Merlin13KAGL wrote: »You probably have a DPS in your group that is giving one or more of them immunity when you try to chain - frags, crushing shock, etc. Chain animation will fire, but it won't pull.
So we breezed the first adds and the first boss(after 2 wipes). Then came the Stone Atronach!!! I mean, being a tank my role was easy, keep the boss busy. The issue is the Adds, does anyone have any tips I can give to the healers and DPS to help deal with this? Ive looked up guides that say chain in the adds but you are unable too? I'm guessing a higher DPS is needed but are there any other things we can do?? Any help is always appreciated!
Do the spread/stack tactic. Stack right in front of the boss for as long as he slams the ground. In the boulder phase, spread out so the red aoes don't hit multiple people and blockcast.
As far as the adds is concerned, we usually just ignore them, all but the chainspinners die in the aoe anyway.
Lightning Atro Boss!AhTD-7MDHKlcvmGYJhlIpowHJmLV
Stone Atro Boss!AhTD-7MDHKlcvmBYQ-RlFTpMAEoe
Wisp Mother boss!AhTD-7MDHKlcvmKwe_RKIUeaoUK9
Final Boss NON Hardmode
Part 1 and 2!AhTD-7MDHKlcvl8od_8VHZG5XQAo!AhTD-7MDHKlcvl65IMRakxfFOeAv
Final Boss Hardmode!AhTD-7MDHKlcvmNXSWEdCddPgE_d
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »
@Merlin13KAGL I do not think the adds on Stone Atro can be chained. Might be wrong but I think that is a reason our tanks do not chain them in. They have immunity by design.
Peekachu99 wrote: »Leeching + Imperium or Bahara's and you can tank everything till a certain point, if I recall. Unless they changed it. (Defensive capped, Nord and the Fighter's guild circle for extra tankiness)
Edit: Also, what was mentioned above: better dps.
No. Nord is baaad, don't do it. Argonian and Imperial BiS for tank. Also, you don't want to be using those sets for trials as they don't provide any buffs for the group, get yourself some Ebon, PA, & Alkosh.