ESO Live - Warden This Week! What Are Your Questions?

So as the thread title says, unless Gina was mean and lied to us... WARDEN INFORMATION!
Anhedonie wrote: »
Will we see the warden today?
Not today. We're going to be focusing on Battlegrounds for this show, but we'll be featuring the Warden for the next show in 2 weeks.

So what questions do you all have? We've had some information and teases from PAX but this will be our first open community questions on the class.
@Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
"Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Phatmattfu
    I'm curious to how the damage calculations work with the bear ultimate.

    Does it benefit from all offensive stats?

    If the player has a buff say minor berserk, does the bear increase in damage as well ? Or would the buff have to be cast on the bear for it to benefit?
  • Tyrion87
    One question bothers me all the time: why so few class skills that deal dmg? Only buffs and heals...
  • Marabornwingrion
    The only thing I wanna know is about CP changes (removing cost reduction)... Are they really going to implement this? I don't wanna pre order Morrowind until I won't know the answer...
  • Turelus
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    The only thing I wanna know is about CP changes (removing cost reduction)... Are they really going to implement this? I don't wanna pre order Morrowind until I won't know the answer...
    Answered last week ESO Live.
    Rich: Changes will be happening, reason is because they want resource management as part of the game, leaked photos are not final.

    Edit to make it clearer as there as no ESO Live last week.
    Edited by Turelus on March 28, 2017 4:46PM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • UppGRAYxDD
    I wanna know how they will address the never ending lag spikes once Morrowind drops and there are wardens and pets running around everywhere...
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • Huyen
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    The only thing I wanna know is about CP changes (removing cost reduction)... Are they really going to implement this? I don't wanna pre order Morrowind until I won't know the answer...

    Like I said in another thread: preordering morrowind or not doesnt change the skill. The change will effect anyone who has CP. Either with or without Morrowind on their accounts.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • rotaugen454
    What is your favorite pizza topping? (This one might actually get answered ;) )

    Actually, I'm more interested in how they envision the Warden character. Yes, you can take any role with any class, but some are better at specific ones, so I'm curious if they see the Warden as more of a support character?
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Thraben
    Since many wardens will be werewolves as well:

    Can warden-werwolves use vigor in werewolf form so that they are still able to off-heal?
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Thraben wrote: »
    Since many wardens will be werewolves as well:

    Can warden-werwolves use vigor in werewolf form so that they are still able to off-heal?

    I don't quite understand - you believe there will be a change to how werewolf works? Currently, you can only use WW abilities if you are in WW form.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Question 1: Are you going to over-buff the warden for the first 2 months of Morrowind so that everyone has to buy it to be competitive?

    Question 2: Since I already know the real answer to number 1, is there any way we can convince you not to so that PvP and endgame trials are not pure cheese for 2 months just so you can sell more boxes?
  • Night_Wolf2112
    I would really like the option to ''pick" your animal for the Warden ult. I don't really want a bear at all! I would really like a Dire Wolf or some sort of Senche ... I will play a Warden regardless, but the option to choose our pet ult would be golden, instead of forced to use a bear.
  • Vaoh

    I want to see everything.


    Real Questions:
    • How does the damage on Cliff Racer hold up to Force Pulse?
    • Will Impaling Shards be "deadly" at 60K+ health, similar to Blazing Shield?
    • How much damage will the Wild Guardian deal on typical attacks and execute-buffed attacks compared to current abilities we have access to (trying to get an understanding of the numbers behind it)?
    • If Sleet Storm is going to keep the Major Protection buff, will Remembrance be changed to stop the stacking of damage mitigation?

    That's all I can think of atm :)
    Edited by Vaoh on March 28, 2017 4:22PM
  • Lord_MK

    Question 1: Are you going to over-buff the warden for the first 2 months of Morrowind so that everyone has to buy it to be competitive?

    Question 2: Since I already know the real answer to number 1, is there any way we can convince you not to so that PvP and endgame trials are not pure cheese for 2 months just so you can sell more boxes?

    Lol idk why but when I read this I just laughed

  • Lynx7386
    My questions:

    1. Will buffs like major sorcery benefit the frost spells that scale off of health?

    2. Similarly, will Major sorcery and major brutality effect the bear ultimate damage?

    3. will the tree Grove created by the nature ultimate block line of sight, making it a little obstacle to use in battlegrounds?

    4. Early on, one of the text hints for ice shards said it could be used to move enemies around. Will one of the morphs have a Fiery chains like pull effect?

    5. Will we get a Senche-raht skin for the bear?

    6. Do the wing visuals from bird of prey remain for the duration of the buff (10 seconds) or are they like dk flappy wings and only show for a second.

    7. Are there going to be any improvements to hybrid builds, or will the warden be designed with viable hybrid builds in mind?

    8. Show us all the other morphs! =)
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Oompuh
    Show us every morph so we may theorycraft
    Xbox NA - Oompa
    Khajiit DK Tank
    Founder of Major Aegis
    Main Tank of Dissonant Crusade Uprising Savages
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    The only thing I wanna know is about CP changes (removing cost reduction)... Are they really going to implement this? I don't wanna pre order Morrowind until I won't know the answer...
    Cp change should be in the base game patchso it doesn't matter if you have morrowind or not your cp will be affectef anyways you just loose the preorder goodies
  • Turelus
    Thanks for the questions so far, when the ESO Live thread goes up I'll link this there or compile a post with them and hopefully ZOS will see some and answer.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
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