lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Don't pug CoA2 vet, go with people you know or join a pve guild.
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »Have had 4 groups today for it, Only one has been able to complete it where we burned through every boss with only 1 wipe the entire dungeon. After that I get dps who spam snipe and can't even do enough dps to get past the 2nd boss....Like come one people. I need a Skoria helm and needed to get my dailies done for hopefully a skoria shoulder and all that was shot down the drain today..
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »How about not PUGging when you want something done the quick and easy way ?
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Don't pug CoA2 vet, go with people you know or join a pve guild.
Can't go with people I know when most of them are offline cause it's midnight
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Don't pug CoA2 vet, go with people you know or join a pve guild.
Can't go with people I know when most of them are offline cause it's midnight
There are pve guilds and raid guilds where most members are online late nights, and trading guilds have people active 24/7 ...the more social trading guilds are good for dungeon finding
lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
Only the last boss is a dps race. Decent groups burn down others too and ignore mechanics but none of those actually need a good dps to complete.
Skoria on the other hand is probably the biggest dps check in the veteran dungeons. Not that most weak pugs get far though...
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »How about not PUGging when you want something done the quick and easy way ?
Well I would hope people wouldn't be that mindless tbh....Theres no reason for it. If they are low lvl or maybe 200cp less maybe and only MAYBE can I understand it. But when you're 250+ you should at least know how to use more abilities then just snipe
There is casual players, pvp'ers etc aswell. Uhm you don't have to play with them? You can't assume or accuse all the people at sux at coa2. I can finish every pledge or farm any dungeon approx 20-25 min~ with my friends or even pug.
But probably your additude like this mostly in-game, so no one wants to be your friend right?
git gud.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »How about not PUGging when you want something done the quick and easy way ?
Well I would hope people wouldn't be that mindless tbh....Theres no reason for it. If they are low lvl or maybe 200cp less maybe and only MAYBE can I understand it. But when you're 250+ you should at least know how to use more abilities then just snipe
... but those are your hopes, your judgements and your expectations.
There are hundreds of reasons why people don't perform the way you expect them to, the main reason being that most people don't want to follow a meta, to spoil themselves by studying videos like it was homework, or to comply with your expectations.
If you want stuff done quick&easy with good players, YOU should put in the efforts of joining adequate guilds and building up a list of friends accordingly. Don't blame PUGgers for your lack of efforts in that regard.
But you can always not do your part, blame others and whine on forums.
lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
Only the last boss is a dps race. Decent groups burn down others too and ignore mechanics but none of those actually need a good dps to complete.
Skoria on the other hand is probably the biggest dps check in the veteran dungeons. Not that most weak pugs get far though...
On yesterday grouping tool run.
Tanked Daedroth under the column while rest group was there, so swarms of adds were not a problem (so it was not dps run)
Pulled both athros moving circles around while rest were focusing Titan (so it was not dps run too)
Yep was finishing Scoria with impale spam standing in lava allready ))
BTW, what forth boss is counted as DPS race?
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »There is casual players, pvp'ers etc aswell. Uhm you don't have to play with them? You can't assume or accuse all the people at sux at coa2. I can finish every pledge or farm any dungeon approx 20-25 min~ with my friends or even pug.
But probably your additude like this mostly in-game, so no one wants to be your friend right?
git gud.
No actually with the last group I was in before I said *** it and to quit trying I was as friendly as can be and then after several attempts on ash titan and a guy having to go feed to get rid of his vampirism we moved onto the boss that summons storm atronachs and couldn't kill him so I just left the group. I'm not trying to spend nearly 2 hours hours just to kill the ash titan and still not even be done with the dungeon. Most the time I'm usually in a chat party with a friend or just have my mix unplugged
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
Pisses me off, I need Impen Heavy Skoria Helm and I need medium Impen shoulders...Cant even get the pledge let alone the dungeon done...Like why go into a dungeon to spam snipe for dps...My sorc is a PvP build but at least I throw on a couple aoes and can still do decent dmg
lauykanson wrote: »COA2 is not a good place to pug as 4 out of 6 boss fights are DPS race
Only the last boss is a dps race. Decent groups burn down others too and ignore mechanics but none of those actually need a good dps to complete.
Skoria on the other hand is probably the biggest dps check in the veteran dungeons. Not that most weak pugs get far though...
On yesterday grouping tool run.
Tanked Daedroth under the column while rest group was there, so swarms of adds were not a problem (so it was not dps run)
Pulled both athros moving circles around while rest were focusing Titan (so it was not dps run too)
Yep was finishing Scoria with impale spam standing in lava allready ))
BTW, what forth boss is counted as DPS race?