Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

If vampire lore was inspired by other vampire based stuff

  • starkerealm
    altemriel wrote: »
    and then these armor mods from skyrim!!!


    I hate to break it to you, but judging by the eight pointed star, I'm pretty sure that's a Warrior of Chaos from Warhammer, not a member of the Vampire Counts, and certainly not a Skyrim mod.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Then the bite animation would probably not involve a funny red beam.

    I know right how does an npc not die, from that i know its just a game but jeez thats a lot of blood

  • RT_Frank
    The problem with the vampire folklore is that every has their unique version (some better than others). However, while vampires used to be slightly similar in each version, nowadays an emo with red eyes could be a vampire.

    In my opinion, the best/most lore friendly versions of vampire are the ones that emphasize their inhumanity rather than their humanity (especially since werewolf lore does the opposite). In the case of elder scrolls, vampires are cursed to become undead. I think the game should focus more on their monstrous side like they did with dawnguard in skyrim.

    Essentially, have the normal vamp perks when untransformed but then have a transform ultimate similar to werewolves (werewolves should also have perks when untransformed btw).
  • starkerealm
    RT_Frank wrote: »
    The problem with the vampire folklore is that every has their unique version (some better than others). However, while vampires used to be slightly similar in each version, nowadays an emo with red eyes could be a vampire.

    In my opinion, the best/most lore friendly versions of vampire are the ones that emphasize their inhumanity rather than their humanity (especially since werewolf lore does the opposite). In the case of elder scrolls, vampires are cursed to become undead. I think the game should focus more on their monstrous side like they did with dawnguard in skyrim.

    Essentially, have the normal vamp perks when untransformed but then have a transform ultimate similar to werewolves (werewolves should also have perks when untransformed btw).

    The oddball thing about TES is, it's been 15 years since we were allowed to pick our character's clan. There's a lot of distinct bloodlines on Tamriel, and they range from the bestial who are attacked on sight, to the sublime, slipping into cities and interacting with mortals while no one knows anything's amiss.

    ESO does give a particularly warped perspective of vampires in the setting. The Lamae Bloodline (which players join) is immune to the sun, and falls hard on the social predator end of the spectrum. Others like Skyrim's Vulkihar, or Vvardenfell's Quarra clan are more towards the Bestial end of the spectrum.

    Because of how vampirism works as a game mechanic in ESO, you're never going to be asked to play a vampire that can't blend into mortal society, because it will effectively shut down the game for that character. Bethesda tried this with Morrowind, and there were serious problems that they haven't repeated.

    But, in general, vampirism in Tamriel means a hell of a lot more than just an emo fashion sense, it's just that because of the player's status as a soul shriven, they get special treatment when it comes time to start passing out curses.
  • Turokos_Vampires
    I personally would like to see the vampire lord polymorph at least. And I do enjoy vampires being different in ESO lore. But the powers... Man Werewolves get more active powers than vamps... Seriously?

    Add some freaking new active vampire powers.
  • Turokos_Vampires
    Adding a few active powers would probably sate most vampire players in the game and we would stop asking for the vampire lord form in my opinion.

    Vampiric grip, ( telekinetic choke like in skyrim )

    Essence drain ( when used on an humanoid NPC has a 5% chance to raise as a blood thrall pet till the player zones, dies or logs, or the pet dies as it has red shirt status.)

    The same teleport power in skyrim that vamps have.

  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Then the bite animation would probably not involve a funny red beam.

    I know right how does an npc not die, from that i know its just a game but jeez thats a lot of blood
    altemriel wrote: »
    and then these armor mods from skyrim!!!


    I hate to break it to you, but judging by the eight pointed star, I'm pretty sure that's a Warrior of Chaos from Warhammer, not a member of the Vampire Counts, and certainly not a Skyrim mod.

    Are you saying you Wouldn't rock it
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