So We Tried Vet AA...

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  • HatchetHaro
    I've done this many times with my raid guild.

    Stack when he's in his stomping phase so healers can focus their healing springs, and spread out (loose stack) when he huddles for the rock phase.

    Just heal through everything and you can pretty much ignore the adds. The focus should remain on the foundation stone atronach. This does require you to have good dps.
    Best Argonian NA and I will fight anyone for it

    20 Argonians

    6x IR, 6x GH, 7x TTT, 4x GS, 4x DB, 1x PB, 3x SBS, 1x US, 1x Unchained
  • Merlin13KAGL
    OP, you can also break line of sight if one or more is giving your group particular issue, or direct a DPS to dispatch the ranged one that refuses to come into AoE damage range.

    "Stack" doesn't mean "never, ever move," it's simply means move as a coordinated group. If the DPS is a little lower, I've seen some groups successfully navigate this (and the damage the mages drop) by doing a slow circle around the Atro.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • idk
    You probably have a DPS in your group that is giving one or more of them immunity when you try to chain - frags, crushing shock, etc. Chain animation will fire, but it won't pull.

    @Merlin13KAGL I do not think the adds on Stone Atro can be chained. Might be wrong but I think that is a reason our tanks do not chain them in. They have immunity by design.
  • Amp151

    Tylos001 wrote: »
    So we breezed the first adds and the first boss(after 2 wipes :neutral: ). Then came the Stone Atronach!!! I mean, being a tank my role was easy, keep the boss busy. The issue is the Adds, does anyone have any tips I can give to the healers and DPS to help deal with this? Ive looked up guides that say chain in the adds but you are unable too? I'm guessing a higher DPS is needed but are there any other things we can do?? Any help is always appreciated!



    This is the strategy my guild uses. We bring in new ppl regularly. You don't need optimal set ups or anything special, just a little coordination.

    Tank pull Stone Atronach to the middle.

    Group stacks behind tank.

    When a chain aoe drops the whole group rotates left out of the aoe, while staying stacked. Helps if someone calls it out.

    ALL DPS ATTACK ChainSpinner when they pop up. Tank pulls in and talons the ChainSpinner.
    If tank can't do that, If the ChainSpinner is on a dps, the dps brings it to the middle of the group to allow the Dots everyone drops to hit the Boss as well as ChainSpinner.

    At 75% is when the rock throw phase starts.
    He will pound 5 times then scrunch up and throw rocks.

    While maintaining the above strat you will call out "Loose Stack" at the 4th pound. Ppl need to be far enough from each other to not hit each other with the Rock Throw Splash Damage(the radius of the splash damage is the same as Rune Focus and Liquid Lightening).
    Also ppl need to not move after they are in lose stack position(keep dpsing though)
    This will make the rock throw phase seem easy.

    Rinse repeat until dead.

    If your groups dps is low. Kill a few of the Nullifiers after 8 are up. Kill the ones the group is closest to, should you need to.

    If someone dies and the group rotates away from them, leave them dead until the group rotates back around to them. More ppl will generally die if you get too far away from the stack and out of the Healing Springs radius.

    Good luck.
  • Duckbutta
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Do the spread/stack tactic. Stack right in front of the boss for as long as he slams the ground. In the boulder phase, spread out so the red aoes don't hit multiple people and blockcast.

    As far as the adds is concerned, we usually just ignore them, all but the chainspinners die in the aoe anyway.

    This, if your group dps is high enough, then you can ignore adds.

