PoisonedPastries wrote: »Hi! Returning after a hiatus for work and health and would love to join this or your sister guild! My fiancée and I are active traders.
GT: LoudLemons and Swampwolf42
MiteeAfrodite wrote: »Hi! I'm interested in joining. My gt is MiteeAfrodite
butternutbutt wrote: »Would love an invite! @butternutbutt
KATObloodpaw wrote: »
Couldn't invit you. Said the name was wrong
Luciferazazell wrote: »Hold up hold up hold up members are expected to pay every week how much? 5,000 gold a week ? ??
Luciferazazell wrote: »Lol If you teach me how to grind 5,000 (an hour) i will give the guild 10,000 a week i dont mind giving the gold its juat i havemt seen that level of progression ingame from the parts ive played