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Guide: How to sustain come morrowind!

Thought I would make a helpful post for ideas for people

1) Reduce Cost Glyphs

You regain ever 2 secs, so reduce cost glyphs have a greater effect

2) Resource Enchantments on Weapons

You can absorb magicka, stamina or health if you like. Maybe a backbar charged or infused weapon

3) Potions

If you have something like a dragonknight healer or tank then you could use a different potions

* Ravage magicka potions and others that need snakeblood give back more resources back (8k instead of 6k)

4) reduce potion time glyphs

If you reduce the time that take for potions then you won't need to regain as much resources

(not working atm)

5) Elemental Glyph
So you are losing damage via heavy attacks so maybe you can add elemental boost your damage output.

5) Heavy attack & tenacity

Put in more points into tenacity and increase weaving of heavy attacks

6) Group wisely with your matching healer

Dk healers will be good melee dps as they have group shield
warden healers will be excellent pvp healers
nightblade will be good for those 4 man groups who can shield themselves and lower dps groups
Sorrecer good for magicka dps and tatical support
templar good for general usage they have Magicka and stamina for resources

7) Synergies!

You can restore 8% of all max resources ever 20secs via undaunted passive per synergyYou also get 2 ult using synergies if you have the cp passive. This is on top of orbs.
(note can use a synergy every 10 secs)

8) shards or orbs

pop the bubble

Once every 20 secs

9) You can block

you are guaranteed a critical hit after blocking 3 attacks from mob if you have cp passive.
There's also a passive in restoration line to get back magicka for blocking. (frost tanks)

10) You can use different sets

Instead of full damage you use a monster set piece to supplement regain
You can use regain set like lich
You can use reduce cost set like alternation master.

11) Poison

Can use poisons to gather resources and debuff enemies. This might work well with poison damage sets too... possibly.

12) Soul magic - consuming trap

Lay claim to enemy souls, dealing [x] Magic Damage to the target and one other nearby enemy over 10 seconds.
Fills a soul gem and restores 7% Health, Magicka and Stamina if affected enemy dies.
Also restore Health, Magicka and Stamina if enemy dies while affected.

13) Equilibrium

Both of these morphs are interesting ways to trade health for magicka

Barter with Oblivion to trade vitality for power, sacrificing [x] Health in exchange for [y] Magicka.
Also grants Major Resolve and Major Ward, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5280 for 20 seconds.
The exchange prevents you from healing yourself for 4 seconds, but you can receive healing from other players.
Adds Physical and Spell Resistance.

14) Get rez by the right person
There's a cp passive that gives 500 magicka regain to person you revive.

15) Use different food
Witchmother and dubious food give health + Max stamina or Max Magicka+ Regain Stamina or Regain Magicka

P.S If you are PC NA you can acquire some from me if you message @Tasear in game >.>
Edited by Tasear on May 22, 2017 10:22AM
  • Dragonnord
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks, extra synergies or so.

    Veteran trials bosses need as much dps as possible, some are even a DPS race. Same in vMA and vDSA.
    Edited by Dragonnord on April 20, 2017 7:56PM
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • geonsocal
    ugh...after nearly 2 years of playing - i just recently finally kicked my purple regen drink habit...looks like it may be time to fall off the wagon...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    Nailed it. All the things OP listed are true but not in DPS race situations that ZOS introduced. Why introduce these specific DPS based arenas etc if you're going to make us spec specifically for sustain; makes no sense.

  • Tasear
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    What if we stacked veil and nova wouldn't this allow more time for dps?
  • Tasear
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    Nailed it. All the things OP listed are true but not in DPS race situations that ZOS introduced. Why introduce these specific DPS based arenas etc if you're going to make us spec specifically for sustain; makes no sense.

    Agreed some areas will need serious review with these changes. But assuming they do look at this then we might options for new tactics. The sets we thought were useless might finally shine.
  • idk
    All this is obvious knowledge for a great many. The parts that are correct. Some of the info is incorrect.

    The jewelry glyphs for reducing position CD hasn't worked right in ages.

    Blocking for the crit chance CP passives is counter intuitive since stam users blocking are us My up more of their resources, including time, if they're doing it for that passive. Also, it doesn't restore resources.
  • Peekachu99
    Willow's Path. Seducer. That stamina "Hunt" set with the rolling and the runes. Salt and pepper with a reduction gylph or two.

    Take your pick.
  • Tasear
    All this is obvious knowledge for a great many. The parts that are correct. Some of the info is incorrect.

