An Oceanic megaserver would make more sense than a NA West. I'm sure players on the West are playing just as good as those in the East. Australians, however...
Almost 70% of the Oceanic population I'm going to say would stay on the NA server. I know I would, I'm so used to the ping and have a bunch of good friends. I don't think they'd make an Oceanic server cause of that reasonAn Oceanic megaserver would make more sense than a NA West. I'm sure players on the West are playing just as good as those in the East. Australians, however...
Well seeing as us UK folk are going to be leaving the EU over the next couple of years can we have a UK and EU server split as well?
An Oceanic megaserver would make more sense than a NA West. I'm sure players on the West are playing just as good as those in the East. Australians, however...
Now that is a good idea. Although I have some good friends from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore playing, I am sure they would like an environment with less lag.
I know ZOS looked into Australia and Japan at one time as possible server locations, but those plans fell apart for $ome reason
You do know that the Mega Servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services. A platform that allows for and facilitates adding more server capacity as needed, on the fly, with no time consuming infrastructure changes. With that in place, what would splitting up the servers between east and west accomplish? Nothing.
An Oceanic megaserver would make more sense than a NA West. I'm sure players on the West are playing just as good as those in the East. Australians, however...
Now that is a good idea. Although I have some good friends from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore playing, I am sure they would like an environment with less lag.
You do know that the Mega Servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services. A platform that allows for and facilitates adding more server capacity as needed, on the fly, with no time consuming infrastructure changes. With that in place, what would splitting up the servers between east and west accomplish? Nothing.