MaximusDargus wrote: »Every time I see someone say "its not P2W because you can't kill anybody with it" I can't help to wonder why people still use this P2W definition from the stoneage of MMO gaming. Every person have different goal in game and different condition of "winning". Because of that, depending on what that people want to achieve and what they do in game, they will perceive things in paid shop on different level and and grade them differently whether they are P2W for them or not.
And just as I said before, P2W is not exclusive to "an item you can kill someone with", claiming something is absolutely not Pay 2 Win because you cant equip it is wrong on so many levels. Telling that "only if there would be gear 1000x better that what's in game would make it P2W" is not different than imposing your own in game goals on other players, ignoring their playstyle and what they want to achieve in game just as its wrong to tell other player that the way they play game is insignificant and bad (while claiming that something they see as P2W is not because majority of players don't care about it).
Because everyone considers "winning" as something else (again, the win does not need to be necessary killing other player or boss) you can't define a single state where "Game X became P2W". You can only discuss on what fronts game became P2W and then assigning weights to these parts and project it into estimate on what lvl game is P2W overall (still keeping in mind that on some fronts game would be not P2W at all, somewhere it would be a little bit P2W and in other least significant part it could absolutely P2W yet because of insignificance of that part it would not have enough weight for overall image of game).
Month after month, DLC after DLC, patch after patch the line is being drawn and crossed over and over again, more "meaningful" items are added into cash shop, items with more and more impact on gameplay. It started with pets, mounts, costumes. Crown store consumables, exp scrolls, mount upgrades. Adornments, hairstyles, appearance/race change tokens. Crown store exclusive motifs. Seeing that in PTS notes players will be able to obtain Research Scrolls to speed up their trait discovery, following example of Aetherial Ambrosia and 150% experience scrolls, its safe to assume Research Scrolls will also appear in Crown store.
With that in mind, each player needs to answer question on their own, where does the border lie, between "convenience" and "winning", when "saves your time" becomes "gives you edge over other player". If two players set themselves the same goal and start game at the same time, won't the one who uses cash shop to reach that goal get advantage over the 'legit' player, by reaching goal faster and claiming the reward which could be something as simple "being able to move on to other part of game"?
Why would exactly this discussion thread become locked? If you are talking about my previous thread, I requested its deletion to make space for this thread so constructive discussion can be continued in hereJadednatas wrote: »Inb4 lock.. waste of a thread
MaximusDargus wrote: »Why would exactly this discussion thread become locked? If you are talking about my previous thread, I requested its deletion to make space for this thread so constructive discussion can be continued in hereJadednatas wrote: »Inb4 lock.. waste of a thread
MaximusDargus wrote: »Why would exactly this discussion thread become locked? If you are talking about my previous thread, I requested its deletion to make space for this thread so constructive discussion can be continued in hereJadednatas wrote: »Inb4 lock.. waste of a thread
MaximusDargus wrote: »Why would exactly this discussion thread become locked? If you are talking about my previous thread, I requested its deletion to make space for this thread so constructive discussion can be continued in hereJadednatas wrote: »Inb4 lock.. waste of a thread
"In some multiplayer free-to-play games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain a significant advantage over those playing for free. Critics of such games call them "pay-to-win" (p2w) games. A common suggestion for avoiding pay-to-win is that payments should only be used to broaden the experience without affecting gameplay."
- Wikipedia
"Pay To Win. When you are paying for advantage which normal players don't have access to unless they either pay too or will have to grind very long (weeks and months)."
- Urban Dictionary
timidobserver wrote: »I guess that crown crates can help people win at competitive roleplaying and fashion scrolls online.
rudimentxb14_ESO wrote: »I watched DCUO go down this exact path over a year ago, with threads exactly like this one. Members of the community would often go to those threads and bad mouth it saying stuff like oh, another p2w thread? Or it's not p2w....
im gonna give you some advice now, fight it, fight it, fight it with everything you have, make a new thread on it everyday, because if you don't this game will go the way of DCUo and be completely pay to win.
Just wait till they start putting GEAR INSIDE THE CROWN CRATES.
Then those people who said its not pay to win will be up in arms about this and wonder what the hell happened. If you don't argue the business model, you will indeed get a pay to win game and it WILL ruin this game.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Every time I see someone say "its not P2W because you can't kill anybody with it" I can't help to wonder why people still use this P2W definition from the stoneage of MMO gaming. Every person have different goal in game and different condition of "winning". Because of that, depending on what that people want to achieve and what they do in game, they will perceive things in paid shop on different level and and grade them differently whether they are P2W for them or not.