    The jewelry glyphs for reducing position CD hasn't worked right in ages.

    Blocking for the crit chance CP passives is counter intuitive since stam users blocking are us My up more of their resources, including time, if they're doing it for that passive. Also, it doesn't restore resources.

    The reduce cost jewelry glyph do work in fact it works especially well if you do it in combination with say reduction of cost set.

    Undaunted Command restores 4% of max magicka, stamina, and health when using synergies. As sustain was not an issue a lot people ignored press x. If healers or dps use or throw more synergies we won't be making heavy attack online.
  • Didaco
    I can't speak for vMoL but vMA doesn't even need a 20k dps to be completed.
  • SnubbS
    I'm just going to throw on my tinfoil hat—what if one of the new Morrowind sets was the ultimate sustain set. So after nerfing everyones sustain into the dirt, you had to buy Morrowind just to be able to sustain again and—what if the set was BoP? Would you put it past Zo$?

    Tasear wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    What if we stacked veil and nova wouldn't this allow more time for dps?

    I don't even play PvE and I can you tell this is wrong lol If it's an enrage timer, no amount of Novas will save you. Maelstrom will still be doable by a fair amount of players—I don't think the same can be said about the new Trial or vMoL.
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • Peekachu99
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    VMA is not a dps race. You need average dps and high survivability. Massive burn is another option. VMA can be done--and quite safely--as a tank with 1600 spellpower. There's also a new CP passive that increases direct damage, which will balance everything out now that you can spread points around twice as much, but no one seems to have actually red the patch notes before screaming bloody murder.
  • Peekachu99
    Didaco wrote: »
    I can't speak for vMoL but vMA doesn't even need a 20k dps to be completed.

    I was just responding to that, and yes, what he said was totally misinformed.
  • Tasear
    SnubbS wrote: »
    I'm just going to throw on my tinfoil hat—what if one of the new Morrowind sets was the ultimate sustain set. So after nerfing everyones sustain into the dirt, you had to buy Morrowind just to be able to sustain again and—what if the set was BoP? Would you put it past Zo$?

    Tasear wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    What if we stacked veil and nova wouldn't this allow more time for dps?

    I don't even play PvE and I can you tell this is wrong lol If it's an enrage timer, no amount of Novas will save you. Maelstrom will still be doable by a fair amount of players—I don't think the same can be said about the new Trial or vMoL.

    Not just nova but use nova + viel then we have less damage incoming and over period to withstand the burn phase. Then again maybe just add three healers or an off healer.There are more methods than brute force.
    Edited by Tasear on April 20, 2017 7:05PM
  • Didgerion
    OP your points contradicts each other. On one hand you say to spec into cost reduction glyphs on the other hand you say to do full heavy attacks. Guess what - your reduction glyphs will suck if you repeatedly need to weave full heavy attacks. Please do proper testing in a hard mode environment like VMA and then come with one setup that worked for you.
  • Tasear
    Didgerion wrote: »
    OP your points contradicts each other. On one hand you say to spec into cost reduction glyphs on the other hand you say to do full heavy attacks. Guess what - your reduction glyphs will suck if you repeatedly need to weave full heavy attacks. Please do proper testing in a hard mode environment like VMA and then come with one setup that worked for you.

    These all various options. You don't actually need to do them all. That would be silly.
  • SnubbS
    Tasear wrote: »
    SnubbS wrote: »
    I'm just going to throw on my tinfoil hat—what if one of the new Morrowind sets was the ultimate sustain set. So after nerfing everyones sustain into the dirt, you had to buy Morrowind just to be able to sustain again and—what if the set was BoP? Would you put it past Zo$?

    Tasear wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    What if we stacked veil and nova wouldn't this allow more time for dps?

    I don't even play PvE and I can you tell this is wrong lol If it's an enrage timer, no amount of Novas will save you. Maelstrom will still be doable by a fair amount of players—I don't think the same can be said about the new Trial or vMoL.

    Not just nova but use nova + viel then we have less damage incoming and low period to withstand the burn phase. Then again maybe just add three healers or an off healer.

    That's not an Enrage timer (i.e a DPS race). An Enrage timer is when you're in ICP and you don't kill the Flesh Atros quick enough—and then they run around hitting everyone for 100k light attacks. No amount of Novas/Veils is going to buy you enough time in that scenario.
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    VMA is not a dps race. You need average dps and high survivability. Massive burn is another option. VMA can be done--and quite safely--as a tank with 1600 spellpower. There's also a new CP passive that increases direct damage, which will balance everything out now that you can spread points around twice as much, but no one seems to have actually red the patch notes before screaming bloody murder.

