[NA] [XB1] All welcome to Safe Space! Enjoy playing again! Casual/Social PVE/PVP guild
Looking to have fun, play casual, and enjoy your time with people? Have a good sense of humor? Join us at Safe Space! (A completely satire name. Go ahead and have a laugh, we did naming it) We're a social guild for all players on the XBOX NA server. We welcome all, from the new casual players to the experienced players! We're ready for trials and are ready to add some more people to the group.
We enjoy the PVE and PVP aspects of the game. We are active people! We like to joke around and have fun. We use a phone app called LINE to help coordinate events and activities throughout the guild. Only play once a week? Great, we will see you then. Are you more active? Awesome, we hope to see you in guild chat. Play at night? Awesome, we have other players that do too. Early morning player? Great, we have members that play at all times of the day. There is generally at least one person online to talk to.
We do have a few guide lines to follow:<br>
1) Remember at the end of the day this is a video game. Most of us have a real life outside this. We want to play to have fun. Don't be a ***. Don't ruin other peoples game time.
2) We like to joke around but please refrain from insults on a personal level. We have new players that we enjoy teaching the game to and want to encourage them to play.<br>
3) 18+ age members. This is a requirement.
4) Have fun
I encourage you to come check us out! All events are put together by fellow guild members. If you are interested message gamertag(s) Deadwillpower, Jadephoenix711, or myself laughedgoose675 for an invite on xbox or in game. Leave a comment below with you GT and invites will be sent before the end of the day.
Looking to run pledges, or go on skyshard/lorebook hunts, or even grind out that new toon in the catacombs then Safe Space is the place for you. Just join guild chat and plenty of our members will help you in any way possible. We are already about to start TRIAL FARMING to get that BIS gear, so check out Safe Space and join in on the fun.
Edited by Laughedgoose675 on June 15, 2017 8:09PM