Looking for a guild


I'm new to this game and looking for a casual players guild, ideally one with little to no fees. I see spam in game seeking guild members, but they want 4k a week for dues. I can't afford these kind of fees as I'm only level 35 and have only amassed 25k, this is with me spending gold only to repair. Basically, I'm looking to become a better player and run dungeons etc with guildmates. My gamer tag is Mooreforce8739. Thank you...
  • Seamonkey001
    Fathers of the Dominion are recruiting and are all inclusive guild. We welcome players of all types and we are friendly. If interested let me know. Happy Adventuring!!!
    XBox Live GamerTag: Sea Monkey 001
    Main Character: Kelach, High Elf, Sorcerer, Level CP 275
    Guild: Fathers of The Dominion

    Twitch: SeaMonkey001
  • Abunai_808
    stpolaris wrote: »

    I'm new to this game and looking for a casual players guild, ideally one with little to no fees. I see spam in game seeking guild members, but they want 4k a week for dues. I can't afford these kind of fees as I'm only level 35 and have only amassed 25k, this is with me spending gold only to repair. Basically, I'm looking to become a better player and run dungeons etc with guildmates. My gamer tag is Mooreforce8739. Thank you...


    This is our Ohana information. Let me know if this would be of interest to you.
    Da Melting Pot [DmP]
    FFXIV Midgardsormr

    Hawaiian Kanak Attack [HKA]
    FFXI Lakshmi
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