    Your damage from CP is still going down. Right now you can put 25% into mighty—mighty is being cut to 15% and you aren't going to be able to max that, so it'll end up like 10-12% in that tree, another 10-12% into the 'Direct damage' tree, then you need points in Thaum—and then you need them in Precise Strikes. Basically, your damage gained from CP is going down—that's not a bad thing imo—I don't hate their CP changes apart from the ones that hurt sustain.
    Tasear wrote: »
    There are more methods than brute force.

    In the case of actual 'Enrage timers'—WRONG.
    Edited by SnubbS on April 20, 2017 7:13PM
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • Tasear
    SnubbS wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    SnubbS wrote: »
    I'm just going to throw on my tinfoil hat—what if one of the new Morrowind sets was the ultimate sustain set. So after nerfing everyones sustain into the dirt, you had to buy Morrowind just to be able to sustain again and—what if the set was BoP? Would you put it past Zo$?

    Tasear wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    What if we stacked veil and nova wouldn't this allow more time for dps?

    I don't even play PvE and I can you tell this is wrong lol If it's an enrage timer, no amount of Novas will save you. Maelstrom will still be doable by a fair amount of players—I don't think the same can be said about the new Trial or vMoL.

    Not just nova but use nova + viel then we have less damage incoming and low period to withstand the burn phase. Then again maybe just add three healers or an off healer.

    That's not an Enrage timer (i.e a DPS race). An Enrage timer is when you're in ICP and you don't kill the Flesh Atros quick enough—and then they run around hitting everyone for 100k light attacks. No amount of Novas/Veils is going to buy you enough time in that scenario.
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks or extra synergies.

    vMoL bosses need as much dps as possible, some even are a DPS race. Same in vMaelstrom.

    VMA is not a dps race. You need average dps and high survivability. Massive burn is another option. VMA can be done--and quite safely--as a tank with 1600 spellpower. There's also a new CP passive that increases direct damage, which will balance everything out now that you can spread points around twice as much, but no one seems to have actually red the patch notes before screaming bloody murder.

    Your damage from CP is still going down. Right now you can put 25% into mighty—mighty is being cut to 15% and you aren't going to be able to max that, so it'll end up like 10-12% in that tree, another 10-12% into the 'Direct damage' tree, then you need points in Thaum—and then you need them in Precise Strikes. Basically, your damage gained from CP is going down—that's not a bad thing imo—I don't hate their CP changes apart from the ones that hurt sustain.

    Agreed damage will go down, but it won't be just complete heavy attacks in order to sustain decent dps. There's actually various options that were before excluded now are options. Including cp diversity, we won't be putting 100 points into one node without some thought. Also lower cp can now compete in dugeons, but that's besides the point, as this is a thread to help people get some ideas on how they will now tackling the new sustain issues what will be occurring very soon.
  • idk
    Tasear wrote: »
    All this is obvious knowledge for a great many. The parts that are correct. Some of the info is incorrect.

    The jewelry glyphs for reducing position CD hasn't worked right in ages.

    Blocking for the crit chance CP passives is counter intuitive since stam users blocking are us My up more of their resources, including time, if they're doing it for that passive. Also, it doesn't restore resources.

    The reduce cost jewelry glyph do work in fact it works especially well if you do it in combination with say reduction of cost set.

    Undaunted Command restores 4% of max magicka, stamina, and health when using synergies. As sustain was not an issue a lot people ignored press x. If healers or dps use or throw more synergies we won't be making heavy attack online.


    I'd suggest you read my post again.

    I never said everything on your list was more t corretc but merely said much of It should be obvious to most and a couple of the items listed were incorrect.
  • Tasear
    Tasear wrote: »
    All this is obvious knowledge for a great many. The parts that are correct. Some of the info is incorrect.

    The jewelry glyphs for reducing position CD hasn't worked right in ages.

    Blocking for the crit chance CP passives is counter intuitive since stam users blocking are us My up more of their resources, including time, if they're doing it for that passive. Also, it doesn't restore resources.

    The reduce cost jewelry glyph do work in fact it works especially well if you do it in combination with say reduction of cost set.

    Undaunted Command restores 4% of max magicka, stamina, and health when using synergies. As sustain was not an issue a lot people ignored press x. If healers or dps use or throw more synergies we won't be making heavy attack online.


