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Please stop calling things in this game "cancer"

  • AnviOfVai
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Please stop, out of common decency and courtesy. It's a loaded term associated with staggering real-world emotional trauma for a large portion of the population, and it makes me cringe every time I see it used flippantly about video game mechanics.

    I propose a more widely acceptable term: "diarrhea".

    Usage examples:

    "It's pure diarrhea in pvp and that's why everyone is running it."

    "getting killed by a sword and board heavy armor proc wearing cloak lethal arrow spammer stam nb. Pure diarrhea."

    " LFG tool was worst than diarrhea this last weekend."

    I agree with you, it makes me cringe as well when seeing it. If you want to disrespect the aspect of the game (which by all means do) please use another word :)
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
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    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • thebattlesaintb14_ESO
    How about people put on their big boy/girl pants and get over it. Hypersensitivity and "ermagherd I'm offended by (insert stupid reason here)"

    Multiple tours in Iraq as a line medic with infantry, cavalry and engineer units - Never see me freaking out on people when I play Arma 3/Battlefield etc. They are games and people are just talking smack.

    Lost multiple family members to a variety of cancers. Will still tell someone they are a malignant *** tumor in a heartbeat.

    The same people getting all sensitive and butthurt about the word cancer being used to describe something in a game are probably seeking some form of attention in their denouncement of the term.

    Get over yourselves. No one anywhere outside of you family cares about your feelings. It's a cold hard truth of the world. "I've had cancer" So? Every male reading this, I've got news for you. All of you will die with some stage of prostate cancer. Period. It's a medical fact. It may not be what kills you, but(pun intended) you will have it.

    Take your sensitivity, put it on a shelf and have a great big glass of Man the **** up.

    These "I'm offended" posts are whats cancer in this game.
  • cjthibs
    The term cancer is relevant to things that spread uncontrollably in a negative FoTM builds or use of unbalanced mechanics. The same way that cancer replaces healthy cells with malignant ones.

    Anyway, cancer is a horrible thing, and doesn't deserve the respect you're giving it.

    If we really want to talk about the power of words, then the history of those words means something as well.
    Cancer isn't a scientific term, that's why we have more specific terms to describe specific illnesses such as mesothelioma, leukemia, etc. Cancer originally referred to crabs in Greek, and also the spreading of tumors or growths like the legs of a crab.

    It actually referred to the spreading, not the illness. This is why you can have a tumor that is cancerous, or non-cancerous. It either spreads, or it does not. And that is exactly why the term is relevant to things that spread with a negative connotation.
  • Cherryblossom
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Please stop, out of common decency and courtesy. It's a loaded term associated with staggering real-world emotional trauma for a large portion of the population, and it makes me cringe every time I see it used flippantly about video game mechanics.

    I propose a more widely acceptable term: "diarrhea".

    Usage examples:

    "It's pure diarrhea in pvp and that's why everyone is running it."

    "getting killed by a sword and board heavy armor proc wearing cloak lethal arrow spammer stam nb. Pure diarrhea."

    " LFG tool was worst than diarrhea this last weekend."


    You see whilst Cancer may kill many people every year, most of these are adults who have lived a long life, many of their life choices have resulted in the said cancer.

    However Diarrhea kills about 2 million children every year, so should we not take more offence to your use of Diarrhea?
  • Turelus
    How about people put on their big boy/girl pants and get over it. Hypersensitivity and "ermagherd I'm offended by (insert stupid reason here)"

    Multiple tours in Iraq as a line medic with infantry, cavalry and engineer units - Never see me freaking out on people when I play Arma 3/Battlefield etc. They are games and people are just talking smack.

    Lost multiple family members to a variety of cancers. Will still tell someone they are a malignant *** tumor in a heartbeat.

    The same people getting all sensitive and butthurt about the word cancer being used to describe something in a game are probably seeking some form of attention in their denouncement of the term.

    Get over yourselves. No one anywhere outside of you family cares about your feelings. It's a cold hard truth of the world. "I've had cancer" So? Every male reading this, I've got news for you. All of you will die with some stage of prostate cancer. Period. It's a medical fact. It may not be what kills you, but(pun intended) you will have it.

    Take your sensitivity, put it on a shelf and have a great big glass of Man the **** up.

    These "I'm offended" posts are whats cancer in this game.

    Just to play devils advocate here.

    Posts like this are great and make some sense, but your personal experience doesn't reflect everyone in the world.

    If someone has just lost a family member very close to them due to cancer, and are not as emotionally strong as others then playing a game and seeing people saying cancer constantly isn't going to be pleasant for them.

