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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

When the servers are shut down forever

  • film
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    I plan on being deeply involved in some other MMO before the ESO servers shut off.

    Usually the death knell is sounding well before the company ever "shuts the lights off" on an MMO, and as I've done many times in the past, when that time comes, it's time to explore other MMORPG options.

    The only MMO I've ever stayed with until the very last day, was Star Wars Galaxies. That was truly an amazing MMO, and I was very sad to see that one go. I was there from day 1, and was one of those many players that they had to forcefully boot off the system in order to shut off the servers. That was one MMO I really didn't want to let go of.

    While I greatly enjoy ESO, it doesn't hold anywhere hear the magic (for me at least) as SWG did. By the time ESO is ready to shut down for good, I will be well involved in the next MMO.

    That's not me hating on ESO or ZOS. That's just the nature of the MMORPG industry.

    That "magic" is for most players only available in their first mmo. For me that was also SWG. Not from day 1 due to exams back then, but December 2003 I started by journey. Also until the very end. I still have contact with a few people from the old Eclipse server on Steam and in SWG emu.

    I never found the same magic in any other mmo. Maybe a bit of it in Vanguard though.

    I still like ESO, and I look forward to Morrowind and the future. But I also already backed Pantheon because that looks like a neat PvE mmo for me.
    I agree on the "magic of your first MMO" psychology.

    I cut my teeth on the first MMO's. Asheron's Call, Ultima Online, EverQuest... those three MMO's are still what I use to judge every single MMORPG I play. Not necessarily for the graphics of the newer games vs the older ones. There were drastic graphical limitations (obviously) for those older MMO's, so that's not a point of comparison.

    No, I judge purely by game play mechanics, depth of Quests/Content, and character customization. Of which, those three MMORPG's are considered the "base standard" in my eyes. If newer MMO's don't at least come close to what those three MMO's offered, then I don't consider it seriously as an MMO option.

    So I definitely see what you're saying as far as the psychology of the magic of a person's first MMO. I do have to admit, of all the multitude of MMO's that I've played, SWG was the only one that recreated that "magic" of my first MMO's. I still pine for SWG, though I can't bring myself to get into the private server/EMU. It just doesn't "feel the same" to me.

    Maybe that's just me being silly, but that's how it feels.

    And while I'm not hating on ESO in any way (as I mentioned earlier), it just doesn't hold up to those four earlier MMO's. It's a good MMORPG, and I enjoy it greatly. But it's not as "quality" as any of the four listed above IMO. So, I'll play ESO until another MMO comes along that recreates that "magic" again.

    Once that MMORPG arrives, I'll let most of my other MMO play time die down to a trickle. It's rare to find an MMO that recreates that feeling, and when it eventually comes around, I make sure that I don't miss a minute of it. :)

    Although, we judge MMOs on different criteria I have to agree with everything you said.

    Follow the stream if you like the stream. Marry the stream if you love the stream.
  • film
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    Maybe they'll nerf it hard enough by then I can actually beat it :)

    Have you tried it on your CP600 High-Elf NB (Assuming Magicka)? What gear are you running? I mean, I suck at this game but I can probably help you with rotation, gear, potions, food, etc to beat it on that character.

    Follow the stream if you like the stream. Marry the stream if you love the stream.
  • MaDGaR
    You guys say some really dumb ***. ZOS and Bethesda are not going ANYWHERE ANYTIME soon. Bethesda and ZOS both know the value of elder scrolls never letting it go. EA is not even going to offer enough. EA my opinion last 20 years has not made a good game... They have bought good games and turned them into total ***. cough mass effect. cough swtor.

    So they wont give away their rights.... second myth game developers give away their codes.... HELL FING NO THEY DONT. you realize how expensive it is to even make your own game engine????? must be an iq of 60 to not understand work money sweet, blood and tears go into that. to give it away well hardcore gamers would..... but not how business works even when it comes to games. code will not be free. swg is a great example of the private servers. developed and maintained by the community ALONE. no backing no help.

    8-30 years? wow. that is a big life span for this game. I give it 6 more years TOPS. before they develop a new one or shut down. Then again last single player is still skyrim and people are still buying the *** out of it. Bethseda knows how to polish their old games. ZOS lets not compare the two...... ZOS was a total *** up with ESO in the beginning they made up for it SLOWLY KIND OF. they made profit on their return, why else you see so much DLC being developed but at same time we cannot get tabards to be BOE. - MOTIFS are still character base i assume this is due to MONEY COW. GOOD luck getting RIGHTS TO SOURCE CODE. U may however find a private server with no population.
  • DieAlteHexe
    kalimar44 wrote: »
    Everquest is still going at 17 years and counting.

    Ultima Online as well after 20 years.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • red_emu
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Nova Sky
    Nova Sky

    Motifs will become account-wide as of the Dragon Bones DLC, if I remember the notes correctly.
    "Wheresoever you go, go with all of your heart."
  • Chaos2088
    When I see posts about the closing this brain flips through images like this:


    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • zaria
    MaDGaR wrote: »
    You guys say some really dumb ***. ZOS and Bethesda are not going ANYWHERE ANYTIME soon. Bethesda and ZOS both know the value of elder scrolls never letting it go. EA is not even going to offer enough. EA my opinion last 20 years has not made a good game... They have bought good games and turned them into total ***. cough mass effect. cough swtor.

    So they wont give away their rights.... second myth game developers give away their codes.... HELL FING NO THEY DONT. you realize how expensive it is to even make your own game engine????? must be an iq of 60 to not understand work money sweet, blood and tears go into that. to give it away well hardcore gamers would..... but not how business works even when it comes to games. code will not be free. swg is a great example of the private servers. developed and maintained by the community ALONE. no backing no help.

    8-30 years? wow. that is a big life span for this game. I give it 6 more years TOPS. before they develop a new one or shut down. Then again last single player is still skyrim and people are still buying the *** out of it. Bethseda knows how to polish their old games. ZOS lets not compare the two...... ZOS was a total *** up with ESO in the beginning they made up for it SLOWLY KIND OF. they made profit on their return, why else you see so much DLC being developed but at same time we cannot get tabards to be BOE. - MOTIFS are still character base i assume this is due to MONEY COW. GOOD luck getting RIGHTS TO SOURCE CODE. U may however find a private server with no population.
    MMO are shut down then the they don't make enough money to run the servers.
    Some exceptions like SWG because they only rented the licence for the game but if you own the franchise you keep it running.
    Also some cash grab WOW clones who flopped at launch.

    Now at some point they stopp making new stuff because too few buy dlc and chapters, they also stop making new crown store items and the game enter legacy mode, this might happens in 6 years.
    However the money they get inn easy cover the cost of running the server for a long time, just the lore in the game make it relevant to play in 20 years.

    Looks that you are annoyed of minor quality of life stuff, yes its one of eso weak parts, for me its replay button on mail, requested it during beta.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • AzraelKrieg
    No. Bad draugr. Get back in the pit.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • CardboardedBox
    Ehh, whenever it does shut down, they will probably open up fallout online.
  • Silver_Strider
    The only thing that will kill ESO is ZOS releasing Fallout Online.
    Argonian forever
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