    I'd suggest you read my post again.

    I never said everything on your list was more t corretc but merely said much of It should be obvious to most and a couple of the items listed were incorrect.

    Not obvious to all people, there's a lot of people who over look the undaunted command passive. There's some people just to hot headed to think about upcoming issues. As to to say this is a guide for anyone to look at all the options. Also you keep saying something is incorrect, but fail to mention what. I would like to fix it if there is something.
    Edited by Tasear on April 20, 2017 7:26PM
    Good ideas but please hear me out on this one. I've been running a low regen, high max magic build for years. It is totally possible, especially for MagPlars due to the circle you can stand in.

    The key is that you must heavy attack CONSTANTLY while at range. Most of the time in a big PVP battle, and often in a PVE battle, I will jab my opponent with heavy attacks relentlessly. I literally do not even take my finger off of the heavy attack button. I just swing the target around and let my lightning staff find opponents for me. Works great during laggy fights as well.

    Then, when I get gap closed or get to the point where it's full on burn the boss time, I'm sitting on a full tank of 50k magicka. Even if my regen is only 745 ... yup 745 ... I can outlast almost everyone because I've not used one ounce of my gas tank. Have all the regen you want but if you've used half of your 40k and I have all of my 50k, do you really think you're gonna out sustain me?

    A lot of my fights involve surviving burst damage via heals and shields. Then, once I see an opening going ham on someone who has nothing left. Rope-a-dope if you will. A good max resource build can allow you to do this.
    Edited by THEDKEXPERIENCE on April 20, 2017 7:41PM
  • Dragonnord
    Didaco wrote: »
    I can't speak for vMoL but vMA doesn't even need a 20k dps to be completed.

    Well, I don't like to spend 3 hours or more in vMA.
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • Tasear
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Didaco wrote: »
    I can't speak for vMoL but vMA doesn't even need a 20k dps to be completed.

    Well, I don't like to spend 3 hours or more in vMA.

    Agreed some areas need to be adjusted @ZOS_GinaBruno can you ask them to look at this for us?
    Edited by Tasear on April 20, 2017 8:09PM
  • Shader_Shibes
    With your suggestions, we will have dps parses similar to pre 1.6 xD
    Edited by Shader_Shibes on April 20, 2017 8:16PM
  • ArchMikem
    "We gain this but we lose our precious damage for it."

    You might as well just say it outright, no suggestion is a good one unless it lets us have everything. People want to buy the cake, get a full refund and still stuff their face with it.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Tasear
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    "We gain this but we lose our precious damage for it."

    You might as well just say it outright, no suggestion is a good one unless it lets us have everything. People want to buy the cake, get a full refund and still stuff their face with it.

    We were getting fat.
  • Tasear
    I forget something important you can add poisons that give you magicka.
  • sneakymitchell
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Mostly all you listed will give you less DPS since you're losing weapon damage in exchange for resources or losing time in your rotation using heavy attacks, extra synergies or so.

    Veteran trials bosses need as much dps as possible, some are even a DPS race. Same in vMA and vDSA.

    It's either u want burst DPS or put some recovery or reduce cost enchantments. It's either u give some damage up for substain or not. All that depends on u and ur build. This game needed the change for pvp and pve. For pve a lot more different builds will show up.
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • Farorin
    Logged into PTS and my sustain was not that bad, I don't see what everyone is freaking out about, it's not an obscene change.
  • ADarklore
    I would suggest to all people to prepare for Morrowind patch to go into their character and remove all CP's from Cost Reduction, reduce your regen to 15%, and pull a point out of your armor cost reduction & regen passives. This is what Morrowind is bringing. While we cannot put CP into the new constellations, this will give you a good starting point to assess where you're at for sustain.

    Further, those who talk about DPS versus sustain... this is exactly why ZOS is doing this... because of people having high damage and high sustain and being able to rush through content... they want players to CHOOSE one or the other. So if you want to do high damage, then you risk running out of juice and depending on heavy attack for regen)... or... you choose the path of sustain and deal with reduced damage and taking longer to get through content.
    Edited by ADarklore on May 3, 2017 1:04AM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Absalon
    Boring, this game is about to become extremely boring...maybe it's time to start looking for another mmo.
    CP 810 (PC-NA)
    Harnak - Magplar Healer (PVE)
    Gavin - Magsorc DPS (PVE)
    Manthys - Magplar DPS (PVP)
    Adrya - Stamblade DPS (PVP)
    Targesh - Stamplar DPS (PVP)
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