LordSkyKnight wrote: »To me pay to win equates to paying additional money to bypass standard game mechanics. For example: being able to purchase experience potions to bypass the standard leveling rate is paying to win.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Lets have a common sense and logical discussion shall we:
1. What is Pay to Win?"In some multiplayer free-to-play games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain a significant advantage over those playing for free. Critics of such games call them "pay-to-win" (p2w) games. A common suggestion for avoiding pay-to-win is that payments should only be used to broaden the experience without affecting gameplay."
- Wikipedia
We have this already with Orsinium, either you have the Orsinium DLC or the BIS weapons for most PVP and many PVE setups (VMA weapons) are locked behind a paywall.
With the Maw of Lorkhaj Trial added in the Thieves Guild DLC, the absolute BIS gear, Jewelry, etc for trials and PVE DPS is again hidden behind a paywall....if you want the absolute BIS items you have to have those two DLC's(Pay a Sub or Buy them) and if you PVP against people who access to these weapons(because they bought the content) you are at a significant disadvantage. This = P2W no matter how many of you ZOS apologists want to try and spin it....the Definition is as clear as Crystal Water.
Introducing BIS gear locked behind paywalls called DLC or expansions are just P2W philosophies people have accepted, it doesn't make them any less P2W....they are just accepted forms of P2W.
LordSkyKnight wrote: »The main issue to me is the vast majority of the gamers today have been mentally conditioned to accept micro transactions.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Lets have a common sense and logical discussion shall we:
1. What is Pay to Win?"In some multiplayer free-to-play games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain a significant advantage over those playing for free. Critics of such games call them "pay-to-win" (p2w) games. A common suggestion for avoiding pay-to-win is that payments should only be used to broaden the experience without affecting gameplay."
- Wikipedia
We have this already with Orsinium, either you have the Orsinium DLC or the BIS weapons for most PVP and many PVE setups (VMA weapons) are locked behind a paywall.
With the Maw of Lorkhaj Trial added in the Thieves Guild DLC, the absolute BIS gear, Jewelry, etc for trials and PVE DPS is again hidden behind a paywall....if you want the absolute BIS items you have to have those two DLC's(Pay a Sub or Buy them) and if you PVP against people who access to these weapons(because they bought the content) you are at a significant disadvantage. This = P2W no matter how many of you ZOS apologists want to try and spin it....the Definition is as clear as Crystal Water.
Introducing BIS gear locked behind paywalls called DLC or expansions are just P2W philosophies people have accepted, it doesn't make them any less P2W....they are just accepted forms of P2W."Pay To Win. When you are paying for advantage which normal players don't have access to unless they either pay too or will have to grind very long (weeks and months)."
- Urban Dictionary
The Horse feeding Crown Store items is flat out a blatant example of this. It would take 180 days to max out Speed, Carry Capacity, and Stamina on a horse if you only feed your horse once a day with in-game gold. That's nearly 6 months....a person with subs crowns can reduce this significantly, and a person who is willing to spend the money can avoid the horse feeding grinding completely. As insignificant as many will come on here and claim this is, your playing right into the hand ZOS wants. Crown Store Horse feeding may be an insignificant P2W mechanic, but its P2W nontheless. Simply because it allows you to bypass the 180 days it would take to normally max out a horse, thus your paying money to avoid a grind an otherwise non-paying player would have to grind.
Its the same with the XP bonus Subs get, and the increased XP bonus of Crown Scrolls over the makeable EX Buff potions, the Craft Bag...again it may be an insignificant P2W mechanic, but its still P2W nontheless.
The only questions left is:
Can you live or accept these P2W elements?
Do these P2W elements effect your game play personally
There is no right or wrong answer to the two questions above. Everyone has to be their own man or woman and make their own decisions.
I personally no longer sub and only play on and off to PVP with friends and even that is less and less these days. However, that's just my personal preference, and everyone needs to do what they enjoy.
Im just not a big fan of those brushing off clear P2W mechanics that fit the definition of P2W just because its insignificant them...that's what they do in Washington.... its called kicking the can down the curb....what might not be important to you may be important to someone else, so please try to have a little bit of understanding.