair chance to survive, even at level 1 or 3. And - as you clearly know - once you kill one of the assassins, you then have access to a very nice set of armor. And if you don't mind playing with mods installed, there's a very cool dark brotherhood armor replacer that was one of my favorite armors.
So yes, certainly don't install it and you just won't have the attacks. But if it can't be uninstalled or if you choose to play with Tribunal installed, you can with a little carefully planning, avoid dying.
That's all I'm saying.
That's how I feel. I'd love to play the original Morrowind again, but I'm afraid there's ESO that needs playing instead.As much as I love Morrowind no sadly...there is far too much to do in ESO.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I'm actually doing the Orsinium questline for the 2nd time with my current main, since there are a couple of battles in that where having magicka sustain is VERY useful. I want to do it before the Nerfapocalypse destroys her sustain.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »Only discovered this game many years after release and played a bit but I kept getting murdered by assassins the first time I went to sleep.I do plan to play again this month though.
@Cêltic421 i hope tis a joke really, because there will be no ESO Morrowind. There will be dlc in Vvanderfell but comparing it to old Morrowind... no.