    If you're saying that you've wiped on the first boss a couple of times though, it might be the case that your team just needs more practice with raid awareness and coordination, as you should have minimal deaths on that fight. More dps of course helps - many raid teams have a dps requirement to be a member, you might want to consider upping yours.
    Daggerfall Covenant [NA/PC] - Requiem | Elder Scrolls Exchange | Nightfighters | Ethereal Traders Union | Centuria Invictus

    Smush M’gush | Orsimer | Stam DK DPS [Trials Guide] [vMA Guide]
    Bill Clawsby | Khajiit | Stam NB PvP/DPS
    Yolo Swagginborn | Breton | Mag Templar DPS [vMA Guide]
    Tastes-Like-Chícken | Argonian | Mag DK Tank
    Cholo Laggins | Altmer | Mag NB DPS [vMA Guide]
    Critney Spearz | Redguard | Stam Templar DPS
    Michael Boltin | Imperial | Stam Sorc DPS
    Sherlock Ohms | Altmer | Mag Sorc DPS
    Pyro Ren | Dunmer | Mag DK DPS
    Mules-All-Gear | Argonian | Mag Templar Healer
    Lil Bossmer | Bosmer | Stam Warden DPS
  • Dasovaruilos
    TARAFRAKA wrote: »

    Thanks for the videos! Really helpful!
    hugocbp wrote: »

    No problem man. :blush:
  • Merlin13KAGL

    @Merlin13KAGL I do not think the adds on Stone Atro can be chained. Might be wrong but I think that is a reason our tanks do not chain them in. They have immunity by design.

    Think you might be right. We've ignored them for so long, I honestly don't remember. (I know the above is often the reason for not being able to chain otherwise chainable adds elsewhere.)

    W/ that, OP, I'd go with rotating the group slowly, and having DPS focus any that are giving you particular grief - they burn fast.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Peekachu99
    Leeching + Imperium or Bahara's and you can tank everything till a certain point, if I recall. Unless they changed it. (Defensive capped, Nord and the Fighter's guild circle for extra tankiness)

    Edit: Also, what was mentioned above: better dps.
    Edited by Peekachu99 on March 15, 2017 1:35PM
  • Duckbutta
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    Leeching + Imperium or Bahara's and you can tank everything till a certain point, if I recall. Unless they changed it. (Defensive capped, Nord and the Fighter's guild circle for extra tankiness)

    Edit: Also, what was mentioned above: better dps.

    No. Nord is baaad, don't do it. Argonian and Imperial BiS for tank. Also, you don't want to be using those sets for trials as they don't provide any buffs for the group, get yourself some Ebon, PA, & Alkosh.
    Daggerfall Covenant [NA/PC] - Requiem | Elder Scrolls Exchange | Nightfighters | Ethereal Traders Union | Centuria Invictus

    Smush M’gush | Orsimer | Stam DK DPS [Trials Guide] [vMA Guide]
    Bill Clawsby | Khajiit | Stam NB PvP/DPS
    Yolo Swagginborn | Breton | Mag Templar DPS [vMA Guide]
    Tastes-Like-Chícken | Argonian | Mag DK Tank
    Cholo Laggins | Altmer | Mag NB DPS [vMA Guide]
    Critney Spearz | Redguard | Stam Templar DPS
    Michael Boltin | Imperial | Stam Sorc DPS
    Sherlock Ohms | Altmer | Mag Sorc DPS
    Pyro Ren | Dunmer | Mag DK DPS
    Mules-All-Gear | Argonian | Mag Templar Healer
    Lil Bossmer | Bosmer | Stam Warden DPS
    Duckbutta wrote: »

    No. Nord is baaad, don't do it. Argonian and Imperial BiS for tank. Also, you don't want to be using those sets for trials as they don't provide any buffs for the group, get yourself some Ebon, PA, & Alkosh.

    Exactly. Please don't give out old advice especially if you're not sure.
    Also, you can see from the video i posted earlier in thread that you dont even have to rotate left or right either, if your healers are good there is not reason they cant heal straight thru the damage without using any novas.
    Edited by TARAFRAKA on March 15, 2017 2:31PM
    KaiVox22 wrote: »
    Hard stack the whole fight, except the flying rocks, soft stack/spread then

    This. The two people that die in my video hadnt spread out or blocked during the rock shrapnel phase. No need to complicate it with rotate here or there etc. No one should be moving much during the fight.
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