    There is an argument for saying "people should be less offended" but that argument shouldn't ever be made over "please be a little more respectful to people".

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Everstorm
    Everstorm wrote: »
    "Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measels combined.

    For your information, diarrhea is only lethal if people don't have access to hygiene and clean water. If you have access to clean water (that is only HALF of the world population, yes, you read me correctly, HALF of all humanbeings), you don't die of diarrhea.
    Which means, if you have a everything that is required to play ESO (computer, electricity and internet access) you do not die of diarrhea.
    In other words, you have zero chance to meet anyone affected by severe or lethal diarrhea in ESO. But your chance of communicating with someone who has or has had cancer or aids is very high.

    I take it your country has zero third world immigrants then?

    Btw, both my parents have had cancer. I don't care about anyone using the word. But replacing one deadly disease with another is rather silly.
    Edited by Everstorm on March 15, 2017 3:46PM
  • Shad0wfire99
    How about people put on their big boy/girl pants and get over it. Hypersensitivity and "ermagherd I'm offended by (insert stupid reason here)"

    Multiple tours in Iraq as a line medic with infantry, cavalry and engineer units - Never see me freaking out on people when I play Arma 3/Battlefield etc. They are games and people are just talking smack.

    Lost multiple family members to a variety of cancers. Will still tell someone they are a malignant *** tumor in a heartbeat.

    The same people getting all sensitive and butthurt about the word cancer being used to describe something in a game are probably seeking some form of attention in their denouncement of the term.

    Get over yourselves. No one anywhere outside of you family cares about your feelings. It's a cold hard truth of the world. "I've had cancer" So? Every male reading this, I've got news for you. All of you will die with some stage of prostate cancer. Period. It's a medical fact. It may not be what kills you, but(pun intended) you will have it.

    Take your sensitivity, put it on a shelf and have a great big glass of Man the **** up.

    These "I'm offended" posts are whats cancer in this game.

    This exactly. "Everyone! Look how offended I am!"

    XBox NA
  • Olupajmibanan
    technohic wrote: »
    what happened to the old terms "Fail" and "Epic Fail", to be honest cancer is something that should not be taken lightly and really has no place in a video game, if you had a family member go through cancer and pass on, you might not look at the use of the word cancer as inappropriate in a game. Any real life serious or life threating disorders should be kept out of the gaming lexicon.

    Fail does not describe what the user intends. Bad does not describe what the user intends. They are using cancer directly how it is meant to be used by its definition. They could use "plague" or something like that, but just random words like "bad, fail, or diarrhea" is pretending that the intention of the use of the word is to shock or offend as a metaphore when they really are using it in its meaning.

    This this and this.

    Yup, I completely agree, if the word "cancer" is to be replaced with something, "plague" is the only appropriate synonym.

    It doesn't sound that harsh: "proc sets are a plague spread accross pvp scene" and still means the same.

    But just as I said before, try to force people not to use word they used for ages (and in fact it isn't even an offense from non-subjective perspective) and replace it with another word which they probably never heard in given context.
    Edited by Olupajmibanan on March 15, 2017 3:52PM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    No one anywhere outside of you family cares about your feelings. It's a cold hard truth of the world.

    Some, even many people do care about other people's feelings. Those of their closed ones as well as those of strangers. They choose words and manners that are meant to be as polite, friendly and neutral as possible to everyone.
    That called... being nice ? Human ? social ? polite ? choose your pick.

    Just because you chose to not be any of that doesn't mean everyone is like you. And what you call the cold hard truth is simply your opinion and choice.

    You know, ESO is a game, not a real war. You can afford to be nice.

  • Tandor
    I can't say I've ever come across the use of the word "cancer" in gaming, but then I don't PvP and I don't use the default zone chat channel, belong to any guilds, or use voice chat. What I do come across on forums, however, which I consider wholly unacceptable is the use of the word "***" in relation to PvP. I see it as a sign of immaturity more than anything, but it should be stamped on by moderators.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Absolutely any word will offend someone. We'll end up with a very limited 1984 "Newspeak" vocabulary so we don't offend anyone.

    Sounds double plus good to me!
    -Unknown American
  • Turelus
    Tandor wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever come across the use of the word "cancer" in gaming, but then I don't PvP and I don't use the default zone chat channel, belong to any guilds, or use voice chat. What I do come across on forums, however, which I consider wholly unacceptable is the use of the word "***" in relation to PvP. I see it as a sign of immaturity more than anything, but it should be stamped on by moderators.

    It's one of the new fads in language.

    like how beating someone badly in a game is sexually assaulting them, or how really horrible things are worse than Germany's leader during WW2.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • ZOS_Bill
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