TLE Thread closed

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This thread is closed
Edited by KATObloodpaw on April 5, 2017 8:04PM
GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    Check out our guild on other social media.

    FB Guild group:

    BAND:The Lunar Collective

    Xbox one group:The Lunar Collective

    Edited by KATObloodpaw on April 3, 2017 8:35PM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    Inactive players are demoted after 14 days and removed from the guild after 2 months of inactivity without notice.

    Our guild's bank is using the "Take a penny, Leave a penny." method when it comes to depositing and withdrawing items.Make sure you are replacing items you withdraw with other items or gold deposits of equal value.Abusing the guild bank will result in immediate removal from the guild.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    Ranking is subject to changes.

    (Edited 3/25/17)
    If you are interested in earning a promotion within the guild feel free to read below for extra information on our ranking system.

    Most High- Guild leader.

    High Chief-This prestigious rank is only earned by the most trusted members of the guild.You will have near full permissions, you're allowed as well as encouraged to help manage the guild to the best of your ability.

    Council Chief-This rank is earned by knowledgable/helpful players that go beyond what is expected to help the guild progress and flourish.You will now be allowed to promote, demote and remove lower ranking players within the guild.

    War Chief-This rank is reserved for PVP leaders. It's earned when you have proven to be a valuable and trustworthy soldier in the Alliance War..You are now ready to lead our members through Cyrodil! you will now be allowed to claim/release alliance resources, and demote members.

    Councilor-This rank is obtained by active players who always pay dues,have good general game knowledge and show outstanding loyalty to the guild.Councilors are trusted to oversee, promote and demote lower ranking members.

    Elite Member-"Elite Members" are players who pay 7k guild dues weekly,make consistent sales,and show dedication to our guild.As a loyal member you will now also be allowed full access to the items in our guild bank.Keep in mind abusing bank privledges will get you demoted.You will also be trusted to promote inactive members to the "member" rank.

    Member -Once you pay the 5K weekly dues you will be given access to the guild store.Now it's time to show your worth!make sure to ask other guild members for advice or suggestions if you are unsure of listing prices.You may also edit your own member notes to let the guild know a little about yourself.

    Inactive-This is the rank everyone starts at Pay weekly dues to be promoted for store use.inactive players will be demoted to this rank after 2 weeks of inactivity. After 2 months of inactivity you will be removed from the guild.
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on April 5, 2017 7:57AM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • MiteeAfrodite
    Hi! I'm interested in joining. My gt is MiteeAfrodite
  • PoisonedPastries
    Hi! Returning after a hiatus for work and health and would love to join this or your sister guild! My fiancée and I are active traders.

    GT: LoudLemons and Swampwolf42
  • KATObloodpaw
    Hi! Returning after a hiatus for work and health and would love to join this or your sister guild! My fiancée and I are active traders.

    GT: LoudLemons and Swampwolf42

    Sounds good I'll invite you tomorrow

    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    Hi! I'm interested in joining. My gt is MiteeAfrodite

    I've invited you and everyone else above my post. Welcome to the guild guys
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    We still have more room for other players. We are a great guild looking for active and helpful members.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • WakTank
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join the guild!

    GT: ApexWilly

    Thank you in advance.
  • KATObloodpaw
    No problem Willy I'll have your invite out tonight.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • solgryn
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join, gt is playin4booty, thank you for your time.
  • KATObloodpaw
    Both invited, welcome to the guild.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • TeeOhDublDee
    Would love to join!
    GT: Tee Oh Dubl Dee
  • KATObloodpaw
    I'll invite you in the next hour
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • ski113er
    Hey I would like an invite please, gamer tag is I STAY TUBBY
  • butternutbutt
    Would love an invite! @butternutbutt
  • KATObloodpaw
    Would love an invite! @butternutbutt

    Couldn't invit you. Said the name was wrong
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • butternutbutt

    Couldn't invit you. Said the name was wrong

    Yeah, I realized belatedly we're not on the same server. Thanks anyway!
  • KATObloodpaw
    No problem. Thanks for the interest :)
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • zombiekiller
    Soul Shriven
    If you still have a spot, I would love to join. I have a 175 CP Magicka NB. I'm 38 years old and I usually play every week night after 8 CST, and as much as possible on weekends. Thank you.

    Gamertag: z0mbie k1ller (the "o" in zombie is a zero, and the "i" in killer is a one.)
    Edited by zombiekiller on April 3, 2017 3:40PM
    Xbox One-NA-EP
    Magicka NB
    Gamertag: Z0MBIE K1LLER
    (The "o" in zombie is a zero & the "i" in killer is a one.)
  • KATObloodpaw
    I'll invite you in just a bit. Thanks for your interest, we're still looking to fill about 100 spots.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Luciferazazell
    What faction is this guild witg i am ebonheart
  • Luciferazazell
    Hold up hold up hold up members are expected to pay every week how much? 5,000 gold a week ? ??
    Edited by Luciferazazell on April 3, 2017 10:13PM
  • KATObloodpaw
    Hold up hold up hold up members are expected to pay every week how much? 5,000 gold a week ? ??

    You must be new to trading guilds, Most guilds actually require more gold weekly.some are free but not many.Large trading guilds usually require 10k should also be able to make way more than 5K weekly in sales from the guild store.If you need help making money I or any other member can help you in game.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Luciferazazell
    Im at level 28 and i have done pretty much only pve questing. I use wayshrines to travel and have bought almost nothing from merchants and i have accumulated about 20,000 in gold through my gameplay this is including selling items to merchants to keep inventory down and even though i have ways to go level 28 is a good amount a grind time spliting 20,000 up is about 1 months worth of being in your guild thats alittle exesive not to mention im not on eso 24/7 i have a job . I mean i want to log into eso to have fun not to spend the whole time i have for eso grinding it out to pay guild "dues" ((granted i under stand everyone has to chip in and i dont mind put up gold)) you say other guild ask for 10,000 but even 5,000 seems exesice each pve quest gives you around 200 to 300 gold and it takes about half an hour to and hour for each quest there isnt enough time in the day to make up that amount required i havent played pvp yet is there like crazy money in there ? Sorry for the rambling it just doesnt seem to add up seems like alot of grinding and not much playing lol i dont need to jobs in my life i get plenty from real life
    Edited by Luciferazazell on April 4, 2017 2:41AM
  • KATObloodpaw
    Well my friend,even if you play this game for only an hour once a week you should still be making at least 5,000. 5,000 is really not much in this game. If can recommend better ways to generate gold in game. Questing is probably the worst and slowest way to make gold.
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on April 4, 2017 2:48AM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    By the way it isn't 5k to join. 5k for trader access. I guarantee if you join you will make more than 5k weekly without even paying to be a member.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Luciferazazell
    Lol If you teach me how to grind 5,000 (an hour) i will give the guild 10,000 a week i dont mind giving the gold its juat i havemt seen that level of progression ingame from the parts ive played
  • KATObloodpaw
    Lol If you teach me how to grind 5,000 (an hour) i will give the guild 10,000 a week i dont mind giving the gold its juat i havemt seen that level of progression ingame from the parts ive played

    Leave your GT and I'll invite you. Talk to us in guild chat my friend. We will help.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Luciferazazell
    Level 28
    Ingame name LuciferAzazell
    Faction ebonheart
    Schedule availability weekends i dont work and week days im available after 4:30pm eastern time zone flexible work hours
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