Hi there,
I find it really hard to play ESO (excluding morrowind as I haven't played that, yet ) with the eyes of a new player and keep the immersion of a continous storyline, hence for me (and I know the quests already) its difficult to maintain a storyline that isn't broken. The immersion of by beeing adressed by NPCs like an old friend without haven even met these NPCs at all, is that of a real bad blackout backfiring. This lead me wondering how new players, especially those that will join once Morrowind hits because of their rememberance of the single player RPG, can get some help without drastic changes to stroyline or OT in general.
Now, we are big adventurers ... and if we don't know what to do, or just do not remember anymore who we helped 2 years ago we do what every sensible men and mer would do: We check our diary! However, writing and implementing a true adventurers diary is not an option here and frankly not needed either as only the main story questlines (an breaking them) leads to loss of atmosphere. So, how about adding a number to these quests? After all, every walkthough in wiki is labelled that way (so getting the numbers is not much work... i don't know about implementing them into the game, tho). Adding to this the "order of quests" doesn't need to be shown anywhere else but in the journal, after all, its just a help to those that enjoy playing a book ... not a "you have to do it like this" for everyone.
Is my idea understandable? (Sry for my english... native speakers tend to tag it "awkward"... even "aggressive", least assured nothing could be further from my intention)
What do you think about the idea itself? - If you do not care the least for questing, pls just add an "aggree" to the first snatchy comment representing your feelings.
What else would you suggest? (please elaborate!)
Edited by Elsterchen on April 27, 2017 8:55AM