How much spell resistance do VMSA monsters have

Wondering how much resistance veteran maelstrom enemies have. Thinking about running elemental drain but don't want to overpenetrate.
PC NA and Xbox NA
  • XGCAlbatr0ss
    I would assume the same as every other dungeon and/or trial. 18k
  • paulsimonps
    It is not like dungeons and trials or overland, I tested it myself a while back and their resistances are all over the place. Some have high some have low, and they almost always dont have the same physical as they do spell.
  • WarpigFunk
    some have 12k some have 18k and some have 9k ... iirc
    PS4 [NA]
    Hingle McKringleberry - Altmer MagSorc DD The Flawless Conquerer
    Sek Sual Chocolate - Redguard StamSorc DD Stormproof
    Doktor Feelgood - Breton Templar Healz Boethia's Scythe
    Tiberius Asskickatron - Imperial DK StamTank Mageslayer
    vAAHM 100k+, vSOHM 100k+, vHRCHM 100k+, vMoL 78k, vDSA 36k, vMA 535k
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