I am the Chieftain of Clan Moggnak, an all Orc guild.
My vision is to build the largest Horde of Orcs that Tamriel has ever known and to march that Horde onto the battlefields of Tamriel. The 35 Orcs under my command, and the War Chiefs that support me have already taken Tamriel by storm.
We take the time to invest in each of our Orcs, giving them the necessary equipment and training needed to take on several of the enemy at once. Our strength is honed through rigorous dungeon runs and PvP sessions.
Our crafters and resource farmers insure that our treasury is stocked with gold and the best equipment.
To join Clan Moggnak or to aquire more info about us, please feel free to contact me. I am best reached on this forum or by contacting my gamertag:
lxThe Despairxl.
Remember: No one bests an Orc!