Not sure whether I understood you correctly.
Are you saying that sorcerers can wear heavy armor ?.
Sorcerers are like mages who wear only cloth ...right ?
Which build is good for solo leveling a sorcerer via quests ?
Not sure whether I understood you correctly.
Are you saying that sorcerers can wear heavy armor ?.
Sorcerers are like mages who wear only cloth ...right ?
Not sure whether I understood you correctly.
Are you saying that sorcerers can wear heavy armor ?.
Sorcerers are like mages who wear only cloth ...right ?
Which build is good for solo leveling a sorcerer via quests ?
I am mainly focused on survivability.
I am a very casual player who is OK with less damage as long as I do not keep dying
I did some research online and found out that there is a weapon called "destruction staff".
Where can I get that weapon in starting zone ?
Not sure whether I understood you correctly.
Are you saying that sorcerers can wear heavy armor ?.
Sorcerers are like mages who wear only cloth ...right ?
Lexifer452 wrote: »I agree with all the leling tips posted so far. Save one. Dpencil recommended using the thief mundus. While I use the thief almost exclusively on all my max level characters I get more use out of the warrior, or stamina, and the apprentice, for magicka when leveling. Your crit chance is going to be really low starting out. Even more so if you are running training on all your armor and weapons. An extra bit of spell or weapon damage seems like it'd be of greater use to someone leveling when their crit chance to start is only 25% max. 10% base value plus maybe twelve percent if they are leveling an alt and have cp to utilize.
I tend to craft training gear every ten levels from 10-40. I put training on my weapons also until level 40 and then swap weapons to precise while keeping training on all my armor. Actually leveling a redguard sorc right now and recently got him to forty. My crit is around 54 when buffed by major savagery. 44% normal. Stats are starting to look normal, normal meaning close to what they will be with cp160 gear in a couple hours. Crit is still low and so is weapon damage but that will level out once I hit fifty.
My overall point is don't worry too much about crit chance when leveling a new toon. Sure it helps, the higher it is but while you're leveling you have to think of it this way. Will you get more out usefulness out of a slightly higher damage all the time or a slightly higher than that damage boost thirty percent of the time.
If power leveling I highly recommend spellscar in craglorn, various areas and delves in coldharbour, zombie runs in riften and if you like skyreach in craglorn. I don't like running skyreach anymore but it does work. Just don't get suckered into paying for grind runs. People are parasites. You can easily find someone in a similar leveling situation to yourself who you can grind with if that's how you want to do it. All of the above mentioned grind spots are good for leveling fighter's guild also as the enemy types you will encounter there are daedra and zombies.
If playing a magicka sorc it is never too early to start grinding notebooks. You will need to sooner or tern and it becomes less tedious if you do, say one rank worth per day rather than ten all at once. Mage's guild dailies help too and they are shareable with group members. Same goes for undaunted dailies, the delves not the dungeon pledges. Fighter's guild dailies are alright but I find they can take a lot longer than undaunted and mg dailies since most dolmens I encounter have recently been beaten and need to respawn.
Basically though, stamina or magicka get surge asap and use the weapons and skills you want to once you hit fifty. Saves you from having to level a weapon line from scratch once you get their. Sure you can use two handed on a magicka sorc while leveling effectively enough but why would you? Better to run destro resto primarily while leveling and if you want to switch to stamina later on deal with it then, ya know?
Also, worth noting, is holding off on reading any books, from bookshelves I mean. Wait until the skill lines you want to level are around forty plus. For instance, why get a free couple levels from reading books in daedric aummoning or enchanting or resto staff at level five when they are easy to increase then at level 45 when the process takes much longer to level it up each rank.