Hearthlight - Casual and Social Guild for Housing Enthusiasts!

Hearthlight is a social guild for housing and decorating enthusiasts! We love showing off our creations, actively trade furnishing recipes, and craft for each other! We are also a community that likes to be helpful for finding groups for PvE, dungeons, and every aspect of ESO. Discord available for voicechat.

The only rule we have is to be respectful, we are a drama free zone. Come to the hearth, pour yourself some ale, grab a sweetroll, and become part of our community!

Send a message in game to @Kesstryl @ChaosBlue @Jaeysa or @Omega-Cumulonimbus in-game, or leave a post here in this thread :)
Edited by Kesstryl on August 7, 2017 4:04AM
HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Kesstryl
    Edit - Please send recruit messages to @Jaeysa as she is the current guild leader, and I am on hiatus this patch.
    Edited by Kesstryl on October 24, 2019 10:05AM
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Jaeysa
    Great guild for people who are interested in housing - whether it's looking at other peoples' places or showing off their own. Very friendly group of people.
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Hi, I would love an invite if you are still recruiting. I'm new to guilds, and a low-level (but long-term) player who tends not to be terribly socially active, in part because I'm unfamiliar with the mechanics of both Discord and Guilds, but also in part because I'm still mainly playing solo and usually have a full agenda for the 90 minutes or so that I play every day. If that's okay, I'm @ProfesseurFreder
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Kesstryl
    @ProfesseurFreder I won't be in-game until later this afternoon, so you can look for @ChaosBlue or @Omega-Cumulonimbus in-game, or I'll catch you later when I log in :)
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Thank you!
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • MissLadyPink
    Soul Shriven

    Hey Kesstryl & co..

    It is @MissLadyPink here. My computer "broke" a couple of weeks ago... so if anyone noticed, I've been inactive due to technical casualties.

    I hope to be back in the next week or so.

    This guild is amazing and I have been recruiting like minded enthusiasts through discord.

    Hope to see everyone soon!

  • MissLadyPink
    Soul Shriven

    I am interested in a discord invite.


    Thank you!!

    Edited by MissLadyPink on May 19, 2017 2:51AM
  • Kesstryl

    I am interested in a discord invite.


    Thank you!!


    Sure thing, I'll invite you to Discord asap
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • MissLadyPink
    Soul Shriven
    Kesstryl wrote: »

    Sure thing, I'll invite you to Discord asap

    Thank you!!
  • Kesstryl
    This week we did manage to get a trader, if you would like a friendly and social guild centered around housing and decorating, come to the hearth!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Hi, I'm in the guild and don't seem to have a connection to the Discord server. Can I get an invite?

    I wanted to invite the guild to my houses... I bought the big lake lodge in Morrowind earlier this week, and opened it up to the guild. I got it furnished only because the amount of furnishings you get for the price is a bargain, but I'll be changing it up a lot in the coming weeks (although I haven't started yet).

    Will be opening up my other houses soon, if they aren't available already, Especially proud of the working Alchemist's Laboratory I created in Domus Phrasticus.
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Stormrose
    Hello! I would love an invite. I love working on my house and I would love to see all the creations the guild has made so far. My in game name is @Stormrose
  • Kesstryl
    @ProfesseurFreder The discord invite link is on our guild page in game :) just use it to join our discord server.

    @Stormrose Yes, invite incoming!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Ah, OK. Duh. I'm still new to everything guild-and-chat-related. Thanks!
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Kesstryl
    Ah, OK. Duh. I'm still new to everything guild-and-chat-related. Thanks!

    All good, ask any of us in game if you have any question, we are all friendly and helpful :)
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • jcf190b14_ESO
    I'm still new to the game, but I'd be interested in joining if you have a spot open. Thank you.

  • Kesstryl
    I'm still new to the game, but I'd be interested in joining if you have a spot open. Thank you.


    Invite sent, welcome to the hearth!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • reignofchaos99
    Soul Shriven
    Im interested in joining the community.

  • Kesstryl
    Im interested in joining the community.


    Invite sent, welcome to the hearth!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Juju_beans
    I'd like an invite to your guild. New to ESO and still low level but I have fallen in love with crafting..all aspects of it.
    Going to be buying my first house soon and would love to be in a community of housing enthusiasts for the long haul.

  • Cuhdalie
    Hi there! I'm also interested in joining! I dont own more than the free apartment as I just started the game, but I have a bunch of housing items and love the housing system in this game.
    I'll be onling after work at about 6PST though, let me know if you guys still have room! @Cuhdalie
    Edited by Cuhdalie on June 7, 2017 3:22PM
  • Treat
    Sent a message in game! I'd love to join and check out all these cool houses :)@Treat
    The Harbinger of Cheer!!!!!
    Ankle Biters
  • Kesstryl
    Cuhdalie wrote: »
    Hi there! I'm also interested in joining! I dont own more than the free apartment as I just started the game, but I have a bunch of housing items and love the housing system in this game.
    I'll be onling after work at about 6PST though, let me know if you guys still have room! @Cuhdalie

    Sorry guys, busy day yesterday, getting caught up with invites, welcome to all of you!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Kesstryl
    We finally reached 100 players! We have room for plenty more! Come to the hearth, drink some ale, and have house parties with us!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Lingenedil
    Soul Shriven
    I have a housing addiction (although I have a hard time affording it) so I'd love to join! I'm @Lingenedil in-game.
  • Kesstryl
    @Lingenedil Invite sent Welcome to the hearth :)
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Bellamy
    I'm currently on a flight to another country so I may not be available in game for a few days, but I was wondering if you guys are still recruiting? ^_^
    PC | NA | CP340
    Rhase | Dunmer | Magplar DPS
    Jo'lli | Khajiit | Warden Healer
  • OmniDo
    I'd like to join if theres still room. :smile:
  • Niyogi
    I haven't yet begun to decorate my homes, but I've begun collecting homes and recipes in preparation to do so. I just wanted to get a good furniture base ready before I go trying to decorate. If you'll have me, I'd love to join. @Niyogi :)
    Edited by Niyogi on August 14, 2017 1:45PM
  • ChaosBlue
    I will be sending any outstanding invitations as soon as servers are back up.

    Also feel free to message any of us in-game too for an invite if we are taking too long.

    Out of curiosity, is anyone getting the big Nord Hall? :smiley:
